Viral Marketing
According to 63% of surveyed managers, electronic mailing lists were the most effective advertising tool for their company during the past year, while 37% said his performance along with other tools. According to analysts Jupiter Research, by 2004 e-mail advertising campaign should be 15% of funds invested in online advertising (compared with 3% in 2001). Its application is, of course, affects the impact of advertising, which is now in range from 1% to 30%. 4) Viral Marketing. Viral marketing – a campaign which resulted in a continuous distribution of your information. Your link will be distributed exponentially throughout the network. The most famous and chastoispolzuemym in RuNet-a viral marketing through free e-books. Also, viral marketing can be created using:-partnership programs, contests, free- popular programs – 5) The transmission of messages on the bulletin board.
This method of advertising I think is one of the inefficient. Recommended for use with the new site as it is to improve your ic, which in turn will facilitate the exchange links to other sites. Also sending messages on bulletin boards has the advantage in search engines because search engines for certain queries issued in the search result page of bulletin boards, small traffic within 1-2 weeks from the date of mailing. 6) Signature files, communicate in forums, chats, conferences, discussion lists. Signature file – it is a way of introducing additional information in outgoing email messages. Files signatures provide traffic only on two conditions: 1 – visited resources (mostly board) 2 – tempting compiled signature file.