Archive for November, 2013

Professional Educational

To take in addition, in account some opinions that have been arisen on this subject, like that it indicates Trahtemberg, when he needs that the professors must to work but it last to encourage sustantivas interactions between the participants of the educative process. That one works in equipment. The educators must be facilitators of education and to toil with the effective dimensions of her, who they can ignore at the moment at which the value of the computer science of the education is overestimated. The educator must be designer of learning methods. On the other hand, one remembers to us, which comments Eduardo Doryan, who esteem that the educative systems must evolve fast and permanently so that through the formation of better to be human societies they find the answers to the challenges that present/display. And summary: To learn continuously.

Which the learning has become a challenge and it not only happens in the school or the university. It is a continuous effort? It must exist collaboration? It must of being competent and to have initiative? One is due to have brings back to consciousness of the paper that each carries out To it also comments Francisco Guerrero is due to consider, who the educational college students would be due to guide through the following directions: Professional direction. One concentrates in the qualification for all the functions of the educational college student. Personal direction. One is based on the change of individual attitudes and of the personal conduct of the educational one to improve the learning of the students through the improvement of education. Collaborative direction. The didactic qualification of the professor would carry out by means of the interchange of experiences and the information and participation in projects of educative innovation. Reformadora direction. Its intention is to use the programs of professional development as strategy to motivate to the university professors towards the improvement of the educative practice Is important in addition, to take into account, for example, which contributes to the Prof.

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Residual Fuel

The Bunker is a residual fuel obtained from the distillation and refining of hydrocarbons, generally has a low price for this condition (residual) that is why priority is given to their use in applications where power consumption is important, as applications naval, electricity generation, preheating furnaces in steel billet, etc. It usually contains a significant presence of asphalt, which are indispensable to turn their fragmentation, but depending on the quality of the distillation and manufacture date can be started without carrying out this process, but certainly the important generation of smoke, bound by conditions environment, to make the process previously indicated, this spray is usually accompanied or assisted by fans, which help to better combustion of the Bunker today have made a significant effort to improve the combustion systems in order to improve combustion Bunker, it usually warms up to the product gases thus optimizing combustion, and is common to identify the placement of additives or item ordered magnetic particles for better combustion, however the first thing that must be done in accordance with good engineering practices is to reduce heat loss in volume control, with this first step can reach lower fuel costs in the business, up to 30% in boilers and furnaces that consume Bunker Sometimes we get a “good” combined oil burning internal combustion engines, with diesel 2 which represents an ecological alternative for this type of waste, which are very harmful if the environment especially water runoff. It is especially important to control the viscosity of the Bunker, which should be about 300 SSF at 50 C, and the lack of water, as this in combination with sulfur in the fuel is normally produces the called “cold corrosion” which is nothing else that the formation of acid sulfuric acid and hydrogen sulfide, which runs the metal from the exhaust of the machinery that uses this type of fuel. The calorific value of the Bunker is a direct function of crude oil source but can be set an average of 9500 kcal / kg is usually a common practice a process of filtering particulate matter prior to the use of waste fuels, such filtering aims separate items such as water, vanadium and sodium at temperatures of about 700 C causes hot corrosion by reacting with some system components such as exhaust valves or turbo chargers, silica and aluminum and heavy metals such as Cr, Pb, Mb, Mn, etc. Usually this is achieved through the use of filters and centrifuges to achieve such separation with the help of the power of the same name, evidently also achieves this separation of the water, leaving the rest in a tank but obviously the time of separation is very slow.

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Napoleon Hill

There are people only use who it as a component and more gives to major priority him to other things like the social networks, the email conventional marketing or its pages Web. And there are some who put his blog like one of the main components of their business, in the same level that the email marketing, that is very important. I recommend to you that she is of this form, that your blog is nucleus of your business, where people know you, knows what you offer and it benefits from all the information that you offer. Blog used of the correct form is a really powerful tool, if you center your business in her, is going to you to go far better in all the senses. 3.

I know generous So that blog has successful is necessary that the generosity is always present. And with generosity not only I talk about to provide with excellent content and to share your better ideas, also it is necessary to give him to priority to the most important part of any blog: the readers. Although sometimes it is difficult, he tries to respond the greater amount of possible commentaries, responds emails that they command to you and to the questions that do, by more idiot than can be. He remembers that all we are someday we are nascent. You do not assume the position of that typical guru or expert who despises the commentaries of the people and does not respond to any type of commentary or electronic mail, the best thing is than your visitors know that there is somebody really looks for to help them. 4. I know consistent and generates confidence The consistency and perseverancia are indispensable elements in any business by Internet. I have already mentioned in many occasions that the positive results about which as much it dreams the majority do not arrive overnight, nor in few days.

It is necessary to establish habits and to work constantly, although at the moment we do not see with much illusion our objectives. As Napoleon Hill says, the greater success of many people comes after a period of failure where the things did not leave the best form, but the consistency predominated and it was managed to revert the situation. One of the best attributes than you can have is to even continue working and advancing when your motivation and determination are in their minimum expression. How you obtain this? Having faith in which you will achieve your objectives, and I do not talk about religious faith, if not to the belief in that the positive results will abound your life and your business sooner or later. To the generous being, consistent and updating your blog frequently, also you will manage to generate confidence in your blog. When there is a confidence atmosphere, it is much more probable that your visitors become later subscribers and clients for all the life. That is to say, that not only they buy once, but they acquire all products by all along that you are in the market. The confidence is equivalent to sell more, recurdalo.

