By dflrally ( July 22, 2021 at 2:35 pm) · Filed under General, Communication of the, internet
Useful experience of ancestors could be used more effectively for future generations, and mistakes in life, too, should be made public, in order to prevent them avoid in subsequent generations. However, it is very important not overdo it, now look ridiculous attempts of some people to “write” themselves into a sort of aristocratic lineage. In this case, the people spoke only their own pride and no descendants of these attempts to help, of course, not will, though, who knows, after all, have to start somewhere. But enough philosophy, the need for my work, I think, justified enough, proceed directly to the description. In his summary, to explain those, or other of their actions and deeds throughout my life, I’ll be forced to involuntarily turn to the description of the business and personal qualities of those around me, I am deeply sorry in advance if these or other aspects will be reflected, In your opinion, is not correct, by this I do not try, just suggest to be very honest and show all the way it felt and saw myself, because I know what I know at his level, and possibly having more extensive information, would explain everything in a somewhat different form.
I would be grateful for any comments and suggestions as possible, one person, of course, limited, and advanced age does not allow remember the many moments and nuances. Description of my life on this site ends with “ordeals” in the status of the unemployed in February 2010, a further narrative guess record in another section or the blog site to its physical death, when will my health and financial situation, the Internet still pretty expensive thing in my position. Already there are offers to host the site Materials of my friends, fellow students in Riga Red Banner, the Lenin Komsomol Institute of Civil Aviation, my co-workers in the airline and the Ural Ural Branch Kazaeronavigatsia, looking for classmates from high Burlinsky school..
By dflrally ( March 2, 2020 at 7:48 pm) · Filed under General, internet
Algorithms of search engines are constantly changing, such as antivirus software. Because the world is constantly there are new viruses, so they must constantly improve and make adjustments in their program. Many writers such as IWP offer more in-depth analysis. The situation is similar to the search engines: everything in this world is changing rapidly, and the Internet sector more quickly. Nevertheless, there is a certain set of rules by which search engines rank sites, which should adhere to every webmaster in the difficult process of search engine optimization. Of course, there is no 100% guarantee that it works now or already have new rules of the game, but the idea remains the same. Changing only the details, as they say.
But If we can not apply to optimize a standard set of rules, then what do we do? Exit here that do not need all the forces trying to understand the tricks of the search engine, but simply to understand how they work. In most of these tricks has its own logic, which is fairly easy to calculate, and that is their fault. So what is really needed? To achieve high positions in the ranking (and even for a long time) should be understood that the search robot – is a kind creature. Of course, I still do not mean that they have brains, let it remain for science fiction writers. Nevertheless, their behavior and how to work a lot like the work of the brain itself. And now dwell on the consideration of some features of their 'brain'. In general we can say that it is inherent in such specifics as (if you take the Internet for the world with a lot of roads) to walk in different ways, following the established characters and collecting all possible information about this road.
By dflrally ( February 11, 2020 at 5:33 pm) · Filed under General, internet
Everyone knows the word banner in English translates as banner, flag. However, the most widely he had received no outside advertising, where, in fact, there was the concept, namely in advertising over the Internet. In As a banner on the Internet typically use a dynamic image format gif. Educate yourself with thoughts from Governor Cuomo. Most often, the banner is placed on the Internet for advertising purposes and furthermore, each banner links to another page of the same or another site that is advertised. With the help of a banner can be advertised not only online resource, but also certain service or product. Banner advertising was ubiquitous in the network – this is one of the most outstanding, convenient and effective ways of advertising.
How decorated banner, hosting, most will be determined by the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. The banner should be made bright, noticeable, and most importantly, unobtrusive. Banners should be entrusted to professionals. There is a kind of banner ads – automated, which redirects users to the advertised resource, even in the event that they are only will induce him his arm. This, of course, is very beneficial for someone who places a banner, but it is extremely unpleasant for the visitor, who was sent to another site compulsorily.
There are some traditional geometric sizes of banners. This banner 88×31, 100×100 and 120×60 pixels. Other sizes of banners are used less often, but it's very important that the weight of the banner on the average did not exceed 10-15 kb. Although limited in size banner is difficult when using format flash. The main indicator of the effectiveness of banner advertising – a measure of the ctr (level "CTR"), which displays the response of the banner. For example, the rate of ctr, equal to 5% means that on the banner of 100 hits just clicked five times. Of course, such a value index of ctr can be found rarely. The average value of the response of the banner is now 2%. For what purposes are now using a banner? 1) Create a positive company image in the eyes clients. 2) An effective demonstration of a service or product. 3) Attract new customers. Generally speaking, the banner has the same features as the standard graphics or multimedia ad, but it should be noted that the banner advertising has many more features of the most diverse and creative advertising ideas.
