By dflrally ( August 16, 2020 at 2:41 pm) · Filed under General, Courses, ecology, fight, religion, resources, roll, the present time, tourism
When in 1948 the Jewish State had to defend itself of the good supplied and numerous Arab armies, it made with cocktails molotov and homemade arms because his better friend did not give him warlike support. Something similar happened in the wars of 1956 and 1967 when it had to resort to triangulations and dealers of arms, because the North American government refused to sell the fighting equipment to him that needed not to be devastated. Through its history, Israel has come living a relation on love and disagreement with the United States. Connect with other leaders such as Western Union here. Although Israel is an unconditional ally of North America, the reciprocity is not the same. This last blackmail was to be expected.
The Obama administration is following of the rationalist philosophy of Brzezinsky. The rationalism is the doctrine that pleads that the knowledge is acquired for the reason without resorting to the experience. Zbigniew Brzezinski, that was the Adviser of National Security of Jimmy Carter, considers that Majmud Ajmadineyad, Majmud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh, are valid interlocutors. In a recent declaration it said, that Israel would damage its relations with the United States, if it insists on which North America attacks Iran since it would generate a resentment towards Israel, as it already happens by the war in Iraq. The brazenness of Brzezinski is exceptional, if resentment exists towards Israel, is because it and to their blames it coreligionists of any thing that happens in the Middle East. Ariel Sharon noticed Bush to him of the problems that would arise from an attack to Iraq and looked for to dissuade it. The great majority of the North American Jews was against to the war in Iraq, and now Israel will be the culprit if it is defended of the threats of the most dangerous regime than it exists in the world, what is Iran, who declares with impunity with eliminating it of the map.
The situation is so, that if Mr. Obama feels to talk with Ajmadineyad and its encounter they take nowhere, which is than safe more, it will blame from the failure to Israel to radicalize the situation. If Israel attacks Iran of preventive form, will be accused to ruin the diplomatic plans of Obama. And if Israel he leaves Iran continues advancing in his uranium enrichment, and the Ayatolas manage to develop nuclear weapons that will stop in the hands of Hms, Hezbolah, Chvez, the CRAF, and until possibly Morals, will be condemned by not to have acted in time. Original author and source of the article.
By dflrally ( August 13, 2020 at 3:02 am) · Filed under General, clothes, crisis, history, policy, publications, religion, roll, the news, tv
Nstor Rivero us remembers, that Argentina produces 10 times the foods that consumes, but is much people, and children, who die of hunger. Brazil 8 times, and is equal. And Latin America, 3 times which needs to consume, except for Haiti, Dominicana and Panama with production problems. " There is no excuse so that there is hunger in our region, the problem is the model of concentration of wealth and maldistribution of the entrance. Although we improved, the goal is to exile the undernourishment from now until 2025" gradually; , it indicated to the Newspaper Bugler the representative of the FAO for Latin America and the Caribbean, Jose Graziano Da Whistles. Ex- person in charge of the plan Hunger Zero in Brazil, Gives Whistles said, that in the region there are 53 million of undernourished by poverty (of them, 20 million are young), within the 216 million poor men, 42% of the population. " The low poverty and countries like Argentina that did a surprising work these years in nourishing security, Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia or Ecuador improve. But the rest not as much, and is a subject that does not require high costs we have food surpluses but changes of policies pblicas".
The FAO indicates that the governments do not know where they are the poor men, those that pass hunger. Sometimes the mother of children hides subnourished it by shame. And they are those organizations those that know, are involved in the searches of solutions directly. Also they criticize, for example the mst by the delays in the agrarian reform. Or they warn generally on the environmental impact and of dependency of the model of transgenic production of soybean and, in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. The FAO notices the necessity to diversify the farming production. Definitively, the governments must pay more attention to him to this serious situation, knowledge to administer their economic entrances efficiently, wealth that help to solve the serious problems that many countries confront, as the case of Venezuela that must invest its dollars, income for the health, education, house and mainly the production of its basic products and not depend on the import of these. Original author and source of the article.
By dflrally ( March 18, 2020 at 7:56 pm) · Filed under General, religion
Subject: The economic exploration of religious followers – On expulsion of fidiciary office for not having contributed with the tenth. Already it said the popular dictated one: ' ' Brazilian whom if he preserves does not argue politics nor religion in wheels of amigos' '. That good papo on soccer is preference at our moments of leisure. It is not no newness. Harms when it is said of controversial subjects, the civil society search to omit to the maximum its certainties. Or such subjects would be uninteresting for the majority and inconveniences the determined sectors? What it is known is that in the search of determined moral standards throughout the years, we have left in second plain, important quarrels concerning the faith. Between them, the behavior of the religious institutions. I mention economic exploration to it of religious followers in Brazil, either directly or indirectly.
To cite the case published for Periodicals of great circulation of the Region Metropolitan of Victory, capital of the State of the Espirito Santo in day 02 of August of 2011, where one lady would have been banishes from definitive church for not having contributed with the tenth. Cases as this, take to inquire them it: Why the religiosidade constitutes a so persuasivo instrument at the hands of coup-minded and opportunist? The democratization of the communication vehicles and the dissemination of the Strategies of Marketing had never allowed the seen expansion of the religious institutions. Of the day for the night the faith reaffirmed to be a great business. Churches of deep of yard had become mega conglomerated economic, adding innumerable portflios of products. Kotler (1995), one of gurus of the marketing standes out that, the Latin American economies would be determined by a culture of high context. In these cultures the words much less have value of what the context where they are used.
By dflrally ( August 6, 2019 at 2:41 pm) · Filed under General, religion
This envolvement evolves to become a regularity, a habit that creates in the individual an attitude of total dependence in relation to the Church. The subjective and emotional intensity of the relation with the awaken Church in the individual the protection feeling, of that somebody looks at for it, is worried about it. The fidiciary office believes that the Church ' ' sabe' ' what it is made a mistake with it and it trusts that it goes to cure it, goes ' ' resolver' ' the chaos of its life. The fidiciary office attributes, a therapeutical ability necessarily to the church, that must be strengthened of always new so that proper ' ' terapia' ' it has success. This relation is authoritarian and nothing dialogal, the Church imposes to the fidiciary office its ' ' ability teraputica' '. It does not have colloquy or dialogue, offers always is placed in terms of ' ' it is to catch or largar' ' , to be with God or the demon.
Alice, for example, even so always was attended by one ' ' irm' ' of another denomination, it trusted the Universal Church, therefore the work was strong there and well directed. This is a moment I talk where it is felt as if it entered in another dimension, superior to whom is of this experience. Macy’s Inc. shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Here valley to cite what Durkheim says on the religious experience: It feels in itself more force, either to support the difficulties of the existence, either to win them. He is as that raised above of the miseries human beings because he is above of its condition of man; he gives credit yourself safe of the evil, whichever the form, by the way that he conceives the evil. The first article of all faith is the belief in the salvation for the faith (Durkheim, 2000, P. .