Archive for August, 2019

Constitutional Court

The Catholic must respect the will of the testador, or is that there is personal commercial interests or prebandage of his leaders whom they prevent to do it? He does not know why it now after 50 years of operation? The present university is not " Pontifical nor Catlica" because they do not govern the dispositions of the Canonical Right, nor either those of Juan Pablo II in Christian Sapientia. Also, they do not have including in its statute the Apostolic Constitution " Ex- Corde Eclessiae". It is obvious that by its nature a catholic university is that one that comprises of the structure of the catholic Church. The Archbishopric of Lima has published the book " The Inheritance of the Riva Omen: that the truth becomes light and illuminates on tinieblas" , where are all the documents of the controversy with the Catholic and they are explained in detail. For assistance, try visiting James Reinhart. It is more can free of charge unload, it in: The 17 of March a year of the transcendental failure of the Constitutional Court will be marked who gives him to the reason to the Archbishopric of Lima and by which all sentence of any court must go in agreement with the mentioned failure. The catholics we have a university that must be given back to the catholicism. It is not possible that the asolapados caviars or Communists have seized of a Pontifical and Catholic university. As it indicated to Cipriani cardinal " I have the particular responsibility to promote the PUCP, and especially to follow it and to attend it in maintenance and in the fortification of its catholic identity, is for that reason that I must affirm that the PUCP like pontifical and catholic university must maintain with the Church, with me in my double condition of ordinary of the place and great chancellor, an entailment that is essential for its identity institucional".

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Constitutional Court Allows Name

Munich law firm of juravendis attorneys at law to the decision of the Constitutional Court to the permission of the term ‘Gene milk’. The Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) the term gene milk for milk from cows that have been fed with genetically modified feedingstuffs, has found in its decision of 8 September 2010 (1 BvR 1890/08) for a permissible expression. Background and facts which complained Alois Muller dairy, which directs international companies for milk and dairy products as the parent company, against the environmental protection organization Greenpeace. The activist Association had pointed out through actions and publications, the dairy processes milk from cows, have received genetically modified feed. Greenpeace urged Muller to use no genetically modified feed and called gene milk Muller’sche milk as a result”. Dispute the appellant Alois Muller dairy sued in the civil courts consequently to refrain from this statement. But also the Court of Cassation, the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH), rejected the claim to injunctive relief.

The Court of last instance, the Bvergg, has accepted the constitutional complaint of the Muller group not to decide in its decision by the 8.9.2010. “Justification using the term gene milk” represents a valid expression. Gene milk”is a singular term, so devoid of context, a low-substance phrase whose exact meaning resulting from case to case just the context is critical interpretation. Thus the term gene milk is”not unique and in need of addition in any case. The defendant environmental protection organization Greenpeace have referred to in their publications (actions, protests, publications, etc.) always ensure that dairy used genetically modified feed the Millers and their protest is directed against this practice. It was the goal of environmental protection association to educate consumers about the risks, which in his view with the use of genetically modified Organisms in food production are connected.” (Message of Beck, 27.10.2010). According to interpretation by individual parties, both also can refer that not in the entire production process on genetic engineering procedure is resorted. For more information about the decision of the Constitutional Court and the consulting services of juravendis lawyers in

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Constitutional Court

This rule set is adjusted annually on July 1 on the basis of the German pension insurance pension adjustments, so therefore in the event of a suspension of pension adjustment no adjustment to the rule set. The rule set for adults is (still) at 359 euros, what but probably soon could change in light of the judgment of the Constitutional Court by the 9.2.2010. Entitlement to ALG II, are applied in addition to the rule set also the residential and ancillary costs unless the apartment as appropriate (i.e. for a person about 45 m m, another person approx. 15 m m more) is classified. Here, but no fee is paid, but instead adopted the actual costs, the performance with the Edition recipient, use your purpose and redirect accordingly to the landlord or owner. SGB II for one is also according to 21 “prescribed persons in principle the right to a so-called overhead”, including pregnant women from the 13th week of pregnancy, single parents of minors, people with disabilities or illnesses, a more expensive diet necessary make.

