“Recycling Is Something
“Recycling is something that is actually recycled,” begins to clarify Gabriel Vasquez, Managing Partner Ecosystem, whose flagship product is grocery bags made with a soft cloth, similar to that of the mask. “We call ecobolsas because their production is not consumed water or toxic gases emanating from, and requires very little power compared to cotton, for example,” he adds. Recycling goes through to keep using them after the first time, and here is the strength of the concept: in the number of bags “shirt” (polyethylene or similar) that can be replaced by a green. Intensive Use It is estimated that one person uses per year not less than 1,200 bags of traditional instead a ecobolsa can be used 600 times. Ecosystem is a family business that emerged a year ago, when on a visit to an exhibition in Europe, Vasquez noted the boom in cheap calls. “We started looking for fabric suppliers and found that in Argentina there are only two factories. We take them as suppliers and manage the production started, we internalize about the stitching, embossed “evokes the entrepreneur. We started making bags and expanded into containers, bins and waste separators and other products for environmental care. Encouraging governments In the case of supermarkets, often goes to the growing demand driven by the ban is having in some districts to continue using polythene bags. In other districts there is no prohibition, but campaigns to discourage its use. And finally there are chains that are uploaded to the wave before waiting until it comes.The city of Buenos Aires still not considering any rules, but the province has regulations that take effect next October, and at other traditional bags are already banned. And while a ecobolsa is more expensive per unit than a t-shirt, the equation is reversed when considering the amounts of both are needed. “A chain with 30 mouths expended, it consumes three million bags per month shirts. opened its first office in Los Angeles, we have expanded to