Industrial Army
Working, the laborer produces a value that he exceeds to the sum of the wage, the more-value. For the production of this, the capital increases the hours of working, however when making this, it comes across itself with the resistance in the laboring classrooms, queo makes through hard fights social politics and. The capitalist extracts the more-value of continuous form emrelao to the value for used it. If thus he was not, and it consumed it entire demaneira would occur only to the repetition of the production, that is, reproduosimples. How much to the more-value he is not destined for the capitalist consumption, masempregada as capital, an increased new capital of antigo.' will be formed; ' The use of the more-value as capital, or retransformao of mais-valiaem capital, is what accumulation is called capital' ' (Julian Borchardt, 1982).
The accumulation alone is possible when the more-value is transformed emcapital, and its growth if of at the same time that the capital and the mass of ' ' poor persons trabalhadores' '. Valley to observe, that, the increase of the capital becomes insuficientea explored force of work. The same it happens of inverse form: diminuiodo capital becomes abundant the force of explorvel work and devaluates seupreo. ' ' The increase of the productive force of work means that the mesmaquantidade of forces of work (v) consumes a bigger amount of production (c). The progress of the accumulation demands, therefore, necessarily, that the internal composiotcnica (organic) of the capital if modifies in such way that the parterelativamente biggest one is used in means of production (c) and with a foramenor of work (v)' ' Julian Borchard, 1982). The accumulation of the capital produces an overpopulation laboring, which can be considered one of the conditions of existence in the produocapitalista way. This overpopulation, or Industrial Army of Reserve weighs sobreo active army in the periods of form stagnation, behaving moderadanos periods of expansion.