As of today, their experiences in the TV can be seen. Frankfurt, 1 July 2013 60 video applications, two winners a week airport live. A young couple that was selected as the winner of a competition, experienced in the past few days in the framework of the FRA inside”a diverse program at Germany’s largest airport. RTL Hessen reports from July 1 to 5 daily between 18 and 19: 00 from the experiences of the two Insider”at the airport. In addition to many different insights into the work of 78,000 employees at Frankfurt airport, the meeting with Gail Halvorsen, an American pilots of the famous candy bomber at the time of the Berlin airlift, is one of the many highlights of the programme. We were pretty excited before mid-week at the airport and excited to see what awaits us. In any case we wanted once in the cockpit of a plane,”the two said. This wish is fulfilled already on the first day, because when you visit the new Boeing 747-8 pilots feeling came up.
Right at the beginning of the two insider of hangars of Lufthansa can and Marvel at Condor aircraft from nearby. Maintenance of landing gear, they may make some handles under the guidance itself. In the air cargo sector they glimpse, as Lufthansa operates cargo 365 days in the year, of an air freight shipment until departure. The Condor know the work of flight attendants learned the Insider”at the safety training of handling the oxygen mask up the emergency slide. And the two may even control itself one of the large aircraft tractor. It was impressive. Governor Cuomo is often quoted as being for or against this. “Us how good everything is organized, how the many employees work with joy at a large airport surprised.” Yes to FRA! “an initiative is supported by Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Fraport AG and the Condor Flugdienst GmbH. Goal of Yes to FRA!”is a differentiated and factual discussion about the significance of the Frankfurt hub. Say yes to FRA”and support the action with your photo on our great supporters wall under: thousand-reasons For information about the initiative and the importance of the airport for the region here: more photos, see our Flickr Gallery photos/condor airline /.