Sustainable Society
The Age of the Sustainable Society? E.S.S. Only that one is not idle that does not make nothing, but also that one that could make something better (Scrates). A moment of uneven transistion in history is lived, when the changes occur of unimaginable form and in all the social fields. The human being does not obtain to detect with clarity and Real importance and what in fact it is occurring. The recent technological revolution leveled the field of performance of the global economies, making possible that many for the whole world could compete, be connected and usufruct in real time of benesses of the fantastic process of globalization. At the same time it was created economy of the discarding, where the wild consumption becomes scarce the natural resources without allowing that the recomponha planet opportunely if. In 1798 eminent English economist Thomaz Malthus augured that the world would go to walk for a tragedy in face of the geometric increase of the population and arithmetical increase of the food production.
But the Green Revolution of years 1940 the 1970 moved this catastrophic scene: the human being with its intelligence and inventividade, ahead of an enormous challenge, developed technologies that had propitiated fantastic profits of productivity and disarmed the foreseen demographic bomb in the malthusiana theory of the chaos. The beginning of a new age In 01/01/2000, start of the third millenium, initiated the gradual and irreversible slow process of the ending of the civilization of fsseis fuels and beginning of the Age of the Sustainable Society? E.S.S. Lives ma transistion for the ecology of the prosperity, with use of intelligent nets of power plants renewed and clean, under gide of sustainable systems come back to pursue without truces the climatic balance. Projections give account of that up to 2050 the energies you renewed will perhaps represent 50% of world-wide the energy matrices – the biggest contributivo event of the human beings for this balance.