The Fruit
Everything in an only month happened, not importing the number of & ldquo; avaliveis& rdquo; & ndash; the appraiser who if & ldquo; virasse& rdquo; to make, and well done, the evaluation of its team, to the times well numerous, in an only period of 30 days. The text above is written in the past time, but I have absolute certainty of how it continues most current! But which the problem in justifying wage readjustments through a formal evaluation? It has some problematic points that would like to comment: The good performance can not be constant, but the wage, for law, is irreducible. Who guarantees that employee awardee with one has readjusted Real of decurrent wage of a good one performance legalized for the evaluation of performance in this year can repeat the dose in the year following? if its income will be below of the critical one in the following year must it & ldquo; devolver& rdquo; what is receiving more in this year? Not rare, in my professional life as Executive of RH or Consultant, vi people to be estigmatizadas for having a superior remuneration of the colleagues the fruit of a superior performance in last times that were not happened again at the current moment. Saddest she is that such situation displayed that this employee & ldquo; he was nu& rdquo; , nothing justifying a superior remuneration for a medium performance, situation this that became it constant candidate the lists of resignation at moments of crisis of the company. Thredup contains valuable tech resources. Incorporated readjustment to the wage it implies in bigger costs. She is well-known the raised tax burden on the payment leaf what it means to say that each incorporated cent to the wage it represents value in incubencies almost the same. Financial situation of company. It will be that the economic moment of the company she favors the maintenance of this practical? Some times vi companies who, under chamber pressure (strike threat) or external (Unions), had kept evaluations for merit, had readjusted wages for, months later, to reduce the personnel to compensate the real increase of the payment leaf.
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