Employees Qualification
The main assets of all company are essentially its workers, because they are who cause that this one works. Also human capital is denominated to him, and its position emphasizes like key element for the business. To enable your employees and to improve the productivity of your dependera business the success of your company. The success or failure of all dependera business to a great extent of the talent of the equipment. It is for that reason that stops each call to cover a labor position, he is indispensable to make sure that all employee has the knowledge and tools necessary to carry out his work correctly.
A qualification plan must well be structured. One is due to take care of the needs of formation and training; besides being aligned with the objectives of the company. For this, we will design a management plan to enable your employees and to improve the productivity of your business: To realise a diagnosis When initiating a qualification process is due to evaluate the needs of the company. This diagnosis can be realised by means of a format that the department head it sends to its employees where the concept is registered that they have envelope which considers precise to become qualified. To define the goals for the qualification and investment defining what is what it is wanted to reach with the qualification and to determine how recovers investment. For example, if contracts a professional course of sales for all salesmen, after taking this course you will want that they increase their sales in Z%, this would generate utilities by Z amount and therefore you would recover the investment in X months.
To select courses and to empleadosSeleccionar the courses of training necessary to improve the performance of the company generally and soon to select to the most suitable employees to acquire this qualification. To carry out cronogramUn cronogram can be semester or annual. He is preferable to do it every six months, because it is possible to be taken measures if it appears the necessity to realise changes for diverse reasons. But, the annual being, he could affect the cronogram in case dates were run. To review logsticLa logistic is a key point for the company, is related to the budget, the tools and the people who are going to take part in their organization and execution. In this case, of leaning in the suppliers of the company to realise the qualifications he is something that contributes to that the costs fall in the budget that offers to do them. Some companies offer values added with the purchase of their products and the qualification activities are part of them. EvaluacionTodo plan requires to measure the effectiveness of its application, and is requisite to determine the processes or action to evaluate results. As far as the wished results of a qualification, if this one were effective, one would be due to observe a change of conduct in the personnel, and this sera a positive impact in the productivity of the company and improvements in his performance. it visits: Original author and source of the article
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