Archive for January, 2020

The Daily

In day 13 of May of 1888, the Daily periodical of Notice publishes in its pages under the editorial form: Let us raise in front that our time arrived! What our shout of enthusiamo today goes to the confines of the world to take the grateful news of that the Brazil? it exempts, completely exempts? it complains logar that it competes to it in the great slap-up meal of the humanity! Untwined heres of the referring to abolitionism idea, you that you were infastigaveis in sacrosanta propaganda in prol d? a race mizerrima, we greet you with all the chos of the native land, with all the humanity feelings! the ones that had been restrained by the death, before seeing to shine the dawn of the redemption, had received ours solemme homage! That its you flow venerating itself they regosigem with the happiness that starts for aquelles for who had in such a way worked! enslaved it of hontem and citizens of today, unamo-us for the enlargement of the dear native land! We can perceive that he has a speech in which if he desires to erase a past that did not represent the modern civilization. The representations of the escravista institution generally multiplied for its negative aspects. Phrases as ' ' black instituio' ' she gave idea of as the regimen was appointed words of strong meanings. In this direction, to perceive that Brazil if presented to the world as a nation that was ready for participation of great ' ' slap-up meal of humanidade' ' it is to perceive that this exactly speech is impregnated of new meanings for that an opposition could occur enters the direction to participate of the slap-up meal that is metaforizado and impersonatied in the 13 of May and, at the same time, to establish the difference that marks the new event or ' ' inventado' ' in detriment what it was desired to erase.

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Daily Rent Apartments

When you are new to renting apartments, you most likely to occur a lot of questions about payment, check-in. In this article we will try to find answers to questions that occur when renting apartments in Kharkov. 1. How do I book an apartment? To book an apartment in Kharkov, and any other city in Ukraine, you must make a request to the company's website or by calling the phones. For booking accommodation you will need to transfer to the account of the advance payment for the first night of stay in the apartment.

Or, if you can personally give the money the employee of the company. In exceptional cases, perhaps an oral agreement. 2. What guarantees that when booking me to settle it in this apartment? If the amount for the first day came to the company, then this apartment is guaranteed with the specified date booked for you. The exception may be a force majeure – a breakthrough pipes, etc. In this case, you will no doubt provide an equivalent apartment for rent. 3. When I booked the apartment, but certain circumstances, forced to cancel your reservation – that is to advance? No refund, due to loss of profits.

4. Included in the price of an apartment utilities, bed? All utilities (eg satellite TV, heating) as well as clean towels and bed linen are included in the daily price of the apartment. In most cases, occurs once every 5 days cleaning the apartment, but can be arranged and individual conditions. 5. What is the order of the universe in an apartment? As a rule you were transported to a particular address in an apartment where you met the owner, sends you the keys and answers all your questions about the apartment. 6. Can I in advance the desired look flat? Photos of each apartment for rent in Kharkov and any other city in Ukraine are usually represented on the site. If you prefer, you can negotiate with the employee at a particular time, if the apartment is empty, and see it in person. 7. Learn more at this site: Governor Cuomo. Is it possible to transfer from the airport or train station? Transportation services are specified in advance and paid for individually, depending on the number of people, the distance to the apartment and other conditions. 8. What is the procedure of settlement and payment? In most cases, settlement occurs after 12 hours of the day and night in the apartment are 24 hours of arrival. In the individual may specify conditions check in later. If you wish to be occupied early in the morning – then perhaps you will be required to pay the previous day. 9. Does the proof of my residence in an apartment? On request, issued full list of documents with a stamp indicating the apartment for rent in Kharkov and any other city in Ukraine at a certain price.

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Modern Leadership

1.-Leadership as being self according to the Diccionario de la Lengua Espanola leadership is defined as address, headquarter, or driving of a political party, a social group or other collectivity. The dictionary of behavior Sciences defines it as the qualities of personality and ability that favor the Guide and control of other individuals. The human as everyone has many flaws and virtues should know; This implies first look within oneself, know to then understand others and reflect what you want to achieve, what you want to achieve with others to achieve success. This analysis will take us to understand us then know others and thus improve our performance as leaders who we are, either for personal benefit or for our Organization. Leadership is the ability to use different forms of power to influence the behaviour of the followers, in different ways. In fact some leaders have influenced the soldiers so that they kill and some leaders have influenced in employees to make personal sacrifices for the benefit of the company. Jeff Gennette can aid you in your search for knowledge. The power to influence leads us to the fourth aspect of leadership.

