In the lamellar apparatus gaskets a lot (one more than the wafers), they have a complex configuration in plan and section, individualized. Such seals are made only in a specialized enterprise. Cost set of gaskets for heat exchanger with apv heat flux of 500 kW, according to this company, $ 250. Since the expensive pads and plates require periodic replacement, operating costs when using plate heat exchangers are large and comparable to the initial cost of the heat exchanger. 6.Gidravlichesky channel diameter heaters vvpi 9 10 mm, which is 2 times bigger than the plate apparatus. Due to this circumstance in heaters vvpi not delayed the dirt in the form of solid particles as small as 10 mm, which ensures the stability of their work.
Operates a quick note clogging plate apparatus in domestic heating systems and the practical impossibility of their operation without the filter-sump. 7. shows that the advantage of plate apparatus, which consists in the possibility of disassembly, more declaratively. Firstly, the assembly-disassembly rather laborious process, requiring highly skilled personnel and professional. devices, and which because of its plates. Second, the disassembled during the heating period, the plate apparatus accompanied by a decrease in power boiler for a sufficiently long period. Heaters vvpi on the side of untreated water mains are cleaned both chemically and mechanically, without disassembly.
Mechanical treatment removed only the back cover, which takes 5 10 minutes. Third, after the third treatment, as a rule, requires replacement gasket plate apparatus, which is expensive. 8. With prolonged use (over one year) is observed more stable operation of heaters vvpi in comparison with plate for heat removal performance and resistance. In the same conditions of temperature and water quality heaters vvpi require treatment in 2-3 times less frequently. 9. Comparison of operating costs associated with the payment of electricity that went to the pumping coolant using heaters vvpi and plate apparatus (ALFA-LAVAL) gives the following result: If vvpi use heaters for the 20-year-old life is achieved savings equal the initial cost of plate heaters, which could be installed on the present site. 10.Pri Compared vvpi heaters and plate under equal conditions – the initial cost of heaters vvpi 50 70% of platelet units. 11.Sravnenie heaters vvpi with shell and other devices, For example, multiple types of pv according to gost 27590-88E having a brass tube bundles and the steel hull, gives the following result: weight and dimensions heaters vvpi in comparison with mf in 2 4 times less. Figure 1 shows the dimensions three-section staff PV-325h2-1 ,0-RG-3 (a) and the analogue to power VVPI-1500 (b); rate of accumulation of sediments in the apparatus vvpi approximately 2 times lower than in the mf hydraulic resistance of the mf 1 5 2 times higher than that VVPI; Operational reliability associated with corrosion of the body (for the conditions of equal thermal efficiency) and depressurization of tubes in heat exchangers mf is much lower than vvpi. A typical operational damages in heaters mf is stress corrosion cracking (Thrust collar) pipes in the ground rolling heaters mf unlike vvpi very poorly tolerate alkaline water regimes with pH> 9; capital costs when buying pv devices and vvpi heat output per unit close to each other;-cost installation of devices vvpi lower than mf in 2 4 times;-cost maintenance and repair of vehicles vvpi lower than the pv.
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