Federal Constitution
The USA it politics of the fear, making with that diligent agricultural they accepted its new condition, therefore still remained it the life, without land, work without expectation, but without life? Then the violence was of one of the weapons strongest for the expropriation of the peasants, as it goes to affirm Manano Bernardo: ' ' These are real facts of this development politics that wanted takes ' ' progresso' ' for the field (in a bourgeois conception of term), that, when fortifying an only form of social relation, through the violence of the disability of the rights, promoted the misery resultant of the expropriation and explorao' '. (MANANO, 1997, p.14) Then it is the principle that the violence generated for the capital in the field is resultant of the creation of a mass of peasants that before withheld a small portion of land and now they meet in the condition of men without lands, men who will be subject to exploration of the capital. that now the same one that they are resembled in these conditions finds support and if forms inside for the fight of the MST. With firm and solid bases the movement if makes gift for the revindicaes of these expropriated men and explored, so that exactly they can have right the land and subsistirem in this system that humiliates, it kills and dilacera as it affirms Guiomar: If before the newness was given for the organization of the MST, today, its consolidation, the persistence of its pedagogical action? of the marches, occupations and encampments -, serve of example for the organization of innumerable social movements, of greater or minor reach, not d in the field, but also in the city. These start to demand its rights of access the land, guaranteed in last instance for the Federal Constitution. (GUIOMAR, 1993, p.20) As the MST if it makes in agent of transformation of the Brazilian Territory? The MST is an agent of transformation of the proper territory when if of the one of tactile form, therefore when a nesting occupies and has the territory if retransforma therefore what it was already is not but, as if by the such transformation of this space, good, let us take for example Giacomet-Marodim farm in the city of Pretty River of the Iguau, in the state of the Paran.