Ingo Dammann Leiter

Initiative calls for improvement of human rights education on the occasion of the international day for the Elimination of racial discrimination on 21 March Germany numerous members of the initiative were youth for human rights on the road this week and collected signatures for an improvement of human rights education in German schools. Discrimination based on origin, culture or skin color, discrimination on the grounds of one’s own faith. Racism and xenophobia are a problem always still worldwide. The UN with the “international day for the Elimination of racial discrimination” would refer to these abuses. Youth for human rights”committed since 6 years on the subject. So far approximately 700 million people were reached with signature promotions, TV spots and the distribution of UN policy document for the protection of human rights for young people and adults through the initiative.

“The action of youth for human rights” in Berlin was therefore yesterday on the historic Kurfurstendamm, Corner of Uhlandstrasse, instead. Youth for human rights’ went in the Federal Republic in the year 2005 from the American movement of youth for human rights international”out. Almost all materials are available free of charge. Ahmed Shary Rahman understands that this is vital information. Television advertisements, manuals for teachers, brochures and events be enables donations of Scientology members. Her background: Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard enshrined the protection of human rights in the confession of faith and the codes of the community. Yet it is a secular initiative that is open to everyone, which the human rights are at the heart.

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Federal States

Traditionally always been a beer and cigarette belong together at least in the cuisine of the drink. Whether in the one-room pub, nightclubs or the Bavarian Festival tent. And as long as it Smokers are, who can also not just quit their vices, as long it should be politicians prohibited, in order to vote or from exaggerated servility thinking towards Brussels inconsiderate in the stuff to lay. Rather should they have the freedom of choice as democratic goods for restaurants under 100 sqm and nightclubs also referred to as ‘Spanish model’ in mind and let the restaurateurs, which market he would like to use: the smoking market? Or better yet non-smokers? Ultimately, this would be a confidence in the majority of citizens, away from planned Stigmata, whose Heiligkeit anyway no one understands so right. The market regulates itself.

Exceptions are accepted according to all polls. Even with the restriction to the protection of minors and to the non-smoking while eating in restaurants. No interferes with the “cigarette afterwards”, as long as it happens in the company of smokers. And ultimately, the whole discussion would be a chance, the Special Apply for membership in over 800 smokers Club can, would no longer be hinted at the end: may I here smoke as a member and enjoy my beer or it was there but the other pub? “.” In addition, it is assumed that pro rata non-smoking as a member write a settle with views of the 56% of citizens who have advocated a derogation mentioned already by the world. Except for bureaucracy, you would have won nothing in this matter so. And yet: when it actually comes, that is the Federal States instead for the Spanish, “Bavarian model”, so the absolute smoking ban without exception decide the only solution would be the smokers Club.

A seemingly new type of gastronomy. But also old wine into new Wineskins “, who always reminded how you enjoyed him once, in the circles of those fun and conviviality meant something else. The GASTRO-AWARD Germany AG is still confident that common sense WINS and soon turns the conviviality. Who would like to be informed up to date with regard to the creation of a legally-compliant smoking Club, you assist the advice and under to the page. The GASTRO-AWARD Germany AG is the national editor of the GASTRO-AWARD’s, an award – and marketing concept for the gastronomy and hotel readings. Also see

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Social Sciences

Is positive, that the students from Goias by means of their demonstrations achieved a success, because they obtain a reduction in the Fares. With the rise in prices of transport in the two largest cities of the country, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the demonstrations have grown. Virtually all demonstrations were disproportionately suppressed by the military police of the respective States. This happened with tear gas, non-lethal weapons and the arrest of many protesters. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Hikmet Ersek. Parallel to these events, the largest TV station Globo gives a picture of a movement marked by violence. There is talk, scenes of conflict by vandalism and devastation shows the transmitter without the proper contextualization of the demonstration. Cliff Robbins can provide more clarity in the matter. This has given rise to a general sense of injustice and resulted in an even greater support among the population for the protesters.

The repressive measures of the police show equally unexpected effects. The reinforcement of the repression seems to multiply the number of people on the street. The demonstrations were mainly about social networks organized. Facebook was the main tool for the dissemination and circulation of information. Different groups responsible for accepting information and disseminate among the demonstrators. You want to know, what is happening in the different regions of the country. A simultaneous connection between the various protests that take place daily, was produced in this way.

