Install Cpanel
Start the web page design is not easy, but depending on the hosting company that we contract, this may give us some functionalities that facilitate us tasks. Specifically, if one of the features of our hosting service includes the account through Cpanel control, depending on the version of it we will have a services section where are typically agglutinate scripts. We should first define what is a script. They are pre-installed applications that will allow us to create our site automatically. For example, if we want to install a WordPress blog, with this feature of the scripts would be much easier. Generally, the managing scritps proposed by the hosting service, will allow us to install several dynamic solutions with different functionalities. Thus we can create blogs, wikis or sites that allow upload specific subject bibliography, management of campaigns advertising, calendars, surveys, project management, and traditional carts of purchase, among other things. Almost always, it will be Open Source applications in PHP or Javascripts.
Scripts with a few clicks allow us to create a professional site, both in its facet frontend – what you see user-as backend – the control panel to the Webmaster used to control the content and the look and feel of the page. The most common scripts that you will find are the Softaculous, Fantastico De Luxe and the Installatron, to mention the best-known. The best of these scripts is that they solve the problem of creating databases. Dynamic sites that propose scripts require databases that support the structure of the web. Without scripts, if we proceed to the installation of any of the solutions manually, you would need to create the database by first entering in the Cpanel section called MySQL Databases, as well as also create authorized users to enter data and make changes to the same.
With scripts, practically, you don’t need worry about the creation of the database because the program does this automatically. How proceed to creating a website from scratch with the use of scripts. Simply click on the selected script, for example the Softaculous. The different types of site that you want to create, such as a forum, a blog, a video site, or a web to enterprise project management will be displayed on the left sidebar. The possibilities are enormous. Suppose that we want to install a discussion forum in phpBB. We are going to install tab and we will fill different fields (such as the URL that you want to install the script, the name of the database that we create and the key. The system will automatically send an email with the installation data. As we can see, it is an extremely easy way solve the problem of the design of the website quickly and neat. In short, do not defeat your Cpanel utilities simply fearing to be wrong or not having too much time to get the juice. It is a section too rich to pass long.