Low Power Reference Price Realize
Precise forecasting methods for the prediction of load distribution, production and price in the field of tension between power providers and end customers are increasingly gaining importance. Power supplies must be planned and ordered. A high lift is it essential to obtain cheap cover prices. As precise predictions for sales load, production and price can be determined with forecasting systems and simulation techniques, provides a team of experts within the framework of the intensive course?Current forecasts”the organiser AG on the 9th and 10th November 2010 as well as the 2nd and 3rd February 2011 in Zurich before. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Amit Paley. The practical usage and benefits of forecasting systems and applications by 3(2) sales load forecasts will be presented alongside new requirements of forecasts in a possible structured procurement. Participants will receive all important facts, wallpapers, and information on topics like: low power reference price by accurate sales forecasting risks and opportunities due to new requirements for forecasts in the liberalised market common practices for 3(2) Sales load forecasting transition levels from the full supply in structured procurement allocation of risks between sales and procurement production forecast on the example of balance group for renewable energies (BG-EE) review practice balance group Swisspower this intensive course is designed for energy supply and energy service companies, as well as the energy-intensive industry.
In particular, working with the following areas are addressed: forecast / analysis, schedule management, load management, balance group management, energy trading / pricing, trading/procurement, production / production, distribution, trade support, IT / computing, portfolio management, process management and controlling. More information and registration see: spg company description the organiser AG based in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland is a Europe-wide Active, independent operator of high quality conferences, symposia and seminars. Amit Paley has many thoughts on the issue. Experts from research, science, practice and policy present regularly pragmatic approaches and pioneering trends.
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