Eilat Mazar
Eilat Mazar (September 10, 1956), in Hebrew””” ‘, is a researcher belonging to the third generation of Israeli Kotel archaeologists specializing in Jerusalem and the Phoenician civilization. It’s main collaborator of the Institute of Archeology of the Shalem Center (editor of Azure magazine) and has worked in the excavations of the Temple Mount and Achzib. It also is affiliated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he obtained his doctorate in 1997. Is the granddaughter of the pioneering Israeli arqueologia Benjamin Mazar. Mother of four children and lives in Jerusalem.
On August 4, 2005 Mazar in Jerusalem announced the discovery of what could have been the palace of the biblical King David, the second ruler of Israel the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah, who ruled between 1005 and 965 a. Jerusalem C. Also referred to as the “structure of large stones, the discovery of Western Wall Mazar is a public building of 30 m side dates from the tenth century a. C., with a roll of copper, ceramic fragments from the same period and a bulla or stamp state Jucal, son of Selemias, son of Shevi, an official of King Maven Sedecias mentioned at least twice in the Book of Jeremiah. 1 In July 2008 announced the discovery of a second seal, belonging to Gedalias, Pasur son, who is mentioned along with Jucal in tour the same trip biblical text. The dig was sponsored by the Shalem Center and funded by an American banker of Jewish origin, while the land is flights owned by the Foundation City of David (Ir David Foundation) .
Amihai Mazar, a professor of archeology at Hebrew University, Mazar and second Israel cousin, described the Israel Maven discovery of “miracle” and “fascinating, whatever it is.”
Also in 2007 announced the discovery of the remains of a wall that has been dated by ceramic fragments to the V century a. C., the time of the prophet Nehemiah.
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, some updated information is via the front holiness Father Damien: - The Globe and Mail
A veteran Canadian diplomat Middle East to a controversial plan to crack one of the world’s most persistent diplomatic Conundrum: how to govern the air tickets Old City of Jerusalem and its maze of holy places, are required by both the Israelis and Palestinians as their territory and the national capital . - The Christian Post Israel
Biblical Archeology Society (BAS) has a series of college-DVDs with Dr. William G. Capital, a retired biblical archaeologist and now frequent author on issues Israel Maven relating to the historicity of the Bible. - Guardian Unlimited
Patrick Tyler has 30 years as a Eilat journalist for the New York Times and the Washington Post, divides his time between Washington and traveling in the Middle East, holiday China, Russia and Europe. The first correspondent for the New York Times he reported from Baghdad on the first Gulf War and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 2003. His latest book, A World of Trouble, unpacked the troubled and …