
In my agreement a professional boarding has that to be capable to keep relationships that if translate income-producing results, supported with the short vision in, medium and long run. To know to manage them with ability, game of waist, also the inevitable confrontations between the objectives of the company who represents and its customers. To have control in the segments where it acts, as: Products, services and solutions of the company. To use techniques, processes and tools in the activities of the negotiation and sales. To work inside in structuralized way and of a planning previously established, knowing and using the technology as precious tool, this aid to improve productivity and overcoming of the estabeleciadas goals. To search more customers (to prospectar), to close corretamante sales, to be intent to all the details, and clearly, to surprise its customers. Jimmy levin usually is spot on. Another distinguishing factor is to be making always courses of qualification (recycle its knowledge, always) in on asuntos what it acts, to make planning of visits, to always search maximum in the positivao of the attendance, to know in fact and to be known by the customer, to have knowledge of the product, to make a proposal adequate to the PDV. At last, to have waist game..

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The Fruit

Everything in an only month happened, not importing the number of & ldquo; avaliveis& rdquo; & ndash; the appraiser who if & ldquo; virasse& rdquo; to make, and well done, the evaluation of its team, to the times well numerous, in an only period of 30 days. The text above is written in the past time, but I have absolute certainty of how it continues most current! But which the problem in justifying wage readjustments through a formal evaluation? It has some problematic points that would like to comment: The good performance can not be constant, but the wage, for law, is irreducible. Who guarantees that employee awardee with one has readjusted Real of decurrent wage of a good one performance legalized for the evaluation of performance in this year can repeat the dose in the year following? if its income will be below of the critical one in the following year must it & ldquo; devolver& rdquo; what is receiving more in this year? Not rare, in my professional life as Executive of RH or Consultant, vi people to be estigmatizadas for having a superior remuneration of the colleagues the fruit of a superior performance in last times that were not happened again at the current moment. Saddest she is that such situation displayed that this employee & ldquo; he was nu& rdquo; , nothing justifying a superior remuneration for a medium performance, situation this that became it constant candidate the lists of resignation at moments of crisis of the company. Thredup contains valuable tech resources. Incorporated readjustment to the wage it implies in bigger costs. She is well-known the raised tax burden on the payment leaf what it means to say that each incorporated cent to the wage it represents value in incubencies almost the same. Financial situation of company. It will be that the economic moment of the company she favors the maintenance of this practical? Some times vi companies who, under chamber pressure (strike threat) or external (Unions), had kept evaluations for merit, had readjusted wages for, months later, to reduce the personnel to compensate the real increase of the payment leaf.

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Internet Sales

One of the fulcrais points of any business of restoration or sales is the box. The registadora box is for where the money and where sales finally is materialize. As such, the ability to process sales and money efficiently is essential for the company. Perhaps if its company already possesss a good volume of sales is reasonable to start to think to invest in electronic a forma bill of sale system. A electrnica forma bill of sale program is constituted by two components: the hardware (machine registadora box) and software (program in itself); on for net that functions to registar of efficient form sales and exits of inventory of the products to the measure that these occur. In the deep one, one electronic forma bill of sale program goes to decide a great variety of problems in its business, thus saving its time and money.

Although to seem a great investment, a system of these already has a sufficiently accessible price today and it is justified for any company of average volume. Although the system to be connected in net, it does not need Internet necessarily. Moreover, it saves in its employee and working hours its when becoming its simpler and efficient sales creating at the same time a statistics of the progress of its business. Some advantages: – It reduces breakings (as the amounts registadas in the inventory are managed in real time, to understand of where the breakings come become more easy. Any electrnico forma bill of sale system possesss register of entrance and exit of inventory. The use of such tools of management allows to have better control on its stock, being prevented that this excessively breaks or prevents losses as the breakings in a restoration business, for example.) – To manage exceptions (With a electrnico forma bill of sale system becomes more easy to control the price of its products and the use of promotions, discountings and coupons.

