Davi Believe
Nobody will have arguments enough to convince me. Not accepted the threatening presence of the Satan. Because the believers are if acovardando? Because they run away from the Pentecostalismo? By chance they ignore that this ministry was what inaugurated the new time of the church, told in acts 2? I believe in the God of the Impossible one. I believe in the God capable to become visible and manifest what not yet he exists and I wait, for my faith. I want to pray as king Davi and to say: ' ' It hears, Gentleman, my voice when clamo; it has mercy of me and it answers-me' '. Slm.27: 7 Quero to believe that the God Jehovah Flame, the Present God supports, me and takes care of of me in the difficult hours and to say as Davi. ' ' Because when my father and to my to abandon me mother, Mr.
me recolher.' ' Slm.27: 10 I believe in Jehovah Jir, the God who To provide my necessities and has not lacked nothing to me. Without faith it is impossible to please the God, therefore we have that to believe that It is galardoador of they search that it. It will have changed God? But as, if the Word says that it does not move? I do not ignore that God has mercy of who it wants and therefore many that long for cure not they get it. It knows the reasons, does not fit in them to question. I also do not ignore that cures exist are of the Arraial Evanglico, as: Cure for the autosuggestion, the techniques of the Parapsicologia, the esoterism, the Pajelana, etc. I mention the cures made for the faith in Jesus. One of articles said that God does not depend on faith to cure. I say, trusting the Word of God who without faith it swims can make.
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