By dflrally ( February 22, 2014 at 10:56 pm) · Filed under General, Uncategorized, history
Francisco Julio although little known was a great name of the pernambucana politics, and for the largeness of its ideals, a species of Joaquin aloprado Nabuco. The member of the house of representatives and pernambucano lawyer Francisco Juliano Arruda de Paula was born in the Good Device Hope in Good Garden in day 16 of February of 1915. Son and grandson of gentlemen of devices with a social conscience above average studied in the Sheep Lion and Pernambucano Gymnasium and formed themselves in right. He defended poor persons, peasants and prostitutes. With the decay of the devices and the ascension of the usineiros the campesinato found space to fight for improvements and it finished being a fort ally them unions and leagues peasants. He used its legal and religious knowledge to find in the Civil Code and the bible weapons of defense of its anarchic and marxist ideals. The leagues had had a very great development in government JK and had finished despertando the resistance latifundium them. The ascent of the price of the sugar motivated the expulsion of the peasants of its areas of plantation strengthening the social movements.
Inhaled for success of the Cuban Revolution, Julio organized marches of peasants and radicalized the speech. The support to the candidacy of the usineiro Cid Sampaio allowed that they obtained the dispossession of the Galilia device what the resistance of the proprietors to the movement encrudeceu. Internal divisions in the socialist movement enter the leadership of Julio and the great name of the Communist Party Luiz Carlos You give for who the campesinato was not the classroom appropriate to make the Revolution and yes the proletariat, had weakened the movement. It lived entering in conflicts with the colonels of the Zone of Mata. State deputy and federal was friend of Fidel and Che Guevara, defended the Agrarian Reformation in the Law or the Marra.
By dflrally ( February 15, 2014 at 5:45 am) · Filed under Uncategorized, crisis
Today the crisis means no money. Businesses are illiquid and this makes it difficult to stay afloat. For me, now that I think of it, the word crisis means that I have an opportunity to be more efficient in my expenses and offer new and better services to my clients. It is the opportunity, at a time when conditions change, see in more detail what traditionally observe carefully – Here is an opportunity we must observe! Many people can not see the opportunities that are in difficult times.
For many others, a change in the expected course of events can mean the end. For others, instead, a crisis means learning opportunity. The truth is that many of the cases, after some time, most people find the way forward even in the face of fairly complex situations. I’m not saying that, for example, a major loss for a moment of joy, that lack of money is a cause for celebration or that the world economic situation a cause for celebration.
What I am saying is that crises are a call to the reality that invites us to observe, to re-edit, reinvent. One can assume difficulty as a tragedy or as a teachable moment. Calling it a crisis is itself a choice, we can interpret the difficult times as a steadfast barrier or simply as a stop that gets in the way helping to slow down for a moment to look closely.
By dflrally ( February 14, 2014 at 11:11 am) · Filed under Uncategorized, general
a How the learning occurs when learning is achieved by an appropriate response is displayed after submitting a specific environmental stimulus. Cona learning associated changes in observable behavior occurs when information is received, organized, stored and located in the memory significantly. It focuses on the mental activities that lead to an answer and recognize mental planning processes, development of organizational goals and strategies. The mind filters what comes of the world to produce its own unique reality. Individuals do not transfer the knowledge of the external world into his memory, but rather build personal interpretations of the world based on individual experiences and interactions. Factoresa a influyena learning that the trainee and environmental conditions.
The dominant factor is the ordering the stimulus and its consequences within the environment. “It emphasizes the role of environmental conditions, the active participation of the learner and corrective feedback. “The thoughts, attitudes, values and beliefs influence the learning process. a Both the learner and environmental factors are essential for specific interaction and constructivism. a memory function is not taken into account memory has a dominant role in the learning process. The learner develops and interprets information in permanent form, a concept will continue to evolve with each new use, as new situations, negotiations and activities are reformulated. The memory will always be “under construction a Results a Transfer generalization. The situations which have similar characteristics allow the transfer of behavior is a function of what the information is stored in memory.
