Goldman Sachs
“Goldman Sachs is a one of the world’s largest investment banks. It traces its routes back to 1869 and is headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Goldman Sachs provides wealth management, investment banking, and sales & trading services.
In regards to the technology world, Goldman Sachs continues to invest heavily in this market.”
The consumers search a mark through the experiences lived in relation to a product or service, using as catalytic element the choice of diverse options offered for the market. Kotler (2000, p.426) uses the concept elaborated for the American Association Marketing for which mark means ‘ ‘ a name, term, signal, symbol or any another characteristic that identifies to a good or service of the salesman, in distinction to others of excessively vendedores’ ‘. Although it is a definition, for the moment, excellent, the author suggests that the value of the mark is of responsibility of the salesman or marqueteiro. For Schultz and Barnes (2003), mark is not only one name, term, signal or symbol, ‘ ‘ it is a bond that the consumer is only capable of criar’ ‘. The creation of a mark is one of the biggest difficulties of any organization. It requires a high investment and of long stated period. The power of a mark brings to the mind of the consumer certain particularitities, as for example: values, culture and personality. One marks well defined and consolidated in the market it brings next to its name the quality, as it is the case of ‘ ‘ Mercedes’ ‘ , for example, that it can symbolize expensive automobiles, but of excellent quality (Kotler, 2000).
For Churchill (2003), the creation of one marks can be made by the manufacturer of the product or service, or peddler. It also affirms, that products can be vendidos without marks, these are called generic products or generic marks. The sales of vegetables, fruits can be cited as example, candies, eggs and etc. in general, its packing do not bring a name of mark or any another type of identification, only the type of the product and its specialties. ‘ ‘ A good mark can differentiate the product of the competition and give to origin the positive feelings as confidence, credibility, security and fora’ ‘. (Churchill, 2003, p.248). The author establishes five elements of the value of the mark, loyalty to the mark, conscience of the name, perceived quality, associations of the mark and other assets of the mark. These components are resulted of ideas of the consumers before the product, service, of the organization and other 0 variable that affect the sales directly.