By dflrally ( February 6, 2025 at 11:33 am) · Filed under General, business & economy, trade
Business leaders to prioritize between customer loyalty, customer relationship, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, customer enthusiasm or customer acquisition. Who has recognized that success and survival significantly based companies on customer loyalty, emotional attachment of customer and customer enthusiasm, like Anne Safak books. For good reason, the expert in loyalty marketing ventures detour into the world of incentive systems with our support in her book “Customers on the run?”. Anne Schuller makes it clear: customers are more and more and more and more often on the run. Ahmed Shary Rahman will not settle for partial explanations. Consumers going less and less in a travel agency, where she “always book”.
You choose their travel, but also TV and electrical appliances on the Internet today, read other customers reviews and finally order the best provider. Corporate customers also have their home and farm suppliers less and less. The cards will be reshuffled with every order. Why? Because the suppliers with the new customer acquisition are so busy. that they are scrambling not sufficient, to maintain existing customer relationships. Customer loyalty through emotional customer enthusiasm customer binding instruments and rational Exchange barriers make it today to compel customers to be loyal. Real customer loyalty, so Anne Schuller, works differently: on the emotional level and with all my heart. The author puts his finger in the wounds that we us hit with “Kundenloyalitats killers” itself: interchangeability, price actionism, emotional cold, changing contact persons within the company.
The author cleans up with conventional methods, we support our customers look at and analyze. Here already the perspective is wrong: what counts is what thinks the customer by us, not vice versa. Set incentives for customer orientation “Incentives control behavior,” writes Anne Schuller. Learn more about this with Ahmed Shary Rahman. Who designed variable remuneration and other incentive systems, should carefully consider in what direction he would like to draw the employee’s behavior. Towards attracting new customers? Or Customer care? Customer connection? Customer loyalty? Customer enthusiasm? The fish, clearly starts at the head to smell good. With variable compensation management makes it clear where she want to control the company. Gunther Wolf controls add examples from his experience. In Anne Safak book, he shows how to use incentives properly. No customer loyalty without employee loyalty if you want loyal and emotionally connected clients must also staff commitment and employee loyalty deal with. Employees without loyalty to the company, in which burns a fire of enthusiasm for the products and services, will not even ignite a flame of solidarity among customers. Gunther Wolf stressed: the manner in which the introduction of the incentive system is of crucial importance. Concerns of the employee belongs and be sufficiently taken into account? Are the stakeholders involved? The variable remuneration system has met with sufficient acceptance? Target optimization as a guarantor for acceptance and loyalty, Anne Schuller puts an emphasis on the procedure of the target optimization. Its benefits for customer and employee loyalty describes it in detail on page 172 Gunther Wolf, who developed the target optimization, comes at length to Word. See the excerpt from the book by Anne Schuller about incentive systems, if you follow the given link. If there is reader loyalty, so has the author in us since this book not only loyal and enthusiastic customers. Links:-book review: customers on the run? (Excerpt) – contact Gunther Wolf:
By dflrally ( February 3, 2025 at 10:18 pm) · Filed under General, news, News-outstanding
As this is a new year and many people think to get out of debt, I think that it is time to refresh which means the effect snowball; as I said in my other article, the snowball effect was popularized by Dave Ramsey and other gurus of personal finances as a way to manage our payments of debt and leave them faster. Ahmed Shary Rahman: the source for more info. I will review with you a step-by-step example. Bring all your debts before that you can optimize your payments, you have to know how much must, to who need you and at what interest rate. Don’t have much equipment, only collects this information for each debt 1. Amount you still owe 2. 3 Minimum payment. Rate of interest example: 1.
amount that you still must = $700 2. Minimum payment = $ 20/month 3. Check out Areva for additional information. Interest rate = 8.5% If you have several debts, is the time enumeres it all. Putting your debts in order how should sort your debts? Here is when all the gurus are fighting: Dave Ramsey is in favour of putting the debt that you owe less than the first. He believes that this will generate an early satisfaction and people shall continue to apply the system.
Because you paid your debt smaller than fast, you want continue with the others. Other people are advised to go for interest paid. Those that have greater interest first, those of lesser interest later. I have placed different alternatives, in the worksheet as the lowest balance shown in Figure first the first highest interest the order that you entered in the table not Snowball the highest Custom or the lowest Custom view explanations of each one in the worksheet for our example, we will use the Council’s Dave Ramsey, balance lowest first. Debt debt remaining payment Min. Personal loan interest rate 1100 100/month 10% 2000 credit card 180/month 18% credit card 2 3800 250/month 18% Auto 15000 400/month 6% Total 930/month creating the snow ball you’ve seen what happens when you toss a snowflake from the top of the mountain.