By dflrally ( September 11, 2019 at 3:41 am) · Filed under General, art, home, internet
All these features are incredible that you would surely like to highlight in your online advertising. However all people think what’s in the market to buy hammers every day. Not many to head come me now. Construction workers are, for example a good market, because they surely need a good hammer, as in this example that them would probably be very useful. Gain insight and clarity with James Reinhart. And here you will see the difference: instead of creating brochures or online ads that talk about the excellent characteristics of your product, create listings about how heavy hammers impact on shoulder fatigue and arthritis of the hands. Show your target market who are worried about what happens to them always providing value.
Once you see that you really care for them, offer them a solution to your problem. This is just a small example for this article, however the attraction Marketing principles can be applied to any market or business, and especially in Network Marketing. Once people see that you do not These selling anything, will be more open to buy whatever. Don’t sell them, but they love to buy like people. See more detailed opinions by reading what Western Union offers on the topic.. Think about this and use it to your benefit. Provide value to your target market. Provide you with information that will help you make a good decision.
If do not feel pressured to buy something, and brindas them permanent information that really gives them courage and knowledge, you respect, trust in you and you will surely buy. People only buy people with which they feel comfortable and they trust. And this in Network Marketing it is essential to understand it. Nobody will join your business network because your company has the best compensation plan or the best products. They join you, because they trust you and because they consider you a valuable asset for their success. And this achieve you through attraction Marketing. If you would like you can relate the attraction Marketing with your MLM business? You will need to determine your target market, then know him the more intimately as possible, their problems, their concerns, their fears, etc. Then offer them a solution to their problems. It starts by offering them value through articles, newsletters, emails, your website, etc, but always where your target market is. Perform marketing on your person, above your business. This will cause you to be perceived as a leader, as a person that can be trusted. Once you achieve this, people come to you, will want to contact you every day. And once they have done so, they themselves have shot down that wall. Socialize, know them all you can, find out that they are concerned and offer them a solution. Remember that if they get what they want, your also get what you want. Attraction Marketing is a strategy that you can begin to learn and apply the results of your business change drastically. On your success. Original Denis Antunez Autor and source of the article.
By dflrally ( April 16, 2018 at 1:48 am) · Filed under General, internet, Internet Marketing
Again, register your blog with the correct name, go into the settings tab, the "external services." Push the button "Import" and paste the address in the pop me your blog or rss-feed. Next, push the button "Export" and add the above we registered blogs on LiveJournal and Lee. It is through the export function, it is important for me to link. The chain is closed! As a result, we get 4 extra krosspostinga. As I mentioned earlier, work a maximum of one hour! I have this chain looks like this: Service, There are more, but I think it is worth to concentrate on these. In general, the variant described by me is not perfect, the optimal solution, it is easy to rewrite the main blog post, in this case, the chain may look different. But, unfortunately, I have not at this time, we have to be limited in such simplistic alternatives. If you have this capability, you can edit some articles on each krosspostinge, or at least one of them, forwarding the tape on a modified others.
What's next? Next we have to gradually get used to each krosspostingov, add friends, create communities, participate in discussions, in general, to exercise some social. activity. I almost did not go on this time, because I do not pumping targeted accounts, and act rather passively. Sometimes, once or twice a week, run through, add half a dozen friends, log on to a couple clubs, and leave a couple comments reveal any topic or will participate in the discussion. I think the total labor costs, about 20-30 minutes per week. As a result, the profiles evolve slowly (especially on Yandex, because that's where I'm most active), and bring a small, but regular traffic on the main blog, plus a lot of people who read posts on krosspostinge not going to the main blog, which, in general, it is also not bad. Besides, I already quietly starting to monetize krosspostingi. It remains to solve one problem, how to collect all the rss subscribers in a single pile! Another read: Blogun VS J2J all hostage! Social bookmarking.
By dflrally ( November 25, 2016 at 1:56 pm) · Filed under General, competition, internet, Other, unfair
Start the web page design is not easy, but depending on the hosting company that we contract, this may give us some functionalities that facilitate us tasks. Specifically, if one of the features of our hosting service includes the account through Cpanel control, depending on the version of it we will have a services section where are typically agglutinate scripts. We should first define what is a script. They are pre-installed applications that will allow us to create our site automatically. For example, if we want to install a WordPress blog, with this feature of the scripts would be much easier. Generally, the managing scritps proposed by the hosting service, will allow us to install several dynamic solutions with different functionalities. Thus we can create blogs, wikis or sites that allow upload specific subject bibliography, management of campaigns advertising, calendars, surveys, project management, and traditional carts of purchase, among other things. Almost always, it will be Open Source applications in PHP or Javascripts.
