Insurance Company Went Bankrupt
Call the Traffic Police for those who got in an accident is not their fault, and the insurance company went bankrupt the culprit, there are three ways to get money for the damages to people or machinery injuries. 1. Apply to the sar (Russian Union of Insurers) with statement. This organization took over the debts of bankrupt insurance companies. Such a long way, but today the most reliable. Further details can be found at Kohl’s, an internet resource. Collected documents (the list is the site of xrd Internet -) can be attributed to the office itself or sar send by e-mail address: 115093, Moscow, st. , 27, building 3, 4 th floor.
Queue in a huge office. Every day here treated nearly 200 car owners – about 10 times more than before the crisis. 2. Go to the insurance company, which authorized the sar make payments on debts disappeared from the market of insurance companies. They are only five: '', 'RESO', 'Max', '' and 'ROSNO'. Branches of these firms to the delight of motorists there are in almost all cities in Russia. Some of them, though, ask first, go directly to the pca, and then to him. But to convince the employees of companies authorized to accept the documents and make payments it was still possible.
Especially if you just learned in the sar that it is in the company received the documents culprit accident and burnt the client firm. 3. To sue the perpetrator of the accident. This option is more convenient in the event that the culprit of the accident – the driver, whose car is owned by some kind of organization – a legal entity.