Add possible one-time contributions come”, in addition to the provided monthly control power provided for the ongoing maintenance can be. This entitlement class trips for a necessary basic equipment of the apartment including household appliances, a new purchases of clothing and basic equipment for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as in the case of mehrtagiger in the framework of the education provisions. These unique services are provided either as cash or as a contribution in kind in the form of vouchers). Unique services in principle also then entitled to, when no rule services are involved, but the income or wealth still not sufficient fully to these special requirements is important here, to cover.

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Conditions for a civil war are not I This – noting at the same time that all the days water that seed. I’m not Oracle to guess the future and know in advance if that dangerous plant will grow, but I note that it is irrigated. Trapped between those who voter turnout they have as a single strategy and a regime that mocks the electoral results and imposes his will while preserving the tenuous democratic guise, it is necessary that the country begins to wonder about new and innovative outputs to a crisis that does not drag sectors to the cliff, but to the whole nation. Maintain the current frame, continue to elude responsibilities to say to Venezuelans who wins with this design in 2012 is an absurdity, as does the far-fetched arrogance of power that reaches the ends of the profiting from a natural tragedy not only to encourage social hatred but to advance on a project that only leads to the eternizacion of a man. Here it is not, then, a unit of a sector; is the unit of various sectors, chavistas and chavistas, dissidents of the ruling or those who still remain inside for lack of an alternative, even if they are seriously concerned about the direction that leads this process. It is an upper unit, one that exceeds to MUD or opponents. What is required is the convergence towards the Constitution of what they now call a front for national rescue that should be first aim the reopening of a real democratic game.

To reopen it there must be basic agreements. Respect for the rule of law, which implies cessation of persecution or abstention of them without valid legal basis, so that retaliations will not occur for old grudges. An agreement in respect to all social progress which has been achieved in this period and maintenance or creation of a real policy of attention to poverty and a careful review and without prejudices about the inherited legal box. Nothing excludes electoral participation, but she can only occupy the space where it belongs in an overall strategy, not be the same strategy. It is obvious that my approach depends on absolute respect to the legality. Needed is not to make an incisive list of agreements, the examples cited are enough to unite around the need for finding a way out absolutely framed within the existing constitutional text.

In my book the third option and others – I think there are enough concepts about a 21st century democracy to discuss the political project that we wish, one that goes beyond the simple traditional democracy. It is my call to the country, that is, a call to a top unit where the participation of sectors of the most varied trends under the conviction of the need for reopening of the spaces of freedom, participation and respect. Chavez and chavistas does not have a serious problem called Hugo Chavez front.

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Hartz IV Sanctions Unconstitutional

The SGB II – services are used to ensure a decent life. On Friday I did learn that the sanctions for Hartz IV recipients are unconstitutional. This is located me very the 2 times in the year I get a penalty and I’m aware any guilt. To broaden your perception, visit Crawford Lake Capital. The reasons why, I said no proof of equity turned that I try to work. In both cases gave off I this proof of equity at the Office. (For forwarding my clerk) at the infomation is usual anyway, in Neuss. Jeff Gennette contributes greatly to this topic. I can’t unfortunately for the an incompetent Ausshilfs info aunt sitting there at the desk and this misplaced. But there is unfortunately powerless.

Tomorrow, I will go to my case worker in the Office and tell her that these sanctions is unconstitutional. I get all 16 for the Dec. (60%). To do this I must still say I because the first sanction (100%) still remaining judges must pay + power. As a result, 16 remain me exactly. And it must I write more applications.