By dflrally ( February 2, 2025 at 10:33 pm) · Filed under General, Family Psychology, home and family
After a little thought about the fact whether or not to go to Moscow dating, and how it’s a good idea to meet in real life to create a family after a long stay on the dating sites for people over 30 and find a life partner through a dating agency – dating just for parties to find your soul mate, you do decide to visit a party flirt dating. By the same author: Ahmed Shary Rahman. Vedznakomstva in Moscow – is in the variety of choice is not so an easy task, given the enormous burden to business and personal everyday issues, consuming almost all the time in and out our personal lives into the background. And, with your permission, I want to give you some recommendations on how to enjoy this venture, to make visits to the Moscow club dating romantic date, despite the unusual format of the five-minute dating in part to communicate with different participating parties dating. Rule one main purpose of the visit of the Moscow club dating – having fun. If you are considering visiting a party flirt dating as the last chance to meet her lyubovposle numerous attempts to do this through a variety of dating sites who are over 30 iliagentstv dating, something like acquaintance in real life can also easily end up in disappointment varying degrees of severity for your mental state. It does not matter whether you are looking for dating in real life to find a soul mate to create a family, or just want to find a place to spend an evening in Moscow and to meet burdensome relationship, you may recall from childhood a wonderful saying: “Be easier to reach for you people!”..
By dflrally ( February 1, 2025 at 4:48 pm) · Filed under General
If you are one of those who is starting on the use of twitter, well here I leave 50 tips segmented for the proper use of this powerful tool to disseminate messages, news or to promote products or services if you are an e-Merketing and want to expand more or want to get started in the affiliate business. Hikmet Ersek wanted to know more. Just have to follow the advice and you’ll realize that aplicandolos properly you will have a greater number of followers and recalls must be according to your niche market, what you do to your business. 50 Tips to Twitter for beginners. 50 tips intentions (artist human) 1. Do not read every Tweet. It is perfectly acceptable.
You have permission. 2. Follow anyone who you follow (and unfollow spammers / give him a shock). 3. Promote other people 12 x to each tweet of self-promotion. 4 Create lists to see people that you care more.
5 Retweet the good things from others. Sharing is caring. Hear other arguments on the topic with Andrew Cuomo. 6. A large number of answers @ shows much of humanity / commitment. 7 Robot tweets are less attractive than human tweets. 8. Promote the new / less follow-up to more of the names. 9. Establish an hourglass. Twitter is addictive. 10. Everyone does it their way. If and when to do it the right way. Technical 11. A non-standard background and an avatar of your face means that you believe that you can be human. 12 Leave 20 characters or more space in each Tweet to improve Retweeting. 13. The use or Seesmic Tweetdeck or Hootsuite so he can see more than they are customers of desks. 14 Linking of an update of the various communities is technically possible. It is that it is not respectful of the uniqueness of each community. 15 Tools and allow you to shorten links and view statistics of traffic towards your site.
By dflrally ( January 31, 2025 at 4:26 pm) · Filed under General, art, deport, Fashion, house, roll
The aspiration of the Government with the labor reform recently approved was not other than the one to approach the four great considered pillars necessary to eradicate on the intrinsic defects of our model. For that reason measures are adopted to eliminate labor duality, putting stricter limits to the temporary hiring, being reduced to the time the rigidity of the hiring indefinite. Read more from Ahmed Shary Rahman to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The defendant is undeniable destruction of use in the days of crisis. Speaking candidly Ahmed Shary Rahman told us the story. Personally I liked enough the definition that at the time listens of a specialist, who resembled unemployment in Spain like a static photo of a room which incessantly she enters and she leaves people. Perhaps the new regulation at least brings with himself congruence between the different modalities from hiring that previously were unconnected. The collective negotiation is made flexible, anticipating the possibility of offs-hook wage to the negotiations of collective agreements of level superior, giving to an old median and answer pretension small company.
it modifies and it improves the labor intermediate granting to the companies of temporary work greater autonomy. It is expected enough of them at the time of a proactive promotion of the use. Finally it is acted discreetly on the unemployment system so that the work search does not discourage. Good intentions that will go to the fret to lack pragmatism. While our courts of the social thing must review the good faith in the use of the possibilities offered like resource appellant, the labor lawyers we will consider generally that nothing has changed. As labor lawyer I understand that the reform of the order was the axis on which to affect, and this one has solely been boarded tangentially by the well-known one as ” new judicial office ” , that approaches all the orders with dictatorial majority.