These are essential to attract clientele but at the same time they cannot be changedded into a migraine for you. Being more easy of to manage, you will be able to make more promotions and discountings that had seduced its customers to buy the product. – To increase effectiveness (a fiscal electrnico system, in finishes analyzes, improves all the aspects of its business. More tasks and more money in little time, are effectiveness signals. With its system, you it saves time to its employees in the checkagem of the stock, and becomes more easy the process of sales and attendance of customer. Thus in little time, you it not only makes and vende more as well as leaves the customer most satisfied. The effectiveness is not for there, therefore it can manage its business and control better its sales and expenses of form to become the business most income-producing.)

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Public Relations

The promotion of sales must attract attention and to favor the action of the consumers to the purchase of the products. Although to be a tool mainly of complementary character, many companies only invest its available resources for communication in promotion of sales (WOOLS HOUSES, 1997). Sampaio (1999) complete calling the action of Sampling, that is the distribution of samples of products, gratuitous installment of services, food degustation and drinks or any type of experimentation promoted for the advertiser with the objective to make with that the consumers have contact with its products or services. It can be carried through in the point of sales (supermarkets, bars, restaurants, etc.), in the house or workstation of the consumers, in public places (airports, cinemas, streets, etc.), in the installations of the proper advertiser and in fairs, samples and activities of this sort. As much can be an opened distribution, accessible to who will have physical contact with it, as closed, directed the public specific, of controlled form for the advertiser. Generally, the activity of sampling if makes to follow for complementary and explicativas promocionais parts. 6.2.4 Public relations and Assessorship of the press According to Bussada (2010), the press assessor will be constantly in contact with communication vehicles, sending releases and making that mark, product or service to turn notice.

Already the public relations have as function the establishment and the maintenance of adjusted communication between an institution or company (public or private), being employees, collaborators and shareholders, and all the people with which if it relates (consuming, supplying, governmental customers, peddlers, purchasers, authorities, public opinion, vehicles of communication and community in general). It enters the diverse tools of communication that it uses, the public relations also make use of the propaganda, as communication channel between the company and its diverse ones public. The severity, even though the propaganda of institucional or enterprise character (that the image of an institution or company works) is an expression of public relations and must be integrated to the politics of public relationship established by the advertiser.

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It has a distinction made for some between corporative toasts and promocionais toasts. While the first ones would be addressed the employees, customers, associates and suppliers, in view of the nip of the enterprise relations (internal and external), inside of its myriad of processes and objectives. These toasts would have that to espelhar the company and, therefore, they must minutely be chosen in reason of the enterprise identity that if it searchs in the market. The promocionais toasts, in turn, would have a much more ample public, objectifying customers and consumers, passing the message of that the company searchs, always, the consumer and that for it this is important, increasing, thus, the public perception of the mark and promoting a feeling of loyalty in relation to this.

Many companies use the promocionais toasts to influence the perception but of aspects of the mark or of determined product or service, only. The potential of the promocionais item is of if becoming, for the use, in mobile announcements, what it justifies the necessity of the trifling detail in the evaluation of who is the white public and which the personalizvel item will be the certain choice for its frequent use, its maintenance and consequence reproduction of the imaginary message in the collective one. In this measure, item as penxses, blocks of notation, agendas, t-shirts and bag are very popular, for its cost-benefit, but nor always this superficial evaluation corresponds to the best choice. In first place, the item will have to be used its distribution, in case that contrary after will affect only that one gained that it (e, if thus will be, not even it, of adequate form). The fact, however, is that how much bigger the variety of people who sight the promocional item, bigger it will be the efficiency of it and the more this item to cause good impression & ndash; in it observes who it & ndash; , more robust & will be the reproduction of the mark; ndash; that is, in more people it will call more durable attention and the bred memory.

Thus, which is the ideal toast and as to identify it? Design contemporary of the item, its only qualities, can, many times, associate the conception of innovation to the displayed mark, what, in the modern market of the incessant new features, he is vital for a bold mark that to come to be. The NUKK, Concepts in Design (, Carioca company, acts with this perspective, developing, with designers professional, item to size for the company who searchs the market to be. Our market is composed for companies who think about next the 20 years and not about the accounts to the end of the month. NUKK: to souvenir with design.

