
A small called tiger Thunder had a time. Descendant of the real family of the tigers of India, Thunder logos if would become the king of its people. With long Calda and great stripes formed it well represented what he has of better in being a tiger. Tigresinho was at this time exploring the alone forest for the first time. Anne Lauvergeon has plenty of information regarding this issue. stopped to talk with a smart monkey that was seated in a tree.

The two had spoken on time and on the plants and in everything they had given themselves very well only in a point had disagreed: if she was better to be tiger or if she was better to be monkey. Hear other arguments on the topic with Suna Said Maslin. The monkey argued: same _Melhor is to be monkey! I can go up for the trees! In what the prince tiger talked back: _Como tiger I also can go up in trees. still I am fierce and I can scare everybody! _S will be later that you to grow! For the time being you do not scare nor butterfly! as monkey I can eat all the babanas that I will be able! _Eca! I detesto banana! Tigers do not eat this! But then monkey was very offended (therefore all know that the bananas are sacred for the monkeys) and decided to appeal with intelligence: to _Ser tiger is not with nothing! moreover stripes are old-fashioned! Principezinho not wise person what to say! It did not want to walk old-fashioned! It decided then that if bookstore of those stripes and then the monkey went to only see! But as? First it tried to take a mud bath. The mud gosmento covered all the stripes. it _Viu, monkey, now I I do not have more stripes! I am in fashion and the tigers are the best ones! The monkey laughed at tigrinho: _Voc seems a mud cake with legs! The small tiger decided that it was not a good idea. It took a river bath and if it exempted of all that mud. What it would make to get rid itself of those stripes? _Raspe for! I would scrape if I had these horrorosas stripes! It said the monkey. the prince was gives to scrape all for the one of its body when the mother tiger arrived: _O that it is happening here? _Mame! The monkey said that to be monkey it is better that to be tiger! that stripes are old-fashioned! Then I tried cobriz them with mud and I there did not give certain I went to scrape for the rejection lying _Macaco! The stripes are the pride of the tigers, Thunder, you it has that to have pride of being who you are independent of the people to like or not of as you look like yourself! how much to be better to be monkey or tiger I already said: however it may be either who you is! But it seems that today the monkey was smarter and deceived one principezinho silly.

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The Initiative

Of course, they had been repeated frequently osencontros. Now it also took the initiative of the search. They very liked to deconversar. They were seemed in some things. in what they differed if completed naverdade. Five or six weeks correramassim, One day, being in a store in the center of the city, I do not know well where it was, it saw it to enter folloied of the sister, and estremeceu. It looked at for it; if she oconheceu did not say it in the face, that if showed impassvel. Of another time going to the market, she gave with the eyes in the beautiful young woman; but she was the same that she looked at herself for the nothing; amoa was not moved; it did not modify in nothing its beautiful face.

It intrigued that it. Would have elefeito something of made a mistake? It would have it hurt of some form? It left that the end of semanaacabasse to make contact. He was curious to understand that behavior. The hours seemed sluggish, as if they dragged and they delayed to pass. Second fair arrived. Clock looked at parao. It was still early. As he was anxious.

It bound thus exactly. For suasurpresa, exactly that hour, it took care of. It said who to precisavamconversar. The voice of it was not of the best ones. A distant tone if perceived. Eleconcordou and suggested a meeting. It accepted. Still she had that to face all tomorrow. The meeting was in the end of the afternoon. The worse hypotheses populated suamente. How it could be so pessimistic? Two hours before it already seencontrava in the marked place. He played to count regressively to kill otempo. He added the numbers of the plates of the cars that passed for the street. Of tudofazia so that these interminable one hundred and twenty minutes passed.

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