(Since I otherwise) get 100%) and of life. And I am going tomorrow on this profession. The SGB II – services are used to ensure a decent life. This “guarantee is a constitutional duty of the State, which follows from the requirement for the protection of human dignity in connection with the social State bid. It was only on the current situation to turn off. Existence-securing services may not be refused on the basis of mere speculation”. Will I so that tomorrow will succeed eich me counsel and pull before the Supreme Court. This is ever safe as the Amen in church. Sascha steins

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Brazilian Constitution

The same it occurs with the hegemonic paradigms of the Legal Science, that is influenced by the ideas of Discardings, responsible icon for promulgating the reducionista knowledge, with a conception mechanics of the man and the universe (BREADS; AMIN 2010). Thus, ' ' such knowledge ignores the phenomenon most important, that we can characterize of sistmico, the word system, organized set of different parts, producer of qualities that would not exist if the ones parts were isolated outras' ' (MORIN, 2000 P. 03). In Brazil, the positivismo was the model that prevailed and still it conducts the legal relationships for more than a century, since the promulgation of the first Brazilian Constitution in 1891, in which the deductive logical order of formal validity of Kelsen was express, an important positivista theoretician of Legal Science (BREADS; AMIN 2010). Macy’s Inc. wanted to know more. In this direction, the Right, for being essentially positivista, tends not to recognize the complexity of the phenomena, transposing this for practical its, what clearly it is perceived by the logic of the procedural course, which, necessarily, has that to point a victim and a male defendant, a required petitioner and one. The dichotomy between victim and male defendant, requente and required favors the formation of niches of judgments of value that sediment and plaster the papers of each one during the procedural course, beyond permear since the rite of the process until the sentence. This costuma not to promote the resolution of the conflict in itself, but yes and only the process. In this direction, the sistmica perspective, considers a change of the reducionista vision of the world and ' ' plantea necesidad of visualizarlo since joins integral, holistic perspective there (del griego holos – entero) con there finalidad, primero, of comprenderla adecuadamente, y en according to place, so that from esa comprensin, pueda to establecer un abordaje pertinent woollen situacin existing en searchs of solves y planteamientos adecuados to each 14 situacin concrete.

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Constitutional Court

A few days ago, I analyzed the question made in burlesque form by one (minor) young woman whose questioning was basically Yes do there is an inconvenience that is stipulated in the Constitution, for her beer with skinny?. As a first step, popped into my mind the ironic circumstance that in this consumer society, is knowledge of almost all Colombians (by not say all) being banned in minors, the consumption of alcohol and alcoholic beverages, so that made me unusual that the girl did not know this. In my opinion, and as a reflection to the question formulated by the young, the appropriate response would be that while the political Constitution of Colombia expresses not verbatim to this forbidden consumption of beer with skinny jeans, Yes in its article 95, in the duties and obligations of Colombians, exalts and enacts that any person required to comply with the Constitution and the laws. That is, if law and Constitution that situation, were this young does not It would have to be consuming beer. For more information see this site: Jeff Gennette. The 1994 Act 124, is precisely one that governs this prohibition, and currently remains in force, waiting as the other laws of the Republic, be fulfilled by Colombians who make up this country. However, this situation with our reality, making sure I have noticed a major problem because of the lack of attention and ignorance, which receives this article 95 of the Constitution. Hopefully the prized young and in general all Colombians without any exception, bear in mind what was said by the Constitutional Court when it is mentioned that the Constitution recognizes the person and the citizen but at the same time imposes obligations (judgement T-532 of 92). Obligations do not consume alcoholic beverages with skinny jeans as you can believe the young, but if understand that as well as we have rights, we must similarly comply with our duties..

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Constitutional Court

He keeps getting the the Commission according to the current practice. Insured persons lose their deposits in an early termination within the first year. After the judge himself has the practice immediately to calculate selling expenses the insured, the BGH nothing changed. Contract costs are unconstitutional even at the expense of the insured since 2006 In 2006 the Constitutional Court stated that the practice of insurance companies is contrary to the protection of property. The objective pursued by the conclusion of a contract of insurance, capital formation may not sometimes be thwarted. High acquisition costs, whose concrete calculating also the policyholders do not know and the amount of which does not also influenced by them can be to thwart the intended accumulation of assets.