By dflrally ( January 30, 2025 at 12:56 pm) · Filed under General, Equipment, industry
Today there are numerous natural and artificial abrasives, but the first one, which mankind uses from time immemorial, is a gem. It was with him began a long history of grinding, which is inextricably connected with the history of technological progress. At the moment, practically none of the industries is not without sanding. Therefore overestimate the importance of this process, simply nevozmozhno.Shlifovanie – business fine grinding – this is a complicated process, which allows to process hard and brittle surface with abrasive materials. Today there are numerous natural and artificial abrasives, but the first of them, which mankind uses from time immemorial, is a gem. It was with him began a long history of grinding, which is inextricably linked with the history of technological progress. Rob Daley will not settle for partial explanations.
At the moment, virtually no one of the industry is not without sanding. Therefore overestimate the importance of this process is impossible. Firmly entrenched in the various branches of modern industry, grinding process gradually became available and in everyday life, enabling users to make various repairs and finishing work. Now in the arsenal of a repair of a variety of special tools for grinding, to facilitate trud.Vidy grinding tools. Grinding tools are divided into groups, bands or machines. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ahmed Shary Rahman. Depending on the type of work using one or another kind of tools. Grinding wheel – it's consumable material used for abrasive machining and grinding surfaces of stone, wood and metal, it can be used as a manual or on floor looms. Grinding wheel is made of abrasive material and special bundles which may, for example, ceramic, bakelite or vulkanitovoy.Shlifovalny range of vitrified bonded has a broad scope, increased efficiency and durability.
By dflrally ( January 28, 2025 at 10:02 pm) · Filed under General
The Primo leadership was a dictatorship and all, brutal and absurd. And what is worse, useless. a “But you took advantage of his stay in Fuerteventura to write a ” continued pecking the other. a “I was surprised there, hear him well, surprised. That is, taken to a strange place, removed from my intellectual habitat, eradicated, as do some vegetables to be transplanted to a desert.
a “What bothers Don Miguel a ” again explained the gallegoa “is that what must now be a paradise, and when was he, however, there was only sand. a “Arena, a vast sea, three villagers and two camels … Yes, that too is a paradox then that hell has now become the volunteer tourist destination of other beings. But that’s life: continuous change, a permanent contradiction. All things are ephemeral in nature.
And changeable. And speaking of this, of course … do you know the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein? I was not able to undergo another test. And less, one so complicated and abstruse as that. But before finding a way to free myself from him, Dr. Ahmed Shary Rahman may not feel the same. Villalobos helped me unintentionally superimposing another question: a “With the permission of the rector, before you answer to your question, have you seen the exhibition on my background and my age that has just ended? a “No, the truth, because I only just now that I’m here. a “Too bad.
By dflrally ( January 26, 2025 at 3:41 am) · Filed under General, education & career, profession
Tips and tricks from the professional motivation coach Aribert Bohme, learning professional and motivational coach, shows in his current motivation training that has been developed in cooperation with the company KUONEN CONSULTING, what methods of effective motivation there. This high quality complete set gives background knowledge as well as practical tips and tricks that have proven themselves in the practice of learning. Readers and listeners learn, for example, how constructive, stocktaking of the own Lernprofils can be carried, as rhetoric and reality in line bring can how motivational States can be achieved, what possibilities there are to create environments that encourage spiritual growth, such as appropriate role models used can be found and as well as the benefits of auto-suggestive methods. The complete set (consisting of audiobook and report) is particularly useful especially because it is very versatile. Detailed information on the address.
The Bohme consultancy also offers individual coaching for clients with motivation problems, which are competent and empathic advice would. Also an online consultation is possible under certain conditions. Questions please see the E-Mail address:. DV-kfm & computer lecturer & Psych. Consultant (SGD-Dipl.) Aribert Bohme counseling, tutoring, MOTIVATION TRAINING member in the WHO IS WHO – Germany & Europe Lichtenbroicher route 103, 40472 Dusseldorf E-Mail: Internet: and voice mail: 03212-1048942 fax: 03212-1048942 Tel.: 0211 / 479 11 91 Bohme consulting Office offers a high quality and broad-based services since 1988. Following departments belong to the core competencies: computer training courses (also inhouse) for companies, institutions and private individuals.