Scripts with a few clicks allow us to create a professional site, both in its facet frontend – what you see user-as backend – the control panel to the Webmaster used to control the content and the look and feel of the page. The most common scripts that you will find are the Softaculous, Fantastico De Luxe and the Installatron, to mention the best-known. The best of these scripts is that they solve the problem of creating databases. Dynamic sites that propose scripts require databases that support the structure of the web. Without scripts, if we proceed to the installation of any of the solutions manually, you would need to create the database by first entering in the Cpanel section called MySQL Databases, as well as also create authorized users to enter data and make changes to the same.
With scripts, practically, you don’t need worry about the creation of the database because the program does this automatically. How proceed to creating a website from scratch with the use of scripts. Simply click on the selected script, for example the Softaculous. The different types of site that you want to create, such as a forum, a blog, a video site, or a web to enterprise project management will be displayed on the left sidebar. The possibilities are enormous. Suppose that we want to install a discussion forum in phpBB. We are going to install tab and we will fill different fields (such as the URL that you want to install the script, the name of the database that we create and the key. The system will automatically send an email with the installation data. As we can see, it is an extremely easy way solve the problem of the design of the website quickly and neat. In short, do not defeat your Cpanel utilities simply fearing to be wrong or not having too much time to get the juice. It is a section too rich to pass long.
By dflrally ( November 11, 2011 at 1:16 am) · Filed under Uncategorized, internet, Web design
Today, in an age of rapid development of information technology, it is difficult to imagine the full activity of the enterprise, public organization or individual without the use of World Wide Web Internet. Internet violently into our lives and has found its place as a powerful means of communication between the various spheres of activity. The use of funds provided by the Internet today, allows do any work as effective as possible. Website development, online store was just a necessary condition for the normal functioning of every company. What preimuschetstva provides its web site owner? The site – a virtual office that works around the clock all week.
Any user can get detailed information about the organization's activities directly on the site, see the catalog production company, find out prices and to order. This eliminates the need to pay visits during working hours, to make unnecessary phone calls, the introduction in virualnymi directories praktichestki indefinitely significantly reduces the time to choose a product or vendor makes this process as easy as possible. Quality construction information on the site in compliance with the principles of the so-called 'usability' can 'make' user to perform certain actions that benefit the seller, seeking to increase the number of sales. Thus, the website becomes a powerful tool for internet marketing, promoting the most effective work of the enterprise. Its use in the design of the site of spectacular elements, such as a slide show, flash animation, video, etc. provides additional factors to create a positive company image, product or services, making web-Show this page in a kind of electronic brochure, available for viewing by any interested users. Especially increasing the benefits of the web site when the owner took care of the resource search engine optimization, resulting in a reference to a site located on the 'prominent' position in the search results in response to relevant topics of the firm searches. It's no secret how people find in the network or that the information service or product? They are gaining in the search engine name of interest and service or product in the search results are browsing sites that are on the front page, above.
Therefore, if Your site is, relatively speaking, not on the first page of results – the company is losing potential clients. They appeal to those firms, which saw the first sites. Thus, a company specializing on online advertising and online marketing are becoming more vosstrebovan partners for members of any business. For example, firms offering web solutions in Dnepropetrovsk, search engine optimization promotion site continues to expand its base by klientstkuyu steady increase in demand for their services. This trend will undoubtedly continue in the future. Steadily increased the quality of services. So, for example, specialized advertising online agency Dnepropetrovsk provide customers with services in complex: domain name registration, hosting, site development, search engine optimization, promotion in search engines, the development of logos and corporate identity and other agencies working in these highly qualified personnel, constantly improve their knowledge and skills, able to competently carry out any tasks at the highest level of quality. Thus, site development and application of advanced methods of promoting products, goods and services over the Internet are an integral part of successful business in Dnepropetrovsk. Turning to advertising online agency you will receive a powerful mechanism for the development and improvement of the business. With best wishes
By dflrally ( October 31, 2011 at 6:56 am) · Filed under Uncategorized, Communication of the, internet
Find a partner for close long-term relationship, of course not limited to viewing profiles and photos of candidates. For a woman, not the least important is the opportunity and, most importantly, the ability of future husband contain future family, to give children a decent education. Finding a wealthy husband does not ignore the majority of women, including, in particular – are women raising children alone. Opportunities to find suitable candidate in any city, beginning znkaomstva with him and continue the dialogue abound, most importantly, begin to make the first move. In addition, among the wealthy men, because of their inherent and understandable desire to transfer to Later the business, business heirs and successors, steadily increasing the number of bachelors is seriously engaged in finding a woman for the role of the future wives and mothers.
