Electronic Library Online
PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS Type of Study This study are about a bibliographical revision, with descriptive nature, that has as purpose, to identify and to analyze selected literature. For in such a way we use a thematic analysis, where we must ' ' to hear autor' ' , to learn without let us can intervene with the content of its message (SEVERINO, 2000). For Gil (2006, p.65) ' ' the bibliographical research is developed on the basis of material already elaborated, mainly constituted of books and articles cientfico' '. The author still informs that ' ' the main advantage of the bibliographical research inhabits in the fact to allow to the investigator the covering of a much more ample gamma of phenomena of what that one that could search diretamente.' ' Procedures for election of Bibliographical materials This study will be developed through bibliographical survey with the purpose to identify in literature the existing knowledge on Nursing Obsttrica and humanizada Ateno to the normal childbirth, with intention to go deep and to know what already it was searched. The Virtual Library of Sade (BVS) was consulted through the site Bireme, being searched some of the main databases: Lilacs (Latin American Literatur in Sciences of Health); Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Criteria for bibliographical survey the bibliographical survey will be carried through on the basis of the necessity of to construct a knowledge concerning the historicidade of the Obstetrician to the Obsttrica Nursing, of the not farmacolgicas interventions capable to diminish pains of the childbirth during the active phase of the dilatao and Attention to the childbirth. For the construction of the work the analysis of periodic will be considered in Portuguese language. The adoption of criteria for the election of articles will use as describing: Obsttrica nursing, Obstetrician and Childbirth without pain. As inclusion criterion we will use texts that approach the history of the Nursing Obsttrica, the childbirth, the actions of attention to the childbirth, and the Politics of Health.