Private Aspects
RELIGION AS PHENOMENON PARTNER ANTROPOLGICO Even so let us can take the religion as a phenomenon antropolgico partner in the historical process, never is excessively to remember that this is not dissociada of an imposition, either, violent (with the physical destruction, cultural politics and of the originary peoples) as we witness in the historiografia of the calls European settlings in the American and African continent, either in its successory cultural imposition of the settling process. Thus when working this subject we would need much more time for a deepening of what we obviously make use and a diving in universe almost always unavailable on the resistance of the peoples the aculturao either mere religious, either to other sociopolticos aspects. ' ' Religion (in Latin: religare, meaning religao with the holy ghost) is a set of cultural systems and beliefs, beyond vises of world, that establishes the symbols that relate the humanity with espiritualidade the moral values. Many religions have narratives, symbols, sacred traditions and histories that if destine to give sensible to the life or to explain its origin and of the universe. The religions tend to derive the religious morality, ethics, laws or a preferred style of life of its ideas on the cosmos and the nature humana.' ' i To the one leaning over in them on the paradigm of the religion we will find a false certainty of consensualidade imposed for the secularizao of this, mainly in regards to religion catholic and protestant and are unaware of or we do not enter to this secularizao the diverse manifestations of skepticism in the seio of the society; this being disrespected or marcadamente renegada as for the historical example of ' ' Inquisio' ' or for the rationalism and empirismo of the Average Age or still for not the religious presence of part of the society that ignores simply it. .