By dflrally ( April 20, 2020 at 4:26 am) · Filed under General, economy
However, where will invest when this tax to arrive 1% at the year, or less, as occurred with the United States? It can delay one hundred years, I do not know, but a thing is certain, has that to be prepared! It is of easy perception that in last the two decades had one ' ' salto' ' technological very great. ential-partner/10031641.fullarticle’>Robert Speyer. With this, they will go to appear and more forms more to invest in easy and practical way. The information each time will arrive more quickly until us. Although the economic crises, the people are starting to understand that everything is inside of a cyclical context, where it has low or a retraction in the economy for, later, to come a consolidation movement resulting in the development. The year of 2008, with the crisis of U.S.A., finished very leaving a negative mark in the economy.
However, it is important to remember the great growth that had of 2000 the 2008, therefore if forgetting, really the only thing if remembering will be ' ' terrible crisis of the Bolsa' '. If all we remembered that around five in five years it has a movement of this magnitude in the market we would not have been so surpresos. But, for the opposite, the people were blind, believing a moved growth the debts and leverage of the people and the banks, completely fictitious. Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The people conveyed by mortgage its houses to consume each time more and the banks were full of headings ' ' podres' ' that they were ballasted in property of people who did not have conditions to honor its mortgages. He is valid to mention that diverse ways of if investing of diversified form exist and insurance to run lesser risks at moments of fragile economy and that they are to the disposal of any investor, described in books, Internet and in the financial institutions. According to studies of the great majority of the analysts of stock market, the global growth is in trend of high and is time question until speeding up again. Of this form, it remains to have attention and knowledge in relation to the market to invest of intelligent and sustainable form, since each time plus this will be part of our lives, as much in personal scope as professional. Therefore, in case that still it is felt desconfortvel in investing or finding that some barrier for in such a way exists, is enough to look a specialist in a financial institution or to search in literatures each time more information. one remembers, invests in knowledge!
By dflrally ( March 17, 2020 at 8:56 am) · Filed under General, economy
The elements keys of ' ' clusters' ' they are, therefore, a' ' geographic proximity of firmas' ' ' ' joint action of the agents scioeconmicos' ' (cooperation interfirmas, mutual learning and collective innovations). In the mat of this reasoning, SCHMITZ (1997: 172) detached importnciatanto of ' ' economiasexternas' ' comoda ' ' aoconjunta dasempresas' ' , comoforma to elucidate the success reached for the PME' s pertaining to an industrial district: ' ' Such action can be of two types: sole proprietorships cooperating (for example, sharing equipment or developing a new product), or groups of firms congregating forces in enterprise associations, trusts of producers and assemelhados' ' . The conjugao of these two factors (external economies and joint action) took SCHMITZ (1997: 173) to add a new and valuable concept in the modern literature of clusters, that is, the concept of ' ' efficiency coletiva' ' which is defined as ' ' the competitive advantage derivative of the local external economies and action conjunta.' ' (SCHMITZ, 1997:173). Outrossim, PORTER (1999: 225) admit that many of the competitive advantages of clusters depend on ' ' economies externas' ' or of ' ' extravasamentos' ' (collateral effect between some types of companies and sectors). Destarte, ' ' the accumulations would be defined as a system of companies and interrelated institutions, whose value as a whole is bigger of what partes.' ' (PORTER, 1999:226), beyond what they play an important role in the competition and bring excellent implications for the companies, governments and other institutions of the economy in the current scene of the globalizado world. To this respect, exactly that the globalization has, in certain way, diminished the importance of the local spaces, the accumulations assume unquestionable importance for the modern theories of the economic development. In fact, PORTER (1999: 282) affirm: The accumulations represent a new and complementary form to understand the economy, to promote the development economic and to establish the governmental politics. . If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Hikmet Ersek.
