Tabernculo Victory

Passed the date, without the prophecy if fulfilled, the Tabernculo of the Faith lost force and many adepts in the North America. To put in Brazil a group perseverou in the interior, where the doctrine of other rebellious pentecostais denominations promoted adaptations approaching neo. Amongst the workers who militated in Brazil, shepherd L followed of independent form, believing in a call that, since 1983 qualified, and led to nail it the doctrines considered heretical of ' ' Isolated resurrection of the Branham&#039 brother; ' , by means of the seita Tabernculo. Speaking candidly Jeff Gennette told us the story. The seita today has headquarters in five cities and a country property. Account with approximately 600 fidiciary offices. It would be an irrelevant comparison, perhaps, to remember Advising Antonio, the religious leader who in the end of century XIX, in full hinterland northeastern, of beards, long and cajado hair in the hand covered bahian large states announcing that ' ' The end is prximo' '.

The community of apocalyptic Canudos and the religious fanatism of the messianic ones would be a possible analogy to the Tabernculo? In the century after-modern where we live the diversity has been the laboratory for the increase of religious perspectives, creating dogmas in surtos of new seitas that seem to flow of the most varied current of thought; either by means of sophisms or truths of faith. Thus soon it had place for the seita Tabernculo Victory. But until point is valid such religious ideology in the current times? We are in the apogee of the human skepticism, that Freud pointed as modernity blocked in its Theory of the Progress. It is difficult to the after-modern to accept an order religious of this type, however the free belief must be respected as rule of the civilization of the developed peoples. This would be really an apocalyptic messianic movement or plus a capitalist seita of ' ' men of f' ' that they intend to support its ego and pocket with the good will of the people.

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