Service General
Again, register your blog with the correct name, go into the settings tab, the "external services." Push the button "Import" and paste the address in the pop me your blog or rss-feed. Next, push the button "Export" and add the above we registered blogs on LiveJournal and Lee. It is through the export function, it is important for me to link. The chain is closed! As a result, we get 4 extra krosspostinga. As I mentioned earlier, work a maximum of one hour! I have this chain looks like this: Service, There are more, but I think it is worth to concentrate on these. In general, the variant described by me is not perfect, the optimal solution, it is easy to rewrite the main blog post, in this case, the chain may look different. But, unfortunately, I have not at this time, we have to be limited in such simplistic alternatives. If you have this capability, you can edit some articles on each krosspostinge, or at least one of them, forwarding the tape on a modified others.
What's next? Next we have to gradually get used to each krosspostingov, add friends, create communities, participate in discussions, in general, to exercise some social. activity. I almost did not go on this time, because I do not pumping targeted accounts, and act rather passively. Sometimes, once or twice a week, run through, add half a dozen friends, log on to a couple clubs, and leave a couple comments reveal any topic or will participate in the discussion. I think the total labor costs, about 20-30 minutes per week. As a result, the profiles evolve slowly (especially on Yandex, because that's where I'm most active), and bring a small, but regular traffic on the main blog, plus a lot of people who read posts on krosspostinge not going to the main blog, which, in general, it is also not bad. Besides, I already quietly starting to monetize krosspostingi. It remains to solve one problem, how to collect all the rss subscribers in a single pile! Another read: Blogun VS J2J all hostage! Social bookmarking.