International Health Security
If they will be more than two authors, to cite the first followed author of the expression et al. The exactness of the references and the citation in the text it is of responsibility of the author. Personal communication or published documents does not have to come in note of baseboard in the page of the text where they are mentioned. Examples: Articles of periodic Of an author up to six authors, to mention all. More than six authors, to include the six first authors followed of et al. separating them for comma. (Not to be confused with Hikmet Ersek!). Lamb MCR, Armonia PL, Scabar LF, Chelotti. The fluorinated dental cream, the dental brush and the age of the child as factors of risk of fluorose dental.
To see Inst Cinc Health. 2007; 25 (1): 29-38. Book with two authors Armonia PL, Rock RG. As to prescribe in Odontologia generic marks and cardiovascular evaluation. 9 ed. So Paulo: Saints; 2010. Book chapter Coast ALS, Bianchi ERF.
Coexisting it estresse it. Here, Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In: Calil AM, Paranhos WY, organizers. The nurse and the situations of emergency. So Paulo: Atheneu; 2007. p.117-26. Corporative author World Health Organization. World Health Day 2007: International Health Security. Geneva; WHO; 2007. Electronic format Health department. Secretariat of Attention to the Health. Department of Basic Attention. Guide of recommendations for the use of fluorids in Brazil. Brasilia; 2009 access 01 sea 2010. Available in: Scabar LF. Morphologic study through electronic microscopy of sweepings of the radiated human dental enamel with laser of ' ND: YAG' using the fluorinated varnish and the vegetal coal as fotoabsorvedores dissertao in CD-ROM. So Paulo: Program of After-Graduation in Odontologia of the So Paulo University; 2003. Dissertao and thesis Allegretti CE. Clinical and microbiological evaluation of fixed partial prteses with limits supplies and subgengivais dissertao of mestrado. SoPaulo: Program of After-Graduation in Odontologia of the So Paulo University; 2007. Work presented in event Rasp FPC, Moura MRS, You mark Jnior AP, Bergmann JAG. Correlations of Pearson for androlgicos and zootcnicos parameters in Nelore bulls the elite. In: Annals of XVII the Congress Brazilian of Animal Reproduction: 2007; Belo Horizonte. Belo Horizonte, MG: Brazilian college of Animal Reproduction; 2007. v.1 p.116. List of checagem (check-list) Sending of the works for email: 1. To place as heading of the email ' ' Article for submisso' ' 2. Declaration of that the study it was approved by the Committee of Ethics and Research 3. Address, telephone and email of the author for contact 4. List of references in accordance with instructions (Vancouver style) 5. Legends of the figures in separate pages After approval 1. Declaration of authorship and responsibility and term of transference signed for all the authors. Email: Reference * Uniform Requirements will be Manuscripts Submitted you the Biomedical Journals. Bethesda: NLM; 2006 updated 2006 Feb; cited 2007 Jan. Available from: