Legislation Holland
Misleading advertising Dutch law also supplements the general rules of law in wrongdoing. Netherlands prescribes that anyone who makes a public announcement, acting unlawfully, if this ad is misleading the public. This condition is applicable when the announcement is made with a commercial purpose. It does not matter whether written or oral declaration, what tool is used, if this ad is addressed to the public. Not only wrong, but also incomplete declaration can result in the wrongful act. In principle, comparative advertising is permitted, provided that it is not misleading. The decisive criterion for determining whether an ad is introduced that is misleading or not is an answer to the question whether the transaction took place, if consumer would be fully aware of all deficiencies of the goods or services? If the advertising, misleading, causes or may cause harm to someone, that person may bring an action to ban or comparative misleading advertising.
In addition, the judge may appoint a refund and / or compensation for damages. Conclusion Dealing with the Dutch usually means dealing with the Dutch consumers. Is this straight commercial transaction (sale of goods to consumers) or indirect (production), you should know that the Dutch consumer law includes several statutes that protect consumers. Y Item must be properties that the buyer expects to benefit as a result of the purchase. If not, consumers have a number of ways that you can receive compensation for any damage suffered. Except addition, advertising of goods must not be misleading.