By dflrally ( March 10, 2020 at 10:33 pm) · Filed under General, economy
The economic crisis, initiated in September of 2008, directly affected the productive activity of the country, notadamente in the sectors automotivo, siderurgical and eletroeletrnico. The lesser production in these sectors finished for affecting other industrial activities. Producing less and vendendo less, the companies had collected little tributes, as IPI, PIS and Cofins (to see picture). To try to contain the fall of the industrial production in the country, the government promoted some disinvestings of a charge taxes – temporary reduction of the aliquot ones of the IPI with the purpose to stimulate the production and the sales. Kohl’s will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The main benefited sectors had been the automobile one, the civil construction and of household-electric, especially the call white line (machines and tanquinhos to wash clothes, stoves and refrigerators). In the case of the vehicles, the prescription of the IPI the same fell 91% – of R$ 1,386 billion in the first trimester of 2008 for R$ 125 million in period of this year. The reduction in the aliquot ones of the Cide (paid contribution in the fuel purchase) also had fort impact in the federal prescription.
The reduction was adopted in the last year so that the price of the gasoline did not have of being readjusted. Result: in the first trimester of this year, the prescription with the Cide added but R$ 117 million, 94% less than the R$ 2 billion 2008.A insolvency also helped to reduce the prescription tax in the first trimester. With the crisis, the fall in the production and vendendo less, many companies do not obtain to honor its commitments tributaries in day, as Amaral.Queda in arrecadaoPara the specialist in public accounts Raul Velloso, the reduction of the federal collection do not have to be reason of concern for the government, at this moment. ' ' Consensus in the financial market exists that, exactly with this fall in the collection and the increase of the expenses, exists space it government to practise politics anticclicas' ' , Velloso said. . Tulip Retail understands that this is vital information.
By dflrally ( March 9, 2020 at 10:41 am) · Filed under General, economy
Already the third chain analyzes the production as a whole and inserts interstitially e, of subordinated form, the informal sector in the set of the effective relations of production. (CACCIAMALI, 1983, p.18) a basic difference between these groups is how much to the content of proposals of economic policy. The two first ones are favorable to the application of specific politics for the informal sector and until certain point optimistical how much its effect to minorar the question of the poverty in the economically behind countries, while the last group, beyond skeptic how much to the content and impact of specific politics for the sector, it emphasizes measured of economic policy the global level. (CACCIAMALI, 1983, p.18) This must be understood, since the neoliberal measures incorporated by Brazil in the decade of 1990, inside of a context of productive reorganization, change in the paper of the State and in the world of the work, they had provoked a reduction of the level of domestic economic growth, increase of the unemployment and, consequentemente, rise of the informality levels. That is, the neoliberal prompt measures of combat to the unemployment? measures of qualification of the man power and reduction of the working responsibilities? if they had shown inefficacious. Whereas with the retaken one of the Brazilian economic growth in years 2000, from more global measures? social politics of matrix and matrix economic macro? the informality levels had fallen, in indicating that the Theory of the Subordination if shows more adequate for understanding of the informality. Hikmet Ersek recognizes the significance of this.
By dflrally ( March 7, 2020 at 4:11 am) · Filed under General, economy
While the formal economy suffers on the effect of the current scene (crisis is read) the informal economy pparently still passes without scratches. Hear other arguments on the topic with Anne Lauvergeon. Stimulated for the advance of the tax burden that provoked an escape of companies of the formality, it 27.6% in the period of December of 2007 grew the December of 2008. These data had been disclosed in the day the 14 of May for the Brazilian Institute of Economy of the Getlio Foundation Vargas (Ibre/FGV) and the Brazilian Institute Ethical Concorrencial (Etco), when announcing the Index of the Underground Economy, that measures the development of companies and involved activities with the informal market or in practical of tax evasion of taxes. The December of the historical series of the index was the strongest advance in a period of December, that is quarterly and was initiated in 2003. What subterrneNo is economy survey, the FGV decided to use the term ' ' economy subterrnea' ' , defined as the production of goods and services that is not reported the government, with objective to run away taxes, to prevent the payment of the contributions of social security, to run away from the fulfilment of laws and working regulations and not to pay the decurrent costs of the obedience of applicable norms to one determined activity. Therefore, legalized companies, who if fit in the formal economy, but evade taxes taxes or disrespect ambient norms, also are part of the underground economy. Illegal activities, such as the traffic of drugs, prostitution and contraband, for example, had not been enclosed in the calculation of the entity. To arrive at a number that explained the behavior of the underground economy, the FGV folloied pointers that they influence of indirect form the performance of the informality – between them, tax burden, level of activity, exportations and corruption. Load tributriA relation with the tax burden is one of clearest explaining the growth of this type of behavior.