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T-shirt Advertising

When asked what will best attract the attention of consumers who participate in the promotion, we can firmly answer – clothes. And in particular – promotional caps and shirts with the logo. Because of this, a brand of remembered much better, because here the main role played by associative memory. T-shirts with the drawing of your attributes or T-shirts with the logo to create a corporate style, and their mass distribution as a souvenir, give any people feel ownership of your company. After all, high-quality embroidery on t-shirts or backpacks sewing on order, will make this thing really interesting, and the symbolism of your company will be remembered not only the participants action, but just the people around. Shirts with the application of precise and accurate information are the same advertising medium, like any other commodity.

At trade shows within your company, wearing promotional T-shirts and shirts with the logo, will be easily recognizable, and hence its function as a source of information, these carriers will fulfill. Custom T-Shirts can be made as small and large print runs, it all depends on the goal that you set. Purchasing shirts logotype or ordering embroidery on t-shirts not only for their employees, as well as souvenirs, and you will be able to convey the necessary information for you greater range of potential customers. Also in Recently it has become popular – Intercompany sports, devoted to any event. To support the corporate culture and morale, you can make your fitness with the company logo. K example, if a company has its own football team, it would be nice to equip it with a football shape with the logo of the Organization. Another non-trivial application logotipirovannoy clothing – performance of employees to annual processions, or subbotniks on significant events. In any case – the appearance of groups of people in clothes with the corporate logo – in itself becomes a cause information that attracts attention public.

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In the lamellar apparatus gaskets a lot (one more than the wafers), they have a complex configuration in plan and section, individualized. Such seals are made only in a specialized enterprise. Cost set of gaskets for heat exchanger with apv heat flux of 500 kW, according to this company, $ 250. Since the expensive pads and plates require periodic replacement, operating costs when using plate heat exchangers are large and comparable to the initial cost of the heat exchanger. 6.Gidravlichesky channel diameter heaters vvpi 9 10 mm, which is 2 times bigger than the plate apparatus. Due to this circumstance in heaters vvpi not delayed the dirt in the form of solid particles as small as 10 mm, which ensures the stability of their work.

Operates a quick note clogging plate apparatus in domestic heating systems and the practical impossibility of their operation without the filter-sump. 7. shows that the advantage of plate apparatus, which consists in the possibility of disassembly, more declaratively. Firstly, the assembly-disassembly rather laborious process, requiring highly skilled personnel and professional. devices, and which because of its plates. Second, the disassembled during the heating period, the plate apparatus accompanied by a decrease in power boiler for a sufficiently long period. Heaters vvpi on the side of untreated water mains are cleaned both chemically and mechanically, without disassembly.

Mechanical treatment removed only the back cover, which takes 5 10 minutes. Third, after the third treatment, as a rule, requires replacement gasket plate apparatus, which is expensive. 8. With prolonged use (over one year) is observed more stable operation of heaters vvpi in comparison with plate for heat removal performance and resistance. In the same conditions of temperature and water quality heaters vvpi require treatment in 2-3 times less frequently. 9. Comparison of operating costs associated with the payment of electricity that went to the pumping coolant using heaters vvpi and plate apparatus (ALFA-LAVAL) gives the following result: If vvpi use heaters for the 20-year-old life is achieved savings equal the initial cost of plate heaters, which could be installed on the present site. 10.Pri Compared vvpi heaters and plate under equal conditions – the initial cost of heaters vvpi 50 70% of platelet units. 11.Sravnenie heaters vvpi with shell and other devices, For example, multiple types of pv according to gost 27590-88E having a brass tube bundles and the steel hull, gives the following result: weight and dimensions heaters vvpi in comparison with mf in 2 4 times less. Figure 1 shows the dimensions three-section staff PV-325h2-1 ,0-RG-3 (a) and the analogue to power VVPI-1500 (b); rate of accumulation of sediments in the apparatus vvpi approximately 2 times lower than in the mf hydraulic resistance of the mf 1 5 2 times higher than that VVPI; Operational reliability associated with corrosion of the body (for the conditions of equal thermal efficiency) and depressurization of tubes in heat exchangers mf is much lower than vvpi. A typical operational damages in heaters mf is stress corrosion cracking (Thrust collar) pipes in the ground rolling heaters mf unlike vvpi very poorly tolerate alkaline water regimes with pH> 9; capital costs when buying pv devices and vvpi heat output per unit close to each other;-cost installation of devices vvpi lower than mf in 2 4 times;-cost maintenance and repair of vehicles vvpi lower than the pv.

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For the first time Greenpeace has come to the African continent much earlier – back in the early 90's, began to struggle against the brutal tropical deforestation in the Congo Basin and the destruction of fish resources of western coast of Africa foreign fishing fleets. In recent years, these problems added another one – global climate change. Is threatened and biodiversity of the continent. Endangered forests Democratic Republic of Congo – the largest surviving in Africa, forests, untouched by human activity. Without work 'on the ground' for international action to address environmental problems in Africa are already enough. The opening of new offices of Greenpeace will give the opportunity to conduct their own research and seek solutions in close cooperation with African ekozaschitnymi organizations. Scientists have figured out how to display a green American plant scientist Paul and his colleagues at Rutgers University in New Jersey installed as appeared on our planet plant. It turns out that all green plants owe their existence to a successful hunt amoeba-like organism.

According to scientists, about 1.9 billion years ago on this planet microorganism consumed a small bacterium that existed at the expense of solar energy by splitting water and extracting oxygen. Thus was formed a symbiosis – a microorganism and which existed inside the bacterium. Descendants of these bacteria were the chloroplasts, which are entities within the cells of green plants and algae. A through the process of photosynthesis that occurs in it, and there is a whole plant world on our planet.

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