Customer Service

Only a few companies analyze systematically the relationship with consumers of service management in Germany deficient Neumunster/Dusseldorf/St. Gallen many companies recognize that quality affects their services the loyalty and the purchasing behavior of their customers. \”However, most cannot measure how their service affects the consumer: you rely on randomly collected, subjective estimates of call center agents and customers\”, according to the market analysis from Verint consulting, based on a survey by Ventana Research. 81 percent of the companies surveyed are the opinion that the customer experience does affect loyalty and a willingness to make recommendations. Under most conditions Anne Lauvergeon would agree. 73 percent gave to log, it has effects on the satisfaction and the level of expenditure.

Not even every third company systematically analysed the interactions with their customers, most rely on subjective feedback from agents and customers, that is queried irregularly and seldom promptly. Less than two One-third work with documented processes to control how customers perceive the company; less than a third uses procedures for the handling of interactions through various channels. 61 percent to correlate the results of customer satisfaction surveys with the loyalty of its buyers, 56 percent network results with the number of complaints, 43 per cent with a total customer value and 39 percent with a willingness to make recommendations. Jimmy Levin is likely to increase your knowledge. Only one in five uses analytical methods or business intelligence systems. 42 percent indicated that they think about to implement such software in the next year. Big companies are hardly in a position to evaluate data about their customers, if they use any IT systems and not to automate the processes’, Gisa Heinemann by Verint comments on the results. To control how customers perceive the company, you must analyze the interactions and put the results with the purchase behavior in relationship. Companies should better understand the purchasing behavior of their customers.

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Regional Info Daily

Multimedia news portal will start on October 15, 2008 to October 15, 2008 the region Rhein-Wied and Middle Rhine becomes richer to a range of information: on the side of Rhine DTR should be then the latest news, comments and reports to find. There are tips for bookworms, cinema and culture. Videos and photos as well including a birthday reminder. And: RWN’s multimedia – video reports, audio interviews as a wav or mp3 – Add the article and photo reportages. However, the main concern remains a critical and investigative journalism. On the demo page of, a few possibilities are still disabled – anyway, it’s already worth to try out some deals! From the 15.10, everyone without registration has access to all content on – registered users can also comment on and interact with other users in contact. Register one can already now. Ahmed Shary Rahman can aid you in your search for knowledge. Rhein-Wied-News (short “RWN”) is free of charge for all users – and it should stay that way! Rolf Adams, media3kom PG Koblenz.

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Powerflasher Receive Coveted IF Gold Award

The multimedia agency Powerflasher is again awarded a major prize. Munich/Aachen, August 31, 2009. “This time the coveted iF communication design award, more precisely the power flashes: the iF gold award in the category of digital media interface” given. Awarded the innovative redesign of the site was. This project brought the Fiel before the iF label, the favourite website Award (the FWA”,) and the ideas major with a low budget make the Davey Award for companies ( In a ceremony on August 28, 2009 in the BMW world in Munich has the 17-Member iF jury work in seven categories awarded with the iF Gold Award, including. The iF awards are among the most important design awards worldwide.

The Club of iF Industrial Forum design could record this year proud 1368 competition entries from 27 countries. The international panel of judges reviewed submitted articles in the categories of digital media, product interfaces,. print media, packaging, corporate architecture, cross media and too good to be true. The disciplines in which evaluate the jurors in the iF communication design award, included animation, atmosphere, interface, screen design, typography, sound, photography, product communication, image, sale promotion and corporate publishing. More information: about Powerflasher GmbH the Powerflasher GmbH has been developing multimedia applications since 1997 and is with over 1000 references of one of the leading European providers. “” “The fixed about 50-strong team of specialists of the three units agency”, solutions”and labs” produces holistically complex applications, fully dynamic websites, emotional animations for Web/DVD/Cinema/TV, innovative online ads, interactive IPTV formats, intelligent eLearnings and various individual solutions – and that from conception, through design and usability to the full development. Thus, the multiple award-winning multimedia agency of the renowned specialist Carlo Blatz has as Service providers for content, creative and technologically innovative content positioned and serves clients such as Beiersdorf, Brillux, converse, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Post, Deutsche Telekom, IBM, LG Electronics, O2, ProSieben, VOX, ZDF and agencies like DeepBlue, ElephantSeven, Jung von Matt, MEYER WALDECK, Ogilvy, Springer & Jacoby u.v.m. contact: Powerflasher GmbH Carlo Blatz Belvedereallee 5 52070 Aachen Tel.

+ 49-241-91880-230 fax. + 49-241-91880-239 PR agency Xpand21 GbR Gregor Wessely Dammtor str. 12, 20354 Hamburg phone + 49-40-325-0917-16 fax. + 49-40-325-0917-19

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Facebook Customer

Nicely, as the online retailer permanently optimize their ordering process. Ugly, such as the after-sales process is ignored. Beautiful, healthy world many consumers use online shopping preferred social media platforms as interaction channel, if they have any questions or need help. In this way, the shopping experience and the real time service – service (synchronous communication) reach a new stage of development. The triumph of social media platforms opens up completely new possibilities of online shopping consumers. The reality still has not establish themselves social media at many companies even as an equal channel for customer dialogue. Email and telephone dominate the dialogue market.

(see also: customer dialogue 2.0) A consumer sample media post a comment or question on a platform like Facebook or Twitter. Many online retailers ignore the request either entirely, or give only an evasive answer, which refers the customer to the traditional channels for customer support. Hotels on the Consumer is the all too often a waste of time. However, the provider uses the opportunities that social media offers him, he can reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction by providing convincing interaction channel chosen by the customer service. First semester customer dialogue: responses to the customers through the channel, which he has used for his question. Trend not yet on customer dialogue are sleepy part 1 not only in monitoring in the social media realm”set. Admittedly, filtering relevant information from social media channels has proven in the past extremely difficult task.

The huge amounts of Tweets and posts must be summarized in a uniform and manageable representation. Often this task field is located but in marketing departments, whose core competencies are somewhere else. You are indeed well prepared for communication in one direction (one to many) and work mainly on the representation and strengthen the business presence. The necessary interactive They would have to acquire expertise, which is required in the social Web, yet.

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