Latin America And The Caribbean Towards The Meeting Of The Fpva In Quebec For Actions That Favor To Him
The Earth is sufficient for all but it does not stop the voracity of the consumers. Mahatma Gandhi He is always interesting and hopeful to see the interest of some countries by the preoccupation preserve a favorable environment them human beings, especially for those who we inhabited in this Continent to be totally identified with its responsibility of which our Continent this favoring by actions that help him to grow, to preserve his growth, moral, ethics, values, governments who favor to him, The certain thing, that a meeting in Quebec will take, Canada from the 6 of November, until the 9 of the present year Forum I publish Green Cities but in the Americas As it review Edward Salazar Cross, One looks for is indicated, the construction of a America with Ecological Cities, a America with Democratic Liberties, respect to the Individual Human rights and Social Justice. It indicates Salazar Cross, that it is considered that Latin America and the Caribbean is the most built-up region of Third World. Between the 1987 and 2005 urban population has grown from 69% to 77% of the total population. To all this it is necessary to add that the urban poverty is a key problem: 39% of the families of the cities live below the threshold of the poverty and 54% of the extremely poor ones live in cities. The air pollution is controlled and managed better in great cities like City of Mexico and Santiago, but it is increasing in cities small medians and, where it is more difficult to accede to the resources and the control of the technologies for the management of the urban area. – The production and the consumption are concentrated in the urban areas, affecting in this way to the surrounding ecosystems through the deforestation, degradation of the Earth, loss of biodiversity, contamination of the ground, air and water and extraction of construction equipments.