Spanish Industralist
Industralist: Pere Muleteer Sanchez Commercial Denomination: GO! Forklifts & Let s GO! Web site: Beginning of the interview 1. How industralist, What you think of the Economic Crisis? Obvious as much at professional level as personal I undergo the present crisis, however, also I am of the opinion that the moments of crisis is the moments adapted for the transformations, the changes, the adaptations to the new situations of market and can be the opportune moments abrir itself to new opportunities of business. Paraphrasing to Albert Einstein at the moments of crisis the imagination is only more important that the knowledge. All we know that the present crisis has their origin in the avarice, the almost lujuriosa greed, and the weakness of world-wide the financial system, and therefore the effect of the present crisis is global, and the measures to take to try to mitigate it also must be measured global whose first purpose is the renovation of the bases that they sustain to the financial system, which needs to return to take like basic pillars ethical principle of the wealth generation but awarding the generation of productive wealth over the merely understanding whose unique aim is in the fast generation of benefits creating, in many cases, false expectations of fast financial success and low risk level for the investors. In macroeconomics also the physical law can be applied that says the energy is not created nor is destroyed, only becomes, like the wealth is not created nor is destroyed, flows and only changes of deposit takers. 2. What measures you have taken to face this Economic Crisis? The first measurement to take for being able to confront this period of crisis happens through the budgetary austerity, which does not mean to reduce the investment, if not to analyze in greater detail where and what way we applied to our investments and the results that we hoped of them.