Real Child
child is born in a universe for chaotic it, inhabited for objects that disappear outside of the visual field, basically the child interacts with the world through the vision later with other directions. With passing of the time child she goes perfecting such reflected movements and acquiring abilities and inside arrives at the end of the period sensrio-engine already if conceiving of one cosmo ‘ ‘ with objects, time, space, causalidade objectified and solidary, between which it points out same itself as a specific object, agent and patient of the events that in it ocorrem’ ‘ (Stolen, 1999, 27) the period daily pay-operatrio is that one that marks the ticket of the period sensrio-engine for the daily pay-operatrio, this is evidenced by the appearance of the symbolic function or semiotics, in other terms, is the beginning of the manifestation of the language. In this in case that, intelligence is previous to the sprouting of the language and in this meaning ‘ ‘ if it cannot attribute to the language the origin of the logic, that constitutes the nucleus of thought racional’ ‘ (COLL and GILLIRON, 1987, P. 32) the period of the concrete operations is marked by the intellectual and social egocentrismo, that is, incapacity of if placing in the point of view of others, and on the other hand, in the capacity of the child to establish relations and to co-ordinate different points of view and to integrate them in logical and coherent way, that if presents as an innovation if considered the previous phase. The child starts to interiorizar the actions carrying through operations mentally and not more only through physical actions, launching hand of a pure mental elaboration.