When a learner understands how to apply knowledge in different contexts, transfer has occurred then download can be provided by wrapping the person in authentic tasks in meaningful contexts anchored Epistemology: The nature of the relationship between the learner and the learning object. Objectivist and dualist. Objectivist and rationalist. subjectivism a Ontology: Nature of Realistic reality: The reality existea outside the learner. Knowledge is a faithful copy of reality. The reality is determined. Realistic: The real world is external to the individual. The goal of instruction is to represent the structure of the world within the learner.
Relativistic: Reality exists in the multiple mental constructions that the subject does. Methodology: How the apprentice goes to meet the learning object. Experimental and manipulative. Observable behavior. Stimulus a “Stimulus-response organization and response. The goal of mediation is to represent the structure of the world within the learner. The subject is in constant interaction with the learning object, which interpretation, hermeneutics, and dialectical. a The learner is encouraged to construct their own understanding and then validate, through social negotiations, these new perspectives.
By dflrally ( February 12, 2014 at 6:26 am) · Filed under Uncategorized, theory
The basic income is not a measure social but economic. ource. It covers the minimum expenses of individuals. He is valued with regard to the threshold of poverty, to be applied in a currency zone. In the zone euro would amount to 421 euros per month. It is for all people. It is not in exchange for doing jobs or compulsory courses.
It is personal, not family. It is proposed as a right, not as a social assistance. Being a measured economic form part of the structure of economic development, therefore to be understood as a restructuring of capitalism, which happens within the evolution of the same and the basic income comes to be a measure of the economy adapt to new changes of reality, such as technological progress and globalization. Currently work function has ceased to be a means to meet the needs of a society and it has become a priority purpose of the economic policies of the developed countries, creating a series of needs for the achievement of that purpose, maintain and create employment. A. turn many measures necessary to achieve sustainable development and from the environmental point of view are braking before the need not to increase unemployment. Employment has ceased to be an absolute reality of the economy and becomes a relative function, for which it is necessary to reorder the economic criteria from the science of economics.
This adaptation process is who studies alternative theory. A situation where job creation is an end that justifies the means, makes that continue in this line can bring into play the democratic model of society in which we live face to sustainable development and the circumstance of globalization in which we are immersed. They are not the media that develop various economic policies for this purpose, what we put in question, from our alternative theory, but the same end, employment.
By dflrally ( February 7, 2014 at 10:41 pm) · Filed under Uncategorized, today
Indeed, the mere fact of wanting to replace the inoperative, but not obsolete process of Barcelona by the spirit of Paris, caused misgivings both in Brussels and in some Mediterranean capitals. The original proposal from Sarkozy, who sought to set aside non-Mediterranean Union new EU countries, drew the ire of Chancellor Angela Merkel German, who was on the verge of veto the French initiative, recalling that Germany was committed to fund with the Euro-Mediterranean partnership project. Finally, Sarkozy was forced to accept the presence of the 27 in the structure of the Union. To dispel any doubts about fatherhood and the legality of the process, the Commission of the European Union agreed to employ the euphemism Barcelona process Mediterranean Union. Thus, Spain retained its initial prominence, while France is He pointed out the goal of the initiative. The priority objectives of the new Mediterranean Union have little to do with the comprehensive agenda adopted in 1995 in Barcelona. French diplomacy focused on cooperation in security, the de-pollution of the Mediterranean, monitoring of maritime traffic, cooperation in the energy sector (Paris proposes a barter: oil and Saharan natural gas in exchange for French nuclear power stations), the creation of an Erasmus programme for students from Mediterranean countries, as well as the establishment of a Euro-Mediterranean scientific community.
