Travel Agents
Even the computer does not appear immediately. Registered legal entity, obtain a license. Went to the annual exhibition, which signed contracts with tour operators and they took a heap of their catalogs. Have placed ads in free newspapers, specialized publications on tourism, and – go ahead. Time to communicate with the first customers are not spared: sharing with them their own experiences of different countries and hotels picked up handy Departure and optimal price structure.
Every day, several operators have redeemed vouchers. And then came October Seasonality of business – the biggest dangers faced by newborn agency. Number of people riding vacation in the summer, be compared with winter. Sales peaks in the second half of April (people are going to relax in the May holidays), July – early August (the height of family leave), September (in the resorts go childless couples and young people), late November – early December (New Year’s tours). And there are quite a failure months to bury the most novice Travel Agents: October and January and February. In another month you might not have none at all one client. And the pay office rent still have.
There are, of course, open all year, Egypt and ski tours. But they do not provide sufficient circulation. Do not always survive, even those who started work in April and captured the first peak sales. Earned by the fall may not have enough money until next spring. So, starting a business, the most appropriate solution would be to plan losses during the first two years.