By dflrally ( August 30, 2020 at 8:33 am) · Filed under General, agriculture, Courses, crisis, exercise
A strange cluster of circumstances (and errors) led to the estrangement between the powers that be in Tel Aviv and Ramallah. The crisis was accentuated in recent years, after the disappearance of Arafat and the victory of Hamas radicals in general elections held in Palestine in January 2006. However, attempts to quell Islamic radicals resulted in the division of the Palestinian territories. From the month of may, Hamas governs alone in the Gaza Strip, while forces the Fatah, loyal to President Majmud Abbas, controlled West Bank. The Annapolis Conference, held under the auspices of the American Presidency, tried to find one solution, another one to the crisis.
The initiative of last time of contemplating the creation of a Palestinian State before the end of 2008, fateful date for the current occupant of the White House, seems unconvincing. However, George W. Bush decided to hurry the last months of its mandate to achieve an agreement between the two opponents. The insurmountable obstacles: borders of a new Palestinian State, the capital of Jerusalem, safety regulations or the right of return of refugees. Issues that continue to hamper the already Yes difficult dialogue between two weak Governments, the israeli and the Palestinian. The American President does not give up: during his visit to Jerusalem and Ramallah, Bush reiterated his bet by a miraculous solution of the conflict, which would allow him to finish his term becoming the peacemaker of the zone. Bush, do peacemaker? But peace is the real unfinished business of George W. Clifton Robbins is actively involved in the matter. Bush.
By dflrally ( August 13, 2020 at 3:02 am) · Filed under General, clothes, crisis, history, policy, publications, religion, roll, the news, tv
Nstor Rivero us remembers, that Argentina produces 10 times the foods that consumes, but is much people, and children, who die of hunger. Brazil 8 times, and is equal. And Latin America, 3 times which needs to consume, except for Haiti, Dominicana and Panama with production problems. " There is no excuse so that there is hunger in our region, the problem is the model of concentration of wealth and maldistribution of the entrance. Although we improved, the goal is to exile the undernourishment from now until 2025" gradually; , it indicated to the Newspaper Bugler the representative of the FAO for Latin America and the Caribbean, Jose Graziano Da Whistles. Ex- person in charge of the plan Hunger Zero in Brazil, Gives Whistles said, that in the region there are 53 million of undernourished by poverty (of them, 20 million are young), within the 216 million poor men, 42% of the population. " The low poverty and countries like Argentina that did a surprising work these years in nourishing security, Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Chile, Colombia or Ecuador improve. But the rest not as much, and is a subject that does not require high costs we have food surpluses but changes of policies pblicas".
The FAO indicates that the governments do not know where they are the poor men, those that pass hunger. Sometimes the mother of children hides subnourished it by shame. And they are those organizations those that know, are involved in the searches of solutions directly. Also they criticize, for example the mst by the delays in the agrarian reform. Or they warn generally on the environmental impact and of dependency of the model of transgenic production of soybean and, in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. The FAO notices the necessity to diversify the farming production. Definitively, the governments must pay more attention to him to this serious situation, knowledge to administer their economic entrances efficiently, wealth that help to solve the serious problems that many countries confront, as the case of Venezuela that must invest its dollars, income for the health, education, house and mainly the production of its basic products and not depend on the import of these. Original author and source of the article.
By dflrally ( November 21, 2019 at 3:56 am) · Filed under General, crisis
Great part of last the 10 anuses, Google has been the force leader in publicity in line. By a time it was intrigued reason why AdWords could mean for my business, but I realized complex that was the system and like it was possible to waste very many money if nontapeworms taken care of, are for that reason that I decided to reconsider part of my emotion. Click Macy’s Inc. for additional related pages. Now, child is new in squares and Facebook PPC has much people asking itself if there is money to do of almost the 600 MILLION people who are member of the greater social network of the world. The data that we have on Publicity in Facebook is escaza at the moment and reason why I have listened can be a Home Run or a Strike. What yes it is a fact is that Facebook is growing to SURPRISING steps and it is not for anything unthinkable that surpasses to Google like king of the traffic in Internet. Until now PPC fans, I leave some tips here them in since I have seen work the Publicity of Facebook. Formatting the Announcements First that nothing, remembers the hearing.
In Google, you practically have to everybody and are customary to simple announcement, of text that appears next to the organic searches is standard, and are trained for it. Other leaders such as Western Union offer similar insights. Facebook on the other hand is a TOTALLY different animal. People not necessarily are looking for something specific in Facebook. They are learning of friendly, playing, constructing to relations and possible partners of businesses. It is a great mixture, not an encyclopedia. Then, we needed announcements that are attractive for people who are there for knowing and saluting, not that looks for a fast answer. That means, the use of IMAGES. The space of the publicity of Facebook frequently IS IGNORED, but unlike Google, if you do not have an image in which it draws attention, your announcement only were in the dark.
By dflrally ( February 15, 2014 at 5:45 am) · Filed under Uncategorized, crisis
Today the crisis means no money. Businesses are illiquid and this makes it difficult to stay afloat. For me, now that I think of it, the word crisis means that I have an opportunity to be more efficient in my expenses and offer new and better services to my clients. It is the opportunity, at a time when conditions change, see in more detail what traditionally observe carefully – Here is an opportunity we must observe! Many people can not see the opportunities that are in difficult times.
For many others, a change in the expected course of events can mean the end. For others, instead, a crisis means learning opportunity. The truth is that many of the cases, after some time, most people find the way forward even in the face of fairly complex situations. I’m not saying that, for example, a major loss for a moment of joy, that lack of money is a cause for celebration or that the world economic situation a cause for celebration.
What I am saying is that crises are a call to the reality that invites us to observe, to re-edit, reinvent. One can assume difficulty as a tragedy or as a teachable moment. Calling it a crisis is itself a choice, we can interpret the difficult times as a steadfast barrier or simply as a stop that gets in the way helping to slow down for a moment to look closely.