While Sarkozy’s initiative has, at least apparently, the blessing of the Bush administration, politicians in Ankara not concealing his discomfort to a project that would slow down the integration of Turkey into the European Union. Sarkozy, one of main opponents of accession by Ankara to the so-called Christian club of Brussels, insinuates that Turkey It could (or should) become the leader of the Group of so-called non-EU countries to take advantage of the new Association. A totally unacceptable proposal for Turkish politicians bent on achieving the status of full member of the Union for his country. The Sarkozy project is equally likely to become a big hit that in a dismal failure of French diplomacy.
By dflrally ( February 6, 2014 at 3:11 am) · Filed under Uncategorized, art and science
THE REGIONAL DIVERSITY OF ETNIAS IN THE PARAN AND PREFERENCES The Paran is one of the states that had more received cultures, different customs, traditions. Between the 1853 and 1886 State it received about 20 a thousand immigrants. Each one of the peoples who had colonized the Paran had formed colonies in the regions of the State. More still it is necessary to stand out that the aboriginals had also left its mark in history. Peculiarities of our culture had been implanted by the aboriginal customs.
Blacks, Europeans and as much other etnias had made this rich culture that today is lived deeply by the paranaenses. ABORIGINALS: The indians had contributed with habit to consume cassava, maize, honey, grass kills, roots, larvae and the seed of the tree symbol of the state; the araucria, seed this that and the nut that was source of feeding of you vary tribes. The name of the capital one shows the importance of the nut, of tupy ‘ ‘ Cury’ ‘ , that it means pinha, and teba that wants to say place. The indians of the Paran belonged the two of these cultural areas: of the tropical forest, that predominated the coast, and the northwest and west, tupi-guarani and the delinquent with the js. The first indians to have contact with the Portuguese in the golden scarp of a the northwest of the state, the Xets indians, remanecentes of this great aboriginal family who populated the state. BLACKS: In accordance with the general census of 1772, made for the captainship of So Paulo, the composed paranaense population for 7.627 inhabitants of which 28.8% were enslaved. The slavery in the Paran in 1854 this population was of 42,9%. culinria afro, very on to orixs and plates that mesclam the culture, religion and gastronomia, beyond many done prescriptions on the basis of the leftovers of meats and vsceras of animals that came of the houses you of the masters.
By dflrally ( February 4, 2014 at 1:35 am) · Filed under Uncategorized
Vargas LLosa the brave can walk with eyes closed-proverb Swedish Latin America once more makes an appearance in literature and conquers a new Nobel Prize, that as reminds us: six with the Peruvian Spanish are Latin Americans who have reached this lauro: Gabriela Mistral (1945), Miguel angel Asturias (1967), Pablo Neruda (1971) Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1982)Octavio Paz (1990) and, now, 2010 Mario Vargas Llosa. On December 10, Vargas Llosa will attend the ceremony of the Nobel Prize in Stockholm, which in addition to the recognition of his vast career Mario Vargas Llosa will receive $ 1.5 million, it is possible to trace their contributions and quality easily in his first books was a writer from left, close to the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro friend; However, as a result of the sonadisimo case Padilla gave a 180 degree turn and became the couple’s right writers alongside Jorge Luis Borges most important of Latin America; However, the work of creation from the born in the aristocratic neighborhood of Miraflores has remained unharmed to their ideological vagaries. As they say in the reasons for awarding him the prize, his cartography of power is the most prominent literary Quicksilver’s current prose in our great country. Vargas Llosa starts strong and very young his foray into the letters of the Hispanic world; win the Biblioteca Breve Prize awarded by the publishing house Seix Barral, this with the novel the city and the dogs, at 26 years there in 1962. Little is not your work, and not homogeneous, has written Theatre (chunga), story (on Sunday), essay (the perpetual orgy), to mention only a few examples; but the genre that has allowed him to reach the horizon of transcendence has been the novel, some of them capital to understand our context, for refocilar us with his splendid prose, I say some indispensable: the city and the dogs, conversation in the Cathedral, the war of the end of the world, the feast of the goat, history of Mayta. .