If you love Tweet I leave you some guidelines that are key at the time of use that platform in a personal way: spends a few minutes a day to that platform, form part of a community customize your profile, develops an identity do not use twitter as chat, the functionality was not created for this purpose. Using a consistent and simple alias, responds as soon as possible, respecting the limit of 140 characters do not you exceed in self-promotion. Twitter is an ideal platform for promotion, must be used intelligently written is irreversible. Very careful with what you write above all in controversial topics tomato a time when need to do about policies, dogma etc. If delete what was written there will be those who already read at the time of twitearlo from your Pc, phones etc.
Remember also that search engines index this information publish quality information. Not obsessed with the platform. It must be borne in mind that we do not know exactly who reads us and even less who may forward this information we should not publish anything that allows a stranger to have knowledge of the exact location of the places where they concur. Remember that this information can be used by outsiders for other purposes, we must be careful continues to people at the end with your tastes and preferences. Do not ask that you added, waiting for you to add and start to follow you not use it only when you need help, you must establish an amical relationship with your community. Respects the users, not send spam (messages not requested or desired) get ready for negative feedback.