Basic Education
It is in this picture that if reconceitualiza the citizenship notion, through a revalorizao of the action of the individual while proprietor, while individual that fights for conquering (to buy) property-merchandises of diverse nature, being education one of them. The model of neoliberal man is the privatized citizen, enterpreneur, the consumer. (GENTILI, 1996, p.20-21). In this manner, the education, in a neoliberal vision, is come back as instrument of improvement of the rationality, capable to unmask the secrets of the nature as much how much material human being, instead of improving the human being, developing its critical sense and its autonomy. The pertaining to school system if transforms into one ‘ ‘ market educacional’ ‘ , where the product must be generated of instantaneous form, in accordance with the quality norms: the efficiency and the productivity.
In Arroyo, notebook elaborated for the Ministry of the Education in the axle ‘ ‘ Educandos and Educadores: its Rights and the Currculo’ ‘ , with the purpose to fix minimum contents for the Basic Education in Brazil in way to assure the common basic formation and respect to cultural values artistic, national and regional it tells that the curricular reorientaes still are motivated by the market of work in its imposed requirements the young that in it will enter. The demands of the market, the society, science, the technologies and abilities, or the society of computer science still is referenciais for what teaching and learning. (ARROYO, 2008? p.24) Finally, the school can metaforicamente be compared with a system ‘ ‘ fast food’ ‘ the social spaces, that is, have as objective to supply to the necessities of the capitalism, of the market, where the educational institutions tend to be thought and to be reorganized under the model of certain produtivistas and enterprise standards. FINAL CONSIDERAES When analyzing the two perspectives regarding the State and Education, can be concluded that the permanent state of the education is to be in crisis..