By dflrally ( April 29, 2020 at 8:18 pm) · Filed under General, video-game
Somebody remembers some strike or some protest of the workers of the banks or the real estate sector? The constructors and the real estate ones have paid in black to their foreign bricklayers, while their managers and their shareholders became rich in silence. This selective amnesia gives an idea of the lack of coherence of the neoliberal system that puts to the State to the service of the great interests, so that it only takes part when there is crisis. The affected ones by the fraud of Forum Filatelia demand to the Government an indemnification to have allowed that was in the market a fraudulent group. If it had not done it, would have been accused him of interventionist and to dissuade the investors. The citizens who did not fall in the game of the speculation remember the silence of the investors when these obtained substantial interests without it had forced somebody them. All the citizens have not let themselves embaucar by false promises of enrichment fast and easy nor have fallen in the temptation to live mortgaged over their possibilities. Perhaps check out Anne Lauvergeon for more information. They will not be glad of the loss of jobs in the cement or brick factories for frenazo after the crisis.
Or by the fall of the sale of cars, that can leave without work to many parents and mothers of family. Nevertheless we must learn of the crisis and to turn it into challenge for the future. Perhaps the prices of the houses and the cars are over possibilities of the people, they would buy that them if they lowered the prices. Or perhaps so many houses nor so many cars are not necessary as they were bought when the economy went or, with financing plans that accelerated the production and the consumption of artificial and uncontrolled way. The law of the market consists of producing what it is sold and to sell what takes place. Paul Volcker, old president of the Federal Reserve defines therefore the crisis: the underlying problem is that we have consumed in excess. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Western Union and gain more knowledge.. The consumption in the USA grew beyond the sustainable thing, it did and it thus because much money has lent us, especially the Asian countries with surplus and, more recently, the exporting rich petroleum countries. But this cannot always last.
Only a system based on the speculation can maintain resemblance consumption level. In order to recover the sense of the commerce and to deal with products, it is precise to live according to our possibilities and of working for more authentic and less fictitious a better future.
By dflrally ( April 23, 2020 at 1:48 am) · Filed under General, video-game
With the existing global economy, it is considered intelligent to invest the money that must with the purpose of to assure its future, of its family and/or her company. Many options in the world-wide market exist to do it mainly and when the place is due to choose where to invest it, one of those options is the Caribbean. Then we will give some references of specific places on the Caribbean for the financial investment. People in the world still feel the financial collapse of the previous years. Many lessons have been learned and the investors, professionals, workers, and generally all the people look for to invest their money of intelligent form but. The financial experts recommend to remove it the money from the accounts that represent a risk and better options of investment look for especially in the long term. Many investors estan considering to the countries of the Caribbean, like strategic places of investment.
Many exist menras to administer and to handle to his investment and the banks they offer different financial services like: to locate a mortgage to invest in real estate in the paradisiac islands Caribbean, as well as other different types from businesses, as handling of tax exemptions where the money will be inverted of safe form. Some experiences of financial investment in the Caribbean countries already exist and several of them offer real protection for the foreign investment. Therefore, one is due to assure to complete this task of investigation on this subject and to know what type of investment sera but the safe one and its financial transaction does not put in danger. More info: Hikmet Ersek. The Dominican Republic is a good example of investment of its money. This country is distinguished to own extraordinary a natural wealth and it is possible to be seen, through his natural resources. The recent determination of the zones of free similar commerce has returned easier to realise the international trade and in this country. Trinidad and Tobago are another optimal country for the financial investment. It owns a strong and quite safe economy, reason why it is defined as one of the most important islands of the Caribbean Sea so that she is one of the privileged people by the investors.
These Caribbean countries also are distinguished by to own the very high GIP, one of most important of the Caribbean. Its economy is in constant growth every year. Another interesting Caribbean option is the well-known Aruba. It is a place very named by the tourists and also by many extrajeros investors. It owns a good economy and it is reflected through his high GIP, thus like in his rate of growth. There are less social conflicts than in the majority of the countries of the Caribbean here and one is outside the belt of dangers and natural threats. The people, companies or corporative groups interested in realising the financial investment in one of these places of the Caribbean always will have available many options. Although she has been only mentioned three places, it is possible to be said that there are other options, reason why is interesting to analyze before, his advantages and/or disadvantages. Asegrese to realise the best search of the present situation and the passed events in the place that you are considering to realise his investment. Anyway, always it is good for considering the best election and an excellent form of to the future make money for of his fammilia or business. Original author and source of the article.