This in particular if in the first years of the premium so may be offset, that the buy-back value is disproportionately low in this period or tends against zero. Wanted in the currently cancelled hearing on February 10, 2010 the BGH (GeschZ. IV ZR 147/09) decide whether the current practice of insurance violates the State protection of property rights. Crawford Lake Capital: the source for more info. From the above mentioned decision of the Constitutional Court of 15 February 2006 (2006, VersR 489) could arise that a contractually agreed repurchase value at zero or only little about lying in the first years, is unconstitutional and is therefore ineffective. Press release of the BHG: possible invalidity due to property protection the BGH had in his above-mentioned note of appointment (press release 19/10) communicated: the Senate has the Parties pointed out that it may not come on on the previously discussed issue of transparency. From the decision of the Constitutional Court of 15 February 2006 (2006, VersR 489) could arise that a buy-back value at zero or only little about lying in the first years, is unconstitutional and does not stand therefore a material control of the content according to 307 para 1 sentence 1 BGB (so now section 169 subsection 3 VVG 2008).

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Colombian Constitution

Llegado the day of the feast, the King, dressed with the alleged dress and mounted on his horse he went in procession through the streets of the village, people also knowledgeable of the rare quality that had the dress Saramago and saw passing its King, until a poor young boy, innocent, said aloud and clear the King is naked. (Hans Christian Andersen, 1837.) Right Colombian, Venezuelan and across the continent, plays the game recently that our pueblo is stupid. They come to believe that peoples are the same times when dictatorships and democratic Governments of the right dictated the rules and customs in Latin America. Jeff Gennette insists that this is the case. On the one hand, condemn the decision of a people who I am voting for continuous re-election of President Chavez, by signing this totalitarian pretensions and lust for power, but as a true democratic aspiration justifies the fact that alvaro Uribe perpetuation in power, no matter the supposedly illicit methods of threats and traps you have used the Colombian paramilitary sectors so that don Alvarito, constitutional dictator of Colombia, perpetuated in power. Two very different processes have been which have happened in Venezuela and Colombia, from the political point of view and from the democratic and sociological point of view.

In Venezuela a referendum that I consult the people, while in Colombia the oligarchy narco operators gave him a madrugonazo to the Colombian Constitution since the Senate is constitutionally active violated their text, without having provided a popular consultation. These are two examples of the vitality of democracy in Latin America. On one side is the old conception of representative democracy, which has proven its failure over the last century and the first decade of the 21st century. On the other hand it is the conception of the protagonistic democracy and participatory, that has been touted the socialism of the 21st century, and has become a requirement with constitutional rank, to all Governments with all of the law, progressives and Socialists in our region.

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LTE Stick Surf

From the year 2011 network can be riden probably in the LTE Mobile Internet. In Germany can be surfed using the UMTS network nationwide mobile Internet. UMTS is the third generation mobile communications standard, and is therefore also very often with the key 3 G “abbreviated. Especially since the introduction of the Apple iPhone 3 G in Germany, the abbreviation in Germany was very. But at that time, only very few people knew to start something with this term. UMTS is the successor of the legendary GSM network. With the help of the GSM network the possibility that nationwide mobile surf the Internet could be existed. But only a maximum speed of up to 56 kbit / s was achieved here in the download.

This speed is the speed of the modem (56 K V90) comparable. For the today’s claims, this speed is no longer portable. Governor Cuomo oftentimes addresses this issue. More and more websites have high resolution images or also several short videos. Especially portals or local newspapers decorate your website with high-quality images. A download speed of only 56 kbit / s would surfing more an ordeal than an experience.

Network but already a speed of up to 384 kbit / s can be achieved with the help of UMTS in the download. Thanks to some extensions, this speed can up level be increased on DSL. The data Turbo HSDPA (high speed downlink packet access) allows speeds of up to 7.2 Mbit / s can be achieved. In some cities Mbit / s can be riden already with a speed of 14.4 maximum mobile Internet. In the spring of 2010, the licenses for the new mobile network LTE were auctioned in Germany. LTE is already seen as successor of UMTS network. Network maximum speeds of up to 100 Mbit / s can be achieved with the help of the LTE in the download. To sign up with the LTE network to be able to connect, is expected to be an LTE surf stick required. Vodafone has already brought test the LTE in some places to run. Christopher Heinsius

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