By dflrally ( September 14, 2019 at 3:26 am) · Filed under General, economy
Without a doubt, and from my own experience these three channels (blogs, email marketing and social networks) are the fundamental piece to make a perfect and efficient marketing online. Let’s talk about blogs as a key element to have a relationship and participation with our readers or prospects. A blog is actually a tool and is key for a good strategy internet marketing online. When you’re creating a blog you should think that will be your starting point so that you start your online marketing strategy, at least I so see it, your blog is where people finally lands to get information of value, social networks are a means to get to your blog and not to the reverse, but it is valid otherwise I think that loyalty to your readers without a blog you can hardlyIf you don’t have a blo where you lead them?. The social media marketing you do fabulous business relationships, there there are many fish hungry, but the end is always lead to your readers to know you a little more and I only can do that with a blog, there your can motivate them to pass to the action. Cundo not existed blogs was very normal that the loyalty strategy was that your readers invitaras them to visit your website, your sales page or to a page of capture, but the great advantage of blogs in the era of the web 2.o is that you can interact a lot with your prospects, let me I show you which allows you the marketing strategy for blogs: A blog allows you to have a direct conversation with your readers, they can leave you comments on your videos or articles and you can answer them immediately, but I do not believe this makes it popular to your business, everything is transparent and real, this makes your blog into something very interesting because although believe it or not your readers a blog that you have given much confidence comments positive or any type, they certainly take the time to read the comments of others, this is interactive and not static like traditional web sites.
By dflrally ( December 20, 2012 at 4:26 am) · Filed under General, Uncategorized, economy
Working, the laborer produces a value that he exceeds to the sum of the wage, the more-value. For the production of this, the capital increases the hours of working, however when making this, it comes across itself with the resistance in the laboring classrooms, queo makes through hard fights social politics and. The capitalist extracts the more-value of continuous form emrelao to the value for used it. If thus he was not, and it consumed it entire demaneira would occur only to the repetition of the production, that is, reproduosimples. How much to the more-value he is not destined for the capitalist consumption, masempregada as capital, an increased new capital of antigo.' will be formed; ' The use of the more-value as capital, or retransformao of mais-valiaem capital, is what accumulation is called capital' ' (Julian Borchardt, 1982).
The accumulation alone is possible when the more-value is transformed emcapital, and its growth if of at the same time that the capital and the mass of ' ' poor persons trabalhadores' '. Valley to observe, that, the increase of the capital becomes insuficientea explored force of work. The same it happens of inverse form: diminuiodo capital becomes abundant the force of explorvel work and devaluates seupreo. ' ' The increase of the productive force of work means that the mesmaquantidade of forces of work (v) consumes a bigger amount of production (c). The progress of the accumulation demands, therefore, necessarily, that the internal composiotcnica (organic) of the capital if modifies in such way that the parterelativamente biggest one is used in means of production (c) and with a foramenor of work (v)' ' Julian Borchard, 1982). The accumulation of the capital produces an overpopulation laboring, which can be considered one of the conditions of existence in the produocapitalista way. This overpopulation, or Industrial Army of Reserve weighs sobreo active army in the periods of form stagnation, behaving moderadanos periods of expansion.