As conditions and people change, they change leadership styles. People are currently looking for new types of leader to help you achieve your goals. Historically there have been five ages of leadership (and we are currently in a period of transition to the seventh). They are: 2.-age of the leadership of conquest. -During this period the main threat was the conquest. People wanted the omnipotent boss; the despotic and dominant representative who promised people to safety in exchange for their loyalty and their taxes. 3.

Age of commercial leadership. -At the beginning of the industrial age, the security was no longer the function main leadership people started to look for those who could tell as raise their standard of living. 4. Age of the leadership of organization.

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The Revolution

Estesequipamentos can be plugados direct in door USB or FireWire of umcomputador and can all clonar the content of the docomputador hard disk, or receive a great volume from photos and data. Capacity: the same ones of records rigid that they equip portable machines desktop or, currently between 120 GB and 2 TB.Durabilidade: controversial subject, depending on the manufacturer and the quality doequipamento. Some users lose its equipment after 2 or 3anos of use, other users are with its hard disks funcionandopor dcadasRe-usability: thousand of vezesPrs: cheap, of high capacidadeContras: great and disfigured, the chacoalhes are not resistant; for its altacapacidade of storage, one hardware imperfection can mean aperda of many data Band of price for device: R$ 376,50 R$ 3,382, 50NuvemAltima word in storage of data does not occupy space in its table, pocket and nor it can be piled up. The fashion is to record given remotely, nainternet, the storage in cloud. In this modality, the dadostodos are housed in servers online, what vantagemclara brings one: availability of archives in any place where to exist umcomputador and a connection to the Internet. With the wide popularizao dabanda and higher speeds each time available paracontratao, is each more viable time if to possess one backup remote.

Ainternet is repleta of services of the sort, of varied epreos styles, with gratuitous ones, even so sufficiently limited (to few GB). Constant Umapreocupao in this in case that he is with the availability guarantee ebackup of the data. A company who closes its doors, that is ' ' engolida' ' for a greater, it needs to guarantee to its deseus customers the availability data for enough time until migre for a new service, if thus to decide. We approach this subject of namatria form more deepened ' ' The Revolution of the Computation in the Nuvens' '. Capacity: it in accordance with varies the contracted plan and the supplier of the servioDurabilidade: indefinite Reverse speed-usability: indefinite Advantages: accessible data of any place where connection to internetContras exists: it demands care raised in the hour to contract a service with relation privacidade of the data and the availability in eventual changes daempresa contracted esteem Price: it varies of agreement with the service, but exists alternative gratuitous Ospreos had been gotten as measured of comparison between medias and foramfeitos from one same virtual store. The only exception had been ospreos of pendrives, gotten from another virtual store..

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Amen. Because, if to pardon to the men its offences, also your celestial Father will pardon you you; If, however, not to pardon to the men its offences, also your Father will not pardon you your offences (TM 6:9 – 15) Moreover, Joo presents a reply for the overcoming of the hatred and of the rancor, that I eat we saw, in the letter to the Hebrews, they produce the root of bitterness, capable of generates immense damages and irreparable (Hb 12:15), when it says that the love launches except the fear. That is key, therefore to pardon does not seem far from easy. The truth is that the hatred, that the man does not allow to pardon, therefore it thinks that the attitude of if avenging, or tanning feelings against that ' ' it finds they had harmed that it and ofenderam' ' something is proper victorious them, viris them, powerful them, but, in truth, he is being moved for the weakness, the fear of that it surpasses somebody it, and that it cannot recoup its position. Hikmet Ersek gathered all the information. The true victorious person, that one that is more than winner in Christ (Rm 8:37), that he knows that God has more for giving to it (II Cr 25:9), and whose mind is firmed in the eternity, can make what Jesus determined, on giving to another face, without keeping hatred. If you are thinking that this rule and orientation are only applied to ' ' irmos' ' , relatives, friends, known, which remembers was to the orientation of the Master to this respect: You heard that it was said: Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. I, however say, you that you do not resist the evil; but, if any to beat to you in the right face, also offers another one to it; E, what to want to plead with you, and to also take off you it tnica, wide to it the layer; E, if to compel any you to walk a mile, it goes with it two. .