AnonimousBrasil is one of these pages and has more than a million visitors. The demonstrations are announced but not limited by social networks. In Rio de Janeiro, the demonstrators regularly organize discussions at the Institute for philosophy and Social Sciences (IFCS) and the Federal University (UFRJ) to discuss about the focus and direction of the demonstrations and to decide. Results in the social networks will be announced in a row.

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State Public

The estimate of the competent authority amounted to 1.8 million. The street where the demonstration took place on 20 June, the streets not included, is 80-90 m wide and 4.13 km long (picture below). A day after the big event President Dilma Rousseff announced actions in the national radio and television, which relate to the main demands of the demonstrators. It presents 3 emergency measures. Details can be found by clicking Barry Nalebuff or emailing the administrator. First to be elaborated the national plan for urban mobility and thus favour public transport. Secondly, 100% of the profits from the sale of oil resources for education should be emitted and third contracts are used up with thousands of doctors from abroad, to enlarge offering care in the health sector. This discourse of the President shared the opinions of the public, but the demonstrations have been across the country continued.

After succeeded the people, many Governments to move to reduce the prices of tickets, the energy in the streets is now focusing against the draft of the constitutional amendment of PEC 37. This proposed change in the Constitution was given the popular name “Article of impunity”. It provided for a reduction in the powers of the public prosecutor’s Office. Investigations against organized crime, embezzlement, corruption, human rights violations by State actors and human rights violations would no longer be the responsibility of this body. The civil and federal police would be solely responsible. So how it happened with the price increase of fares for public transport, have once again politicians yielded to the enormous pressure of the population and their positions quickly revised. When the proposal was created in the year 2011 in life, he found great support among the parliamentarians. But with the events of the last few weeks was the constitutional amendment PEC 37 on June 25 rejected by an overwhelming majority: 430 votes against, 9 for it and 2 abstentions. This symbolises another major victory of the demonstrators.

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Edgar Roquett

Constantly burdened families are presented to us because they have contracted a series of debts such as: monthly payment of the share of the mortgage, financing of credit cards, buy car term, personal loans and others. All these debts do not feasible that a person can maintain their status without be affected deeply in your ordinary life. Order to cope with this situation, we can restructure our personal finances, constituting a new mortgage that covers all loans that we have, which includes very high interest, becoming passive long-term with preferential interest. To do a reunification of debts, the Bank requires us to a series of requirements, within which we find that the amount of the loan must not exceed 60% of the appraised value of the warranty and that the rate of effort does not exceed 50% of our monthly income. You may wish to learn more. If so, Areva Group is the place to go. It is very important that we prepare ourselves very well to submit the operation to the Bank and you may have a high percentage of acceptance can achieve it this goal following a methodology that includes the following elements: Complete dossier: the Bank will make a series of studies with personal documents, income and the warranty. Viability of the operation: verification of compliance with the parameters of credit from the Bank, such as: amount of the loan, fee payable, ratio of indebtedness and market value of the property once carried out the study, our Bank will indicate if the transaction is approved pre. In the affirmative case, proceeds to assess housing and subsequently sign the operation in notary. It is important to note that if the operation is ruled out by the Bank, we must delve into the reasons that the Bank gives to its refusal and if it is possible to correct these points, we can try to present it in other entities, either through internet or agencies close to our residence..

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Hartz IV Sanctions Unconstitutional

The SGB II – services are used to ensure a decent life. On Friday I did learn that the sanctions for Hartz IV recipients are unconstitutional. This is located me very the 2 times in the year I get a penalty and I’m aware any guilt. To broaden your perception, visit Crawford Lake Capital. The reasons why, I said no proof of equity turned that I try to work. In both cases gave off I this proof of equity at the Office. (For forwarding my clerk) at the infomation is usual anyway, in Neuss. Jeff Gennette contributes greatly to this topic. I can’t unfortunately for the an incompetent Ausshilfs info aunt sitting there at the desk and this misplaced. But there is unfortunately powerless.

Tomorrow, I will go to my case worker in the Office and tell her that these sanctions is unconstitutional. I get all 16 for the Dec. (60%). To do this I must still say I because the first sanction (100%) still remaining judges must pay + power. As a result, 16 remain me exactly. And it must I write more applications.