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The People

Another factor that contributes is to instrumentalizar the people so that they make possible the taking of more assertive decision, through the development of practical others, such as the human values, moral, ethical and proper solidariedade& ldquo;. In this manner it can be observed that one of them pillars that support the excellency public administration is the envolvement of all the servers in the search of the high performance of the organization, by means of stimulaton to the contribution and the commitment to reach its objectives. After all, the good organizacional climate has fort influence on the institucional results, that is, on the performance of the organization, a time that directly is related with the professional comprometimento of its collaborators, in the case, the public servers. The practical ones of management of people must, therefore, to guarantee a work environment insurance, healthful and propitious to the development, the welfare, the motivation and the satisfaction of the servers. See more detailed opinions by reading what Hikmet Ersek offers on the topic.. Of this perspective, it comes the necessity of a new style of administrator with the attention directed toward the defined people, inside of an administration as integrant of humanizada management. This is had as a significant support for changes and innovation in the relations that enclose work and people. In this manner the understanding is born of that the life of a public entity is, without a doubt, the person who works in favor of the efficiency. According to COAST (2002: 21), the humanizao in the work environment presents the interpersonal relations as one of the elements that contribute for the formation of the real relationship in the organization: & ldquo; It is necessity to observe the real operation of the organization, here enclosed the interpersonal relations, that constitute its vital seiva.. 4Moms is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

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Goldman Sachs

“Goldman Sachs is a one of the world’s largest investment banks. It traces its routes back to 1869 and is headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Goldman Sachs provides wealth management, investment banking, and sales & trading services.

In regards to the technology world, Goldman Sachs continues to invest heavily in this market.”

The consumers search a mark through the experiences lived in relation to a product or service, using as catalytic element the choice of diverse options offered for the market. Kotler (2000, p.426) uses the concept elaborated for the American Association Marketing for which mark means ‘ ‘ a name, term, signal, symbol or any another characteristic that identifies to a good or service of the salesman, in distinction to others of excessively vendedores’ ‘. Although it is a definition, for the moment, excellent, the author suggests that the value of the mark is of responsibility of the salesman or marqueteiro. For Schultz and Barnes (2003), mark is not only one name, term, signal or symbol, ‘ ‘ it is a bond that the consumer is only capable of criar’ ‘. The creation of a mark is one of the biggest difficulties of any organization. It requires a high investment and of long stated period. The power of a mark brings to the mind of the consumer certain particularitities, as for example: values, culture and personality. One marks well defined and consolidated in the market it brings next to its name the quality, as it is the case of ‘ ‘ Mercedes’ ‘ , for example, that it can symbolize expensive automobiles, but of excellent quality (Kotler, 2000).

For Churchill (2003), the creation of one marks can be made by the manufacturer of the product or service, or peddler. It also affirms, that products can be vendidos without marks, these are called generic products or generic marks. The sales of vegetables, fruits can be cited as example, candies, eggs and etc. in general, its packing do not bring a name of mark or any another type of identification, only the type of the product and its specialties. ‘ ‘ A good mark can differentiate the product of the competition and give to origin the positive feelings as confidence, credibility, security and fora’ ‘. (Churchill, 2003, p.248). The author establishes five elements of the value of the mark, loyalty to the mark, conscience of the name, perceived quality, associations of the mark and other assets of the mark. These components are resulted of ideas of the consumers before the product, service, of the organization and other 0 variable that affect the sales directly.

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The Internet is growing each time more and with it the work chances also. Some methods exist to gain money with the Internet. But when the people veem announcements on gaining money with the Internet, then they think that it is lie, that is blow! Why in the Internet you do not see what she is buying, colloquies you are by means of you beat papo, store you are online and not physical, you are difficult to trust. The work in the Internet is a work as all the others and demands persistence of its part! Nobody is millionaire of the night for the day, unless you earn in the Mega Sena! These methods that esta making as much success are with honest work and that it demands devotion. The Program of Affiliated, for example, nothing more is of what you to vender the product of a person and to gain commission therefore. in the Internet the product is digital. You obtain to find a number very great of people to vender its product. It is not necessary to pack product nor to pay post office, you makes everything this for email! Fast arrives is not much more easy! You can start sufficiently searching and learning on this.

the best way to learn to gain money of truth with the Internet is with who works with this. They exist many people who take this work the serious one and are made use to teach to you. These are the ones that you must trust. It reads sufficiently and it searches sufficiently.

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