This encourages wealthy men with severe intent to post their profiles and photos specially designed for this dating site. Like the site on which you are designed for women in search of her future husband abroad, such resources with a simple registration perfectly able to assist in this, for example, the site is 'Rich fiance', with the difference that it is intended, to a greater degree of wealthy men (and not just because of the border), looking for brides. Every day This dating site, new users 100% – real people. Registration and some services, such as the ability to view profiles and pictures are free. Of course, as is the case with other sites, some use more of the existing capacity of this resource is not free. However, the warranty allows, if for some reason you are unable to meet the man of her dreams in a period of 3 months extend your access to such services for free.
By the way, and pay for services you can very quickly by simply sending an SMS-message, costing only about $ 5. And another important fact: the content of the resource belongs to the category 'Adult', so that should take care to exclude access by minors to the site and your password. Well, try it, probably worth all the options. Nobody can know for sure where his experiences a Happiness. Examples – neschest. Perhaps you will smile and Good Luck! Skip to search directly on the site can Dating and Chat Without Borders
By dflrally ( May 5, 2011 at 6:04 am) · Filed under Uncategorized, internet
According to 63% of surveyed managers, electronic mailing lists were the most effective advertising tool for their company during the past year, while 37% said his performance along with other tools. According to analysts Jupiter Research, by 2004 e-mail advertising campaign should be 15% of funds invested in online advertising (compared with 3% in 2001). Its application is, of course, affects the impact of advertising, which is now in range from 1% to 30%. 4) Viral Marketing. Viral marketing – a campaign which resulted in a continuous distribution of your information. Your link will be distributed exponentially throughout the network. The most famous and chastoispolzuemym in RuNet-a viral marketing through free e-books. Also, viral marketing can be created using:-partnership programs, contests, free- popular programs – 5) The transmission of messages on the bulletin board.
This method of advertising I think is one of the inefficient. Recommended for use with the new site as it is to improve your ic, which in turn will facilitate the exchange links to other sites. Also sending messages on bulletin boards has the advantage in search engines because search engines for certain queries issued in the search result page of bulletin boards, small traffic within 1-2 weeks from the date of mailing. 6) Signature files, communicate in forums, chats, conferences, discussion lists. Signature file – it is a way of introducing additional information in outgoing email messages. Files signatures provide traffic only on two conditions: 1 – visited resources (mostly board) 2 – tempting compiled signature file.
By dflrally ( May 4, 2011 at 1:43 am) · Filed under Uncategorized, internet
Article marketing – is the most effective method to increase Internet traffic for three main reasons: a). Provides quality links to targeted pages on your site that increase the position search engines. b). Helps to ensure a high quality internet traffic directly from the article, consisting of prepared for the sale of the target audience. c).
Depending on the quality of articles, it can be presented at the first pages of Google search results and Yandex, under the selected keywords. Indeed, an extremely powerful tool for increasing Internet traffic, but how can you use it? formula Any successful Stateyny marketing company: 1. Conduct research. Find a high quality online resources: valuable in themselves, with a decent design, with high conversion rates. 2. Think of a theme.
As a rule, this step the author has already done. 3. Look for key words and phrases related to a specific product (service). 4. Find out which keywords and phrases to better use. For quick selection of words, use the results of statistical Search Query Yandex and analysis of the competition for keywords in Google. Well, sort of expression on which you'll be an article for the target page. 5. This is important. Score competition. Perform a search by keyword word, phrase drawn after the completion of the steps above and find your niche where you can really take a high position. Look for the 'exact match'. Take into account how many there are results for each phrase and use for the header only those proposals which are in the Google search is not more than 35000 results. Above this number of queries would be very difficult to position their articles in the top ten search results. More tailed key words you use, the more chances to promote his article. Do not forget to include the phrase 5-6 times in the content / body of the article. 6. Always make an attractive headline. You want the article stand out from the crowd? I propose never to copy the name of another article. 7. Drafting of the article. A few tips: make the content informative and interesting, avoid implausible information, including a link to the article (I am not referring to the signature!), is used as the anchor text, the exact name of the page. Make it so could find an article on the exact name in the search.