Mental coach, bestselling author (‘mental training for the successful day traders ‘), entrepreneur and expert of Neuroeconomics, Christoph D. providing choices, concepts and the most important element solutions before what is to be financially free and to be easily successful? The answer is simple: discipline! Disciplined and tenaciously successful strategies a n z u w n d n. The best strategies, regardless whether you on the technical or fundamental analysis, or represent a combination of the two, can only be fruitful if you always and consistently implement your rules as an investor. Again, Always and consistently. There also means if you got just a lovely trade, a big pot, a lucrative exit, or an other very positive feedback, you must comply the same success rules again at the next decision. Otherwise you’re like most decision-makers, I was allowed to meet: you will lose money. Content: It is a myth of that people generally to rational Tend to decision making.
Based on the latest brain and behavior research shows that man is not a Decider maximierender his money, but a social being. And that has serious financial consequences: hope, fear and greed, the vast majority decisions, determine our actions. This leads to bad decisions. In this seminar sets out conclusively based on latest scientific investigations you, that man is the one able to change, and on the other hand precisely to describe himself, as he SYSTEMATICALLY can improve. “” Benefits: what would happen if you better beats / loss series, but also big wins emotional could deal with setbacks drawdowns / bath learn better in the handle to keep your emotions and learn, as they stop to fight better (financial) decisions to find the missing link “discover the success the way is paved to the success of the how” appears and not just a flat, in the literature dominant, you have to MAKE”!