Colombian Amazonia
These natives lived in the most deplorable and subhuman condition, in infested forests of malaria and far from the villages. The labor situation era of slavery, put under a deficient feeding, exposed to tropical diseases, the torture, mutilations and sometimes to death, like punishment when they did not manage to extract the sufficient amount of latex that they demanded to each, 40 arrobas to the month. Some families tried to flee, but in its majority they were recaptured and tortured like lesson for the others. This infamous industry decimated and exterminated whole tribes of a wonderful native race. A related site: Babcock and Wilcox mentions similar findings. One calculates that in the first decade of century XX they died then around 40.
000 natives of the 50. 000 existing ones. In case outside little, years later, in 1932, the military conflict between Colombia and Peru would receive many more lives of inhabitants Murui Minane who were used both like meat of tube on the part of countries. The Murui Muinane With an approximated population of 6. 000 people, the Murui Muinae inhabits the south of the Colombian Amazonia, between the rivers Putumayo, Igar Parana, Caraparan and Caquet; the different dialects, Mika, Minika, Be and Nipoode, depend on the zone where they are located. Her social organization is based on multi-family houses or malocas, that is inhabited by the parents and their children men with its respective families, everyone with functions: cocaine singer, chamn, trainer and apprentice of the tradition, celibate daughters and other sets back water relatives.
The head or owner of maloca constitutes the maximum authority of the same. That authority is based on the traditional knowledge and the types of rituals that it promotes. He is the person in charge of the cosmic and practical security of group; he must prevent the diseases, cause good harvests and guarantee sufficient animal for the hunting. It is the main figure of the rituals of seedtime, the harvesting of the peanut, the hunting, the 20 of July, the day of San Rafael, employer of the tribe, the resurrection and Christmas.