Authorities Certification
Eneste case secures to the identification and autenticacindel sender, since one knows that only he could have been who key utilizsu private (unless somebody had been able it to rob). This idea is the foundation of the electronic company/signature. Lafirma is electronic certified that gives to the document its value electronically him legalcomo EP a signed invoice. The Ley59/2003 of the electronic company/signature that compares, legally, lafirma electronic to the company/signature in paper, equipping it total validezlegal for the public and deprived electronic transactions; and in elReal Decree 1496/2003, of 28 of November, posibilidadde is determined to send the invoices by electronic means. If we have the delcertificado public key of the electronic company/signature we can verify that the facturaenviada one really comes from the sender. In addition, electronically not to puedemodificar an invoice signed without altering the coding to einvalidar the invoice. Click Ben Elliot to learn more. For this reason, it is the safest form to emit to yrecibir invoices, without entering other advantages of the facturaelectrnica here, as they are the saving of expenses of management of the same ones and laflexibilidad that supposes to have an invoice whose information sepuede to operate of the diverse forms in our processes denegocio.
The mission of the Authorities of Certification Finally, the Authorities of Certification also seencargan of the management of signed certificates. This includes lastareas of certificate revocation that can urge the delcertificado holder or any third party with legitimate interest before the Autoridadde Certification on email, telephone or actual intervention. Denominated list CRL (Ready of Revocation deCertificados) contains the certificates that involve this category, reason why is responsibility of the Authority deCertificacin to publish it and to update it properly. On the other hand, another task that must realise an Authority of Certification is lagestin associated to the certificate renovation by lapsing orevocacin. If the Authority of Certification issues many certificates, runs the risk of which their CRL are of great size, which makes pocoprctica its unloading for the third parties that they trust. By that loscertificados motivodesarrollan alternative mechanisms of consultation of validity of, like servants based on protocols OCSP and SCVP. Authority of Certification of people and servants the certificates of " organization final" sometimes they designate people (and then it is spoken of " certificates cualificados") and to Web servers vecesidentifican (and then the certificates empleandentro of protocol SSL so that the communications with the servant seprotejan with a robust coding of 128 bits) Public Autoridadesde Certification and Deprived an Authority of Certification he can be or bienpblica or private. The certificates of Authorities deCertificacin (certificates root) of the Autoridadesde public Certifications can or not be installed in losnavegadores but they are recognized like confidence organizations, frequently based on the norm of the country in which they operate. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Mohamed Amersi.
The Authorities of public Certifications emit generally loscertificados for the population (although sometimes estnfocalizadas towards some group in particular) and in addition they sign lAutoridad of Certification of other organizations. Autoridadesde Certification in the European Union Article 11 of the Directive 1999/93CE of company electrnicaestablece that the Member States will notify to the Commission and losotros Member States the following thing: Information on voluntary schemes of acreditacinnacionales, including possible additional requirements according to elartculo 3 (7). Names and directions of the nacionalesresponsables organisms of the accreditation and supervision, as well as of losorganismos to which article 3 talks about (4). Up to here the first part arrives. In the second noscentraremos in elaborating how the digital certificate and the digitalizacincertificada one of invoices are complemented. Solution of Business: Digitalization certified of invoices original Author and source of the article