The reflection on the sprouting and consolidation of this territory allows to elaborate a thought on the necessity of if (reverse speed) to think its future of rational form, without legends, prioritizing the sustainable development. Word-key: Economic cycles, Territorial Growth, Governing Valadares. ABSTRACT The Territory of Governing Valadares is fruit of the conditional multiple form occupation the factors of mythical, economic and physicist-territorial order. The present study it has objective you lead reflection on the sprouting, transformations and consolidation of this territory. Bibliographical The revision and the documentary study had been the used methods. Legal The historical base of creation of the territory was instituted in result of the installation of 06 (six) military divisions you contain the legendary ferocity of the ' ' botocudos indian' ' , endorsed will be the Regal Letter of 1808, imperial legislative act.
This had liberal and strategical intention you contain clandestine explorations in relation you the production of you pray and precious rocks, and, you hinder the route of escape and not the payment it treasury department. The first urban activities if had developed in the edges of the River Candy, where if it points out to quarter today it ploughs Are Tarcisio. The process of industrialization of Governing Valadares is initiated with the creation of the plant of bathes and soap located in the called Street of Low, current Brazil Avenue. In the decade of 1940 the economic development is impulse in most by the road mesh. In the decade of 1960 the first jobs activities give exhaustion signals, the crisis of the mica pronounces fatal blow stops with the economy of the City and cattle of cut and milk it is changedded into lives significant the economic activity. Still in this decade, ' ' boom economic' ' if makes gift in this territory with the creation of the PDLIM. The following decades will be only expression of the growth of the sector of services.