In order to be able to fulfill this responsibility, with these profits, it is necessary that the Schools of Administration, count on an establishment of educational visionaries, strategists, motivating, able to generate in the participants that interest to confront the challenges with updated knowledge, with that profile that the administrator today requires to be productive, effective, innovating, creative. In another terms, need professors, educational described, with postgraduates of preference in sciences administrative, where more than ever, as it indicates Rosana Lecay, its rights, their functions, the quality of the obtained results and the tools to it that use in their task, are observed and reviewed before the technological advance, with surroundings in constant change and in front the increasing expectation of the society with respect to the contribution of its management. The educational one of the administration, our interest in this opportunity, faces novel conditions, therefore, its formation will have to correspond to the present challenges. The taking of brings back to consciousness of the changes that in the surroundings of the educational one have taken place, allows to determine the abilities and the competitions which it requires to realise his office and the programs of formation that will help to develop them him. The Venezuelan enterprise sector needs professionals, who not only confront the changes, challenges, but they cause the transformations that give confidence to the Venezuelan enterprise sector and it helps him to stimulate the productivity that the country demands in many products that are not making, for it, is needed educational which they cause the knowledge, tools that allow to reach this objective., guaranteeing therefore an effective participation of the schools of Administration before the present scene. Author original and source of the article..