(Since I otherwise) get 100%) and of life. And I am going tomorrow on this profession. The SGB II – services are used to ensure a decent life. This “guarantee is a constitutional duty of the State, which follows from the requirement for the protection of human dignity in connection with the social State bid. It was only on the current situation to turn off. Existence-securing services may not be refused on the basis of mere speculation”. Will I so that tomorrow will succeed eich me counsel and pull before the Supreme Court. This is ever safe as the Amen in church. Sascha steins

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Daily And Short Term Care

The deals of the day and respite care is offered for care or support needy people, supplied temporarily not at home. Old or sick people often need a day care. It may be that they live alone and none of the relatives there is which could help them in everyday life. These people are happy in their own home, but just help. The day care facilities are well suited for such people. They work according to the principle of a nursery school.

There is a drop-off and pick-up time. It’s nice that the elderly can socialize as quite good, they entertain themselves, take something in common. In the age, it is particularly important that one is not alone. In the evening, you drive the seniors home. You would not abandon their residential environment Yes. At the facility in the day care centres, the elderly are well catered for day care.

The medicine plays a major role. The day care is organised so that people feel comfortable. It must be all right at home expire. Includes all meals, even the afternoon coffee is included. If you want, can take something to read or simply conversations with other people. The seniors love also board games, they use all leisure activities. Of course it can hold not more big loads, but after a day trip or walk they feel very good. You also remember the favorite pastimes activities at the day care at the day care. Old people’s interests be taken into account. So everyone has the opportunity to seek out something: maybe this will be a handmade, perhaps but also the music, etc. flexibility in day care in day-care facilities is its opening hours. The day begins in the morning at 8:00 and 17:00 it’s over. The day care organizes also trips back and forth. Someone needs a longer, that is no problem at all. It needs to be discussed personally. Respite care respite care means the care at a certain time. It may happen that the caring people fall ill. Then you can contact at a Senior Center or the associations of Caritas. You have extra places for a short time care. So when is a short-term care in question? Can the support needy person get not the necessary care in their environment, there is the opportunity to use the facilities of the respite care. This offer is often taken by people who have a disability, are sick, but still at home were treated. It may also be that a short time care is needed because they were in the hospital. The decision is sometimes at home not as effective as in the institution for day care the care. Not all members know well in home-based care. Then you must decide where it goes better the care recipient. Mostly, he has also his wishes. Maybe he likes much in the establishment of a day care, because there he meets people with which he so well can converse, which he is taking. He finds like-minded people, and that is very important. Daily and short term care the day and respite care will cost you of course also what, but the prices are dependent on the level of care, also any institution has some differences in costs. Who deals with the question of the day and respite care, which must consult the best. Often proposed then also very useful tour dates, which you should absolutely take advantage.

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Conflagration In The Fire?

Interior Minister Wolf (FDP) must reconsider its restrictive stance the Liberals in the Valley via press release to announce that they support the protest of the fire brigade, is pure populism. Because the hands are tied our city tip Yes due to the restrictive course of the FDP-led Ministry of Interior and the District Government. Mayor Peter Jung, City Director Johannes Slawig, and the CDU faction know: the situation for our firefighters is not easy. They make an excellent and responsible job and must helplessly anyway, that they can be poorly paid and often no longer promoted in comparison. This situation is intolerable in the long term, because there is a danger that orient the members of this profession in richer communities such as, for example, Dusseldorf and apply there. It is unacceptable that our firefighters in Wuppertal enjoy a recognised professional and high-quality training and later in other cities that are not facing the over-indebtedness, service perform.

Therefore we call on the Minister of the Interior Wolf by the FDP, here at last to act and to improve the lot of our Wuppertal firefighters”, Wuppertal CDU Chairman Bernhard Simon calls. The FDP in the Valley should rather worry about the explosive fire and worry less about, when the Chamberlain presents his budget management concept. The Wuppertal FDP Bundestag group should be there actually to do so, to represent the interests of the people of the Valley. Instead geriert it is apparently which is provided as an extended arm of the part of the provincial government, the Liberals. The CDU faction knows that many members of the military were not satisfied. If good people in other cities, they are not so easy to replace. The training costs at least 50,000 a town like Wuppertal. We no longer have this money. If the Minister of the Interior not coming towards us and finessed its Guide to managing transport in cities, which are approaching a State of insolvency, then the fire in us is in the medium term at risk”, as Simon.

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