Fundamental Steps
Next five fundamental steps and of importance for the maintenance of our duro, a continuous maintenance would avoid future failures and lost of our data, because he is better to come up than to cure. Step 1. It leaves sufficient space free Sometimes we realize that the equipment begins to work of erroneous form when the free space of a disc is run out or it needs very little, appear messages of error, the applications can not begin correctly or they are closed after open, everything works of slower form and arrives the point from which it lets know to us that we do not have left disc space. Arrived that moment we must release space to be able to work of suitable form. As acceptable reference can be said that the empty space of a hard disk never must be to infer to 10% of its total capacity and, if it is arrived at this limit, are due to erase unnecessary archives, to desinstalar applications that are not used, to compress archives or, because no, to buy a disc of greater capacity and to copy the data to him.
Step 2. It eliminates unnecessary archives Many (even all) of the applications of Windows generate temporary files. These archives are clear by the extension " .tmp" and one exists generally or several directories where they lodge. In normal conditions, the applications that abren temporary files must eliminate them when the application is closed, only that, in many occasions do not happen thus. For example, when they are closed in abnormal conditions (Windows is hung) or by a deficient programming of the application, the system can not eliminate these archives. This sum of events us can generate a great amount of unnecessary temporary files that there are to eliminate to come up lost with yield of our hard disk in the future.