The History Of Absinthe
Absinthe is an alcoholic beverage. In addition to fennel and anise is a key ingredient of absinthe wormwood. Hence the name of the drink (the Latin for wormwood is Bezeichung is absinthium), also makes it easier to draw conclusions on the origin. Wormwood has been used since antiquity as a remedy. A common method for the production of herbal remedies is the extraction of active ingredients contained in the herbs with alcohol. These extracts are precursors of absinthe. The actual recipe is from the eighteenth century, however. The authorship is not possible to clearly determine, it is assured that the recipe in the Val-de-Travers in Switzerland (at that time was still being developed Prussia). Initially, the absinthe has been used primarily as a remedy, including by French military doctors in 1830 for the prevention of diseases caused by poor hygienic conditions. The return from the war contributed significantly to the popularity of absinthe in France, because they had learned to appreciate him as a beverage.Especially in the capital, there were many former soldiers who drank absinthe in the cafes. This custom became established soon in other parts of the population. For the popularity of absinthe drinking rituals saw beside, above all, the lowest price. Raw materials and production were low, also the absinthe was diluted with water so that it submitted a long glass. So he was very popular in the artistic and literary scene. Should have caused the absence of specific ingredients of Absinthe health damage, he was forbidden since 1915 in many places. Studies, however, were probably caused by contaminated raw materials and the high alcohol content, so the ban has now been lifted.