Objective promote a massive vigorous and sustained campaign of information and education about the need and importance of the donation of organs and tissues for therapeutic purposes in Peru, which has its tipping point in the week of donor which is held the last week of September in the Peru goals to) contribute to forging a culture of donation of organs and tissues for therapeutic purposes in the Peru. (B) make the institution leader in forging a culture of donation of organs and tissues of solidarity. Mechanisms to mobilize our physical infrastructure, our logistics, our professional staff and not professional. All our health system (companies supplying, third partners, laboratories and others) engage in the financing of our actions. Coordinate with media friends and Allied support. Coordinate with the addresses of education and the national guiding Assembly, to allow us dictate brief and motivational talks to the students.
Carry out mass activities, public events that allow motivate the population. 1St action) form a Committee PRO donation of organs in solidarity (CODOSO) with clear functions as directing all this Plan, create a Logo, a Slogan, the theme of the banners, diptychs and informative leaflets. 2 ) Press conference announcing SISOL driving the month of the donor, which will culminate in a rally in the Plaza de Armas of Lima in the Central of the donor day. STAGE I (from July 1 to August 28, 2008).-to bring together managers, administrators, and coordinators nurses to encourage them and engage them in this Plan. B.-every Director, Manager and Coordinator – its time-meet with all its personnel to encourage them and engage them in this Plan. C.-weekly lectures, testimonies of transplant, patients requiring organs at each Hospital. STAGE II a.-coordination of each Hospital with the pharmaceutical laboratories that work with printing diptychs and triptychs, need A million copies, as well as collaboration with the billboards in each of the hospitals and the emblematic places in the city and districts. b coordination with laboratories, third parties and other banners, balloons and flyer news the day of the great March in favour of the donation.
STAGE III a.-Formal coordination and written with related institutions such as the unit of transplantation of organs of the Hospital Guillermo Almenara in the person of Dr. Jose Carlos Chaman, the ONDT of Dr. Julio Almeida, with the Health Commission of the Congress. STAGE IV actions of masses motivating 1.-Conference press initial 2.-a vigil of SISOL with all his staff, patients and patients in need of organs and tissues in the Plaza de Armas and then vigils district. 3.-Presence at public events: football’s importance example U – Alliance dancing for a dream of Gisela and other 4-parades in each district motivators (a musical set, little people and suggestive banners) Funded laboratories 5.-great concentration in the day of the donor in the field of Mars (financed by all involved in the system).