By dflrally ( August 17, 2020 at 2:18 am) · Filed under General, news-present time
" There is no social policy if the resources do not make sure to maintain it – it has warned. The rest will be empty promises of a day and unjust cuts of the day siguiente". In addition, in their opinion, this measurement does not reduce the power of the autonomic governments nor demands the communities more than to the State, but the same, at the same time as one also advances in the principle of loyalty between administrations and an exercise makes sure the autonomy with more responsibility. The spokeswoman of the popular group has invited other groups to add itself to this reform, that, according to she has considered, she will allow to establish the bases to continue constructing the economic and social progress, convinced that the budgetary stability is to have public and constitutional, and one " condition indispensable for the growth, the use and the State of bienestar". (Source: Barry Nalebuff). After putting the accent in the necessity to end " one of great the evils of the economy espaola" , it has indicated that the premise is " not to spend more than ingresa".
Senz de Santamara has judged, also, that with this Spain reform transfers a confidence message and reclaims a paper of leadership in one gobernanza " serious and exigente" , since he is " a contribution of first order to the stability of the monetary union and econmica". In spite of thinking that this one is not the unique reform necessary " in order to return to put the economy still on Spanish " and to give back the confidence, Senz de Santamara has said that she is the first and the one that feels the bases of all the others. CiU: " With alevosa" On the other hand, the parliamentary spokesman of CiU, Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida, has expressed the opposition of his group to the reform and has considered " esperpntico" that with " nocturnal condition and alevosa" " has become; aicos" the constitutional consensus.
By dflrally ( December 9, 2017 at 8:34 pm) · Filed under General, news-present time
Facebook will be put under an investigation by the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data, by a possible breach related to the security of the personal data of its users. According to the agency, it is probable that in the social network a hole in the security exists, which has been able to entail to that advertisers and companies of Facebook are profiteer to accede to personal data of the users of the same. Apparently, he has been the FACUA-consumers, who takes from the 2010 investigating these possible flights, the one that has asked for the AEPD that makes an exhaustive pursuit of apparent little safety measure that Facebook offers to its users. According to FACUA, from the past year they have problems with certain applications that the social network offers to its followers and who unload and use within their profile. These technical errors are those that have brought about the diffusion of data of their users and who have gone to stops at the hands of advertisers and companies. The FACUA-consumers, he has made much emphasis, in the established thing in article 9 of the Law Organic 15/1999, of 13 of December, Protection of Personal Character data, that in summary he establishes that the person in charge of all those personal data must adopt all the measures necessary to protect and to guarantee the security of all the stored one of personal character. This one has filtered information of other years, putting in evidence to the social network by its manifold errors in the field of the Security of a Information. Although the report says that clear evidences of the flight of data in favor of advertisers do not exist, they recommend the users who have this type of installed applications, that change their keys of access to annul therefore the codes with which they have been able to enter and to filter all data. Department of Marketing and Communication udea Security of the Information Source:
By dflrally ( November 16, 2016 at 11:26 am) · Filed under General, news-present time
/The rough draft of the first draft of law of reform of the fixed collective negotiation in a 5% the annual labor day that will be able to be distributed of irregular form. The Government gives more capacity of decision to the company agreements. The industralists label as " decepcionante" the proposal of Work. Rough draft of the law first draft reform of collective negotiation (PDF). Valeriano, Secretary of Labor Go’mez, has affirmed that " the enterprise organization will have to the Government abierto for any formula of improvement of the flexibility that is fruit in the agreement reached with the organizations sindicales". Go’mez has made these declarations to mass media before participating in an act in the Foundation of the Workers of the Iron and steel industry in Barakaldo (Biscay), where she has given the medal to the Merit in the Work to Patricio Ortiz and Ortiz.
The minister has indicated that the Cabinet will approve Friday a decree law of reform of the collective negotiation, " but – addition has will be several months of parliamentary proceeding " because intention of the Executive is " to confirm that decree law and to transact it like project of ley" , reason why, according to it has assured, " the procedure does not finish viernes" , but that day " empieza". The Secretary of Labor has assured that " the enterprise organization will always have to the Government abierto for any formula of improvement of the flexibility that is fruit in the agreement reached with the organizations sindicales". She has showed that " the one that it must regulate, the one that it must legislate, if the necessary agreements have not been reached previously, always runs the risk of inclining the balance of a side or to another one, or as it spent the year spent, not to content to none of participantes" , although there is underlining that " the Government will maintain until the last open moment his channel of dialogo".