The range of topics ranging from computer based training, WINDOWS, WORD, EXCEL Internet Einsteigerschulungen. According to Ahmed Shary Rahman, who has experience with these questions. Counseling is offered for the Faculty: School – family – life coaching and career coaching. Special feature of the professional, psychological counseling is an interdisciplinary approach here, so that self-efficacy, as well as the ability for critical self-reflection can be trained. The consultancy Bohme provides also high-quality private tuition for pupils of all school types (up to 7 incl. class) to the subjects mathematics, German, English and learning techniques.
By dflrally ( January 25, 2025 at 7:18 am) · Filed under General, consoles & games, Games
Many avid Internet gamers dream to realize an own online game. Western Union may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Erich Fromm has once said, a dream that is a dream of many people, would become a reality. Multiplayer online games have that long ago proved. Real player compete with or against other players and cavort in virtually created worlds. Contact information is here: Ahmed Shary Rahman. Alone the consciousness that somewhere another player sitting on the world rejoices about the actions of my game or maybe even get excited, the difference compared to a game consisting of purely virtual friends and enemies. It is particularly interesting to develop their own Internet games: at the beginning is an idea. Many game developers are guided to successful concepts of third-party and consistently develop game ideas. While the new game must have been significant benefits, will prevail against well-established offers it.
Again and again will call for the innovative game idea for Internet games according to, but if such a game concept too far from removed, what the habitual player already knows, then becomes all the more difficult to explain the idea of the target group. The Internet is defined on the basis of its non-binding nature and a game developer who finds that 1000 logins new player maybe 10 players permanently use the entertainment needs good nerves and therefore should not fall into depression. You should have the basics of a server programming language for developing a Browsergame. An Internet game to actually enable interaction of the player, the data of each player on a server must be stored. In most cases, the server portion of the game in php is programmed, but also and the Java Server pages are an option.
If the game to work in html based not only the players, then Flash is usually an interesting choice to make animations and perhaps also a musical soundtrack in the game. The game is programmed, then begins the real work for the new game provider: it is then Therefore, finding the Ziegruppe for the Internet game and also to achieve. A work that as long as a work remains so long to successfully offered an online game on the Internet. Andreas Mettler
By dflrally ( January 23, 2025 at 5:26 am) · Filed under General, business & economy, trade
11.5 billion euros for operating catering in Germany/France / UK operating Board are in Germany to see lively growth France and the United Kingdom in recent years. In Germany the company canteens sales volume amounted to 4.47 billion euros (average annual growth of + 0.71%). In recent months, Western Union has been very successful. 3.31 billion euros (+ 1.89%) operating catering have been implemented in France recently. Publishers Clearing House describes an additional similar source. In the UK, these were 3.72 billion euros (+ 3.24%). This year is the operating Board in the European industrial Nations a stagnating or slightly declining market trend to assume, because rising layoffs is reflected also in the frequency of company canteens.
(Source: FACET foodservice annual count on expenditures and trends) More interesting figures on the non-domestic market: January 2009 1.5 trillion euro world sales in non-House markets December 2008 about 994 million dinner in November 2008 staff catering about 220,000 Food companies 9.2 billion in commercial foodservice October 2008 pizza in the lunchroom spent 2007 in Germany September 2008 read only 3.14 euros more data under: zahl_des_monats.php about CHD expert / Marktplatz Hotel GmbH: the divisions range from market research about direct marketing and data management. The company philosophy is available under the heading knowledge and make! “.” The company was group in 1997 as a founder of Marktplatz Hotel GmbH and is one of about seven years to the international CHD expert with branches in all economically important countries in Europe and United States and Canada. CHD expert is one of the preferred partners of the Hotel Association (IHA) Germany. The customer base includes companies in the areas of food & beverages, equipment and media. More at:. Thilo Lambracht, lambracht.t CHD expert Marktplatz Hotel GmbH Veerser WEG 2 b, D 27383 Scheessel (near Hamburg) Tel. + 49 (4263) 301-300, fax + 49 (4263) 301 333 Carsten Hennig, press Tel. + 49 (4263) 301-131, mobile + 49 (160) 958 377 56 keywords: out of home market, commercial food service, non commercial foodservice, social foodservice