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Cultural Activities

this entrance of the educational field in the quarrel on the medias already is delayed, in view of the paper that they come exerting in the formation of references for the new generations. Per many years, the Education if worried in working its curricular aspects and of general organization, assuming that constitua as an institution with being able to transform the mentalities, to transmit culture and to promote the socialization. However, it has other fields that come if constituting as instances of socialization and knowledge transmission: one of them is the communication. That is, the information does not circulate only in the supports conventional printed matters and the school, but it exactly has innumerable spaces and institutions that divulge ideas, information and norms of behavior, that do not have the education as primordial function. It is necessary to recognize that the technological development, the formation requirements, the magnifying of the agencies that they intend to educate the citizens, the forms of communication of new knowledge, are questions that cross the educational politics, the classroom, the initial and continued formation of professionals of the education, in way that the knowledge and values transmitted for the media can be objects of critical reflection.

The education when using itself of the media and its products passes to the recognition of the approach with the reality of the pupils, therefore they are part of its daily one, and such approach if it becomes important in the measure where, it modifies the previous knowledge of the pupils on some subjects. At a moment where the study of the medias it constitutes a field in expansion, and that to take them as analysis object it is a challenge for the formation of the user, either professor or pupil, or another one any citizen. Conclusion Concluding, ahead of this situation, is necessary to take half as study object and also to use them. To read more click here: Governor Cuomo. This implies to take our proper process as using of the medias as reflection object. If it cannot forget that public spaces of convivncia, exchange to know and participation exist politics in which we can exert our citizenship, and that they demand direct contact with other citizens. It is therefore that the participant citizens of the public life, for other ways, talvs have conditions to discover, to question the quality of the information and the messages, in view of that practical the social one can oppose it other forms of representation of the reality, ampler than the mediated one for a type of technology. The relations between Education and communication are narrow, and are necessary that the ways of being and acting of the educators, communicators, informticos are understood and of that if cross in the production or consumption of the ways. This because public spaces exist to be conquered in the magnifying of the paper educative, of the schools and other ways.

These areas can dialogue and produce meetings, searching to become, as much the education as the communication, public spaces of cultural enrichment. On the other hand, with its critical different practical ways and also they can exert profcuas between itself. REFERNCIAIS BRUCK, M.S. Radio and television. Electronic and cultural media in the Brasil.VEREDAS: Superior formation of Professors. Guide of Cultural Activities I. Belo Horizonte: State secretary of the Education of Minas Gerais, 2002. COMMENTARY: The present article emphasizes the necessity of boarding of the ways in the Education, considering the period where we are living. Thus one concludes that she is necessary to take the ways technological as object of study and our process of user them medias as reflection object.

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First before any communication regarding information systems it is important to stand out that so that this tool has success, it is necessary that possesss two sources, the first one is the users, or in the language of the organizations, human capital and the second o implemented system that respect to the hardware, software says and all the technology inlaid in the process of implementation of a system. Later it is important to stand out the difference between data, information and knowledge. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Jeff Gennette. Data are quantitative and qualitative symbols that can be used in an information process. Information does not have a necessary definition, but unconsciously we know that we use, we absorb, we assimilate, we manipulate, we transform, we produce and we transmit information, and all these processes alone are possible to happen, therefore to obtain in some way to interpret given acquired of the diverse medias. finally Knowledge that is resulted of diverse information that we acquire of definitive subject and thus we get definitive intellectual ability on such area. Explained the terms above it is well more easy to transmit, to understand the functionality of an information system, mainly how much its efficiency.

When the majority is said in systems of information imagines that this technology comes to add in the organization, and this reasoning certain since that is used in the correct way. Many managing times of companies when acquire definitive systems are not attempted against that as well as the organizations they are divided in hierarchy (strategical level, tactical level and operational level), the systems also are through systems SSE (System of Support to the Executive? Strategical level), SIG (System of Managemental Information? Tactical level) and SAD (System of Support to the Decision? Tactical level) and SPT (System of Processing of Transactions? Operational level). With this many times occur of if having a system perfect, but that badly it is used to advantage and it finishes not supplying the necessities.

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Ink Functions

They are the preferred ones for the domestic user, being simpler, of more easy maintenance and cheaper. In this article you go to know a little on the Printer the Spurt of Ink. The Canon company invented Printer the Spurt of Ink, in 1985, the first patented model was Canon BJ-80. All functioning of a printer spurt of funny ink around the Heads of Impression, two main technologies are used: Piezoelectric head It is a older type of technology. It is used to advantage of ' ' effect piezeltrico' ' that it exists in some crystals that when pressured they produce a tension electric; when these crystals are submitted to the one electric tension, them if deforms producing pressure. In the head that uses this technology exists hundreds of small full chambers of ink, one of the sides is formed by a piezoelectric crystal, and, in the other side a wall with a very small orifice. When one is applied electric tension to the crystal, deformed it if compressing the ink and expelling a microscopical drop through the orifice.

When it is ceased the pressure on the crystal, it if contracts sucking more ink of the reservoir. This technology is used in some Epson printers, and in them the cartridge is only one reservoir of ink, and the head is part of the proper printer. They last more time, however they are more expensive; if one or more than the hundreds of nipples to suffer irreparable clogging; trunk, trunk. Only buying a new printer. Thermal head It counts the history that in 1977 one of the researchers of Canon leaned, accidentally, an iron to weld in a full syringe of ink, what it made to gush out a drop of ink for the peak of the syringe. With this histra Canon illustrates the basic principle of the functioning of a printer spurt of ink that it baptized of ' ' bubblejet' '.

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Rio De Janeiro

Companies as Coca-Cola and the company area Goal is feeling in its financial statements the positive results of the strategies developed in half digital. In Coca-Cola, the association with music was basic to reach the young, beyond the monitoramento on-line of the mouth-the-mouth is part of the success prescription. With the Goal, the flight plan is to invest in exclusive promotions, without counting in the plan of business paved in the sales on-line. The campaign ‘ ‘ Alive the Coca-Cola Side of the Msica’ ‘ it was the starting point to attract the digital consumers. Read more here: Macy’s Inc.. The mark created the Coca-Cola Studio that promoted the mixture between musicians as Marcelo D2 and Lenine, as NX Zero and Dribbled Novo and Pitty and Negra I read in programs special in MTV. No longer electronic address, had a series of exclusive contents, as propagated in a special one in MTV it gained body in the Internet with blog, brought up to date daily with information on the singers and bands, photos and videos showing the embroidery frames, among others. In the hotsite also it was possible to create personalized musics, mixing diverse sounds and styles, in accordance with the subject of the campaign, and to change them for the creations of other users, transmitting them for ipod or cellular. The campaign also was present in the MSN with a border showing videos and small texts, of where 45% of the visitors of the hotsite had left. ‘ ‘ The content multimedia was a basic aspect, therefore it was who generated subject, kept the cool subject in the head of the people and generated return to site’ ‘ , Adriana Knackfuss, Manager of Marketing of Coca-Cola Brazil, during I International Frum BORDER Petrobra’s of Digital Communication, carried through in Rio De Janeiro..

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TIC Pupils

It is good for standing out that it professor to use the technological resources it has that to be able and to prepare well its lessons so that has the essential the learning, that is, it decides to take the pupils for the computer science laboratory because they will go to carry through a research, does not only advance to look for and to copy as he found and yes it must elaborate an activity that goes to stimulate the reasoning of its pupils, so that through the material found by means of the research they can carry through a task that has learning on the subject. The same it must happen when to make use of a video, so that the pupils do not understand that moment, either hour of descontrao and only attends the film for attending, but yes that they reach the objective of that activity. Still, many resources are disponibilizados through the technologies as to approach a subject to ask for so that they record an audio one speaking on the subject so that she can be spoken in the radio of the school, or that they use photographs to register pertaining to school moments and to publish in blog created by the group, at last they are many the resources. On the other hand, we have emails, chats, blogs, sites of relationships that the people can change messages, instantaneously or not, everything this can be used to advantage in education. At last, the technologies of communication and information are accepted resources in the education of the pupils, but they must well be elaborated to reach the objective of the learning. Hikmet Ersek: the source for more info. Consideraes Final: At last, the technology is in the life of all lately also of the pupils and, therefore to use the TIC’ s in classroom is a form to get resulted positive in the learning, therefore the pupils if involve with it and finish learning with more easiness. On the other hand, the professors who not yet dominate these technologies must look for aid to innovate its environment of work and to make its more creative, beneficial and pleasant lessons. The schools that make use of technological equipment must disponibilizar its professors and ask for so that they use with the objective to educate and to teach its pupils how much before so that all are included in the digital world, being able to use to advantage the advantages that are available by means of the technologies of communication and information.

Bibliography: Available in: . Access in: 08 nov. 2009. UFMG the Technologies of the Information and Comunicao (TIC) in the Special Education – Perspective Future on Politics, Practical